End Game Part 32

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Fred's POV

Electra went silent
She couldn't tell me where she was
My locket felt cold, it's never felt cold

  "Electra!!" I yelled into my head trying to get in touch with her

We got raided the same time she was attacked
Was it on purpose?
No there's no way

  "George!!" I yelled from the dining room in the loft
He was down in the store reapplying protection spells that were torn down from the snatchers

"Whats wrong??" He came running up with Lee

"Electra is in trouble she told me" I started pacing "but she wasn't able to tell me where she is"

George came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder
"Let's go find her" Lee nodded his head

We both apparated to a few different forests that we knew
We went to Luna's dad house
We went to the burrow
We went to her dad's house
No sign of them anywhere


"Do you think she's at Bill's?" George suggested

"Doesn't hurt to check" Lee said

We apparated to Bill and Fleur's cottage, another safe house the Order used

We arrived and Bill met us out front

"Fred George Lee?" He questioned "What—"

"There's no time to answer the questions is Electra here? Harry? Ron? Hermione? Any of them??" I asked panicked

He looked confused
"No what's wrong??"

I explained what Electra told me and what happened with us too
Bill told me that he hasn't heard from anyone in a while and no one has shown up

But just as he started to lead us to the cottage, we heard a crack of apparation and screaming

"Electra!!" I heard Harry yell
I didn't bother looking to see if anyone followed me
I ran as fast as I could to where I saw a small group of people sitting around the shoreline

"Dobby...?" Harry said again

When I reached them I desperately looked around for Electra but I didn't see her
"Where is she??" I demanded

I saw the house elf that Electra would talk about with a dagger in his stomach, he died in Harry's arms
I saw Hermione unconscious in Ron's arms
Dean and Luna were huddled near Ollivander the wand maker and a goblin
But no Electra

I walked up to Ron
"Where is she" I said viciously
He closed his eyes and pulled Hermione into his chest
I saw tears fall from his eyes

"She isn't here because Fenrir Greyback had her too far away from our group when we apparated here" The goblin explained "only elf magic can go into the manor and out, Dobby sacrificed his life to get us out, and Electra knew she wouldn't have made it to our group so she yelled at us to go"

I felt burning rage like I've never felt before rush through my blood
"You abandoned her?!" I yelled
George Lee and Bill ran up beside me and saw the group of them sitting in the sand

"I didn't want to" Harry said closing the elf's eyes "I yelled for her to come with us but Dobby apparated us before i could do anything...I think his plan was to go back for her"

"Explain what happened" Bill said to the group
Harry told us how he let you know who's name slip and snatchers came for them
They captured Electra and Ron first, then when they figured out who they had in the group they brought them all to Malfoy Manor

Bellatrix used the crucio curse on Hermione to pull information out of her, she did the same to Electra first but neither of them told anything to her
I felt my whole body pulse with anger
My hands were violently shaking at my side

"Ron and I jumped into the fight after we escaped the cellar but Bellatrix threatened to kill Hermione so we all backed off, Dobby saved us by distracting her while Electra and Ron secured Hermione who was unconscious"
Fleur had come by at some point and helped Ron bring Hermione in along with the rest of the group minus Harry who was explaining everything

"We all huddled together in a group, Electra ran for the wands and tossed them our way. She went to come to us but Fenrir grabbed her before she could make it, she knew we wouldn't leave without her...she told Dobby to leave and he did. I never would have left her there Fred, neither would Ron or Hermione it wasn't my choice" Harry put his hands on his knees "I don't know how to get back there to help her we can't apparated there"

I didn't know what to say
I had no words
Electra is back at the manor where she is in danger, again
She sacrificed herself for her friends
I can't leave her there

"How close can we get to the manor" I asked Bill who was in more meetings in the order than I was recently

"We can't even get within 5000 feet they have everything blocked off unless you are a death eater"

"So I get as close as I can and then I walk in there and kill every last one of them until she's safe"

"That would never work and you know it" Bill said "we will rescue her" he put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed "I promise"

"I can't wait around while she's in danger anymore!" I yelled at him "I'm so fucking sick of standing around while she risks everything!"

"I've got it!!" Harry got up yelling "Kreacher"

He summoned the house elf that lived in Sirius's house

"Master Harry" he bowed

"Electra is in trouble I need you to get to the Malfoy Manor and bring her back here"

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