Chapter Two

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'May I come in?'

A small rustle is heard in the room before an older woman responds with a raspy, "Come in." I click open the hospital door, pushing it open with my hip as I quickly shuffle in, noting the presence of the mother and her child. I close the door behind me as I make my way over to where the doctor's stool stood. Silently, I sat down and gathered all my items onto the counter that sat behind me. Finally, taking one last glance around the before settling my gaze on the mother-daughter pair. Locking my eyes with the mother, she nodded curtly before speaking up.

"This blasted weather never seems to cooperate." she sighed, glancing out at the window, the weather had turned from grey and humid to a heavy shower in the span of a couple minutes. The woman's appearance appeared disheveled, clearly she had not been getting enough sleep the past few days. Her hair was tied in a messy, brown, bun and her glasses rested loosely on the bridge of her nose. She was wrapped in a warm turtle neck and had a shawl drape over her shoulders.

The woman, however, was hardly as disheveled as the petite girl was. The girl was huddled in her arms, tightly bringing her knees to her chest as she sat on the bed. Her eyes appeared bloodshot and her complexion was pale; the poor child was a frail thing, shaking under the soft fabric of her fluffy clothes. She was wearing a puffy pastel yellow jacket over her loose overalls. She still had a bed head, likely from waking up early. She seemed to be trying to hide away from my prying eyes because when I glanced over to her, she always seemed to sink a bit further into the confines of her clothes.

"The weather doesn't go by our rules I'm afraid, seems to have a mind of its own." I chuckled, trying to lighten the atmosphere in the small doctor's office. It was well received by the mother, as she gave a snort to my response. The child, however, still seemed to try and slink away from any and all attention. Speaking up again, I heartily said, "So, while I've heard from your mother, I haven't heard from you yet. Winnie, right?"

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as I awaited her response, she seemed to mull over what she was going to say. "Yes," she said, pausing before continuing, "that's me." She lowered her voice into a hushed whisper, mumbling something I could't quite hear.

"Sorry Darling, I couldn't catch that." I smiled at her, trying to be as nice as possible. She seemed to loosen up a little bit this time as I spoke. "I said, 'It's nice to meet ya.'" she responded, still mumbled, but loud enough for me to hear her this time. I beamed at her and a small smile seemed to cross her face as well.

"So, we are here to look at making you a fake eye." I spoke to her, making sure to speak kindly and calmly. I didn't want to scare the poor girl, the fact that she lost her eye seemed to terrify her enough. Looking over to her mother, I ask, "So you have waited until the eye is no longer tender and sore correct? It's healed?"

The mother clears her throat and looks at me, "Yes, it should be all better now, she hasn't complained about any pain or discomfort for the past few days." She looked awkwardly at her daughter, making it clear that her daughter's 'eye' is a sensitive subject. "Is your mom correct, little lady?" I peer over at the tiny brunette. She nods quickly before shoving her knees further against her chest.

"Alright. While I trust you and your mother, I want to make sure, so I'm gonna do a tiny little check-up on your boo-boo, okay?"

Leaning over, I grab some latex-free gloves and gently place my hands in front of the girl so she can check on my hands. "No funny business, see?" I said, she reluctantly uncurls from her ball and sits forward on the bed. Gently, I move my hands towards her eye socket, prodding a bit at the eyelid. Then, I take a small que tip and gently dab at the skin where the eye should have been. "Does it feel tender at all?" I question, she responds with a soft, "No." and thus the process repeats. I prod around a little longer, repeating the questions multiple times; if anywhere was infected or not completely healed, they would have to reschedule another appointment. Unfortunately, you cannot take a mold of someone's eye if it still hurts.

I Want To Make You (Eyeless Jack X Prosthetist!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora