End Game Part 50

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A cry from outside shook the entire floor we were on
A cry from a dragon...
Sorina must have fallen...along with our unborn niece

Fred pulled me along side him still, he was looking for someone I could tell

  "Fred where are we going?" I asked running with him now
Get control of your mind
Don't let him take over

  "Electra I need to know that George is ok" he said panicked

I understood his need
He watched his older brother die right in front of him, even through the fake calm he put out for me I knew he was hurting and was worried for the rest of his family
Especially his twin brother

I knew it was my time to be strong for him
I loved George too, just like the rest of the family but it would devastate Fred to lose his twin, the only person he came into this world with

I sent stunning spells at death eaters who circled us and so did Fred
But Fred also sent out killing curses, his rage was stronger than mine
He felt rage while I felt anguish

We made it to the 4th floor where we saw George and Lee fighting off Fenrir Greyback
  "Want to look like your brother?" He mocked Bill who was standing beside them

  "I already look like one I don't fancy doing that twice" George joked "give back Electra's bracelet"

My bracelet
It was on his wrist

I looked at Fred and he noticed the same thing
Every spell that they threw him was sent back to them, making them work harder because they had to dodge everything

  "Fred we need to find a way to physically wound him not with spells" I said as a spell went flying for us from Fenrir who noticed us behind him

  "I see you brought that beautiful creature with you, not a smart move. I took her twice you think I can't get her a third time??" Fenrir mocked Fred

I felt heat pouring off of Fred who stared at him with all the rage he was holding onto
  "You won't even get near her" Fred threatened

Fenrir smirked and then started walking our way
"I saw what you did to Barty. Your scent was all over him" he sniffed the air "yes definitely your scent. Barty was weak compared to me, maybe when I capture her again she can be my prisoner this time"

Bill and George threw spells at him trying to get his attention back but he focused in on us
Me actually
He wanted to bring me in
His eyes locked with my own and I could feel the intensity he was giving

Fenrir took his eyes from mine and then looked me up and down
"Veelas taste the best out of all creatures and wizards. I can't wait to taste you"

I stood beside Fred until he moved me behind his body and out of Fenrir's view

"You can hide her body but I still get off on that delectable scent" Fenrir smirked sniffing the air

Fred levitated a Boulder close by us and threw it at Fenrir who used his wand to hold it in the air as well

  "What's stronger?" He said "your want to protect her or my physical strength"

Fred didn't say anything he just kept his focus on the boulder
He was buying us time to get the bracelet I knew it without him telling me

I looked at George Lee and Bill who were now in front of me, guarding me from the werewolf

  "We need to get my bracelet or else we risk not beating him" I said

  "I'll get it" George said

  "No I will" I demanded
I'm not losing another family member today

George turned around to argue with me and so did Bill
Neither of them thought it was smart for me to risk it

  "He wants you to get close don't be stupid" George snarled "you would be walking into a trap"

Bill nodded his head
  "Let us take care of it, I have some revenge I need to get for my face" he snarled

I looked around our group
  "Where's Lee??"

George whipped his head around and watched as Lee was running from our group and towards Fenrir to grab my bracelet

  "Lee!!" George yelled running after him
Bill looked at me and then at George
He was at a cross road on who to help

"Bill" Fred said holding his concentration
Bill looked at me one final time and then ran after George
I went to run after them too but Fred yelled my name

I looked at him and he was still fighting to hold the boulder in the air to distract Fenrir
I knew if I made a move towards Fenrir it would distract Fred and then hurt our family
So I walked back to Fred and went behind his back

When I looked at Fred his face was filled with worry
His best friend was almost to the werewolf Fred had to concentrate on keeping him occupied to protect him

George and Bill were close but Lee was already at Fenrir's side
His choice was either to attack Lee and then Fred would ram into him with the boulder or let Lee get the bracelet and risk spells being able to get thrown at him again

Either way we were going to win, it was 4 against 1

But Fenrir did what we didn't expect
We expected him to go after Lee with the bracelet before he could grab it
But he smiled when Lee got a hold of his arm and he let Lee get the bracelet off
Lee threw it to George but because he took his eyes off Fenrir for a split second, Lee ended up with his fangs around his mouth

I screamed as I watch Lee's throat get torn into
Blood spilled all over the ground as Fenrir viciously ripped into Lee
George screamed bloody murder watching his love get killed right in front of him
He ran for Fenrir throwing the bracelet at Bill who threw it to me
Bill ran for George and Fred threw the boulder that he could no longer use with everyone being so close

All three brothers ran for Fenrir who was murdering Lee right before us
Leaving me exposed

Spells came flying my way from werewolves who were with Fenrir but the bracelet did it's job deflecting them
Which they noticed and changed their tactics

One caught me from behind and held his claws at my throat
"Move and you die" he threatened

"You can't kill me he wants me alive" I said knowingly

I felt him smirking
"He wants you alive fine but barely alive is still an option" he clawed three lines across my neck, blood began falling onto my once white long sleeve shirt
I felt myself begin to panic
I couldn't use my voice because of how badly my anxiety was acting up again
I couldn't call to Fred who was battling Fenrir with Bill while George applied pressure to Lee's neck begging him to stay with him

"Your friends are busy" the werewolf who had me said "you have no choice" he sank his claws into my stomach, exposing more red blood

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