End Game Part 62

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I looked at Fred and he was looking at George too
I knew his heart broke for his twin
I was able to stand here with the love of my life and he lost his

  "Let's go see him" I said and he nodded

We walked away from the excited crowd, and entered the room filled with mourning souls

Anyone who wasn't celebrating was here
Mourning sons and daughters they lost
Mother and fathers
Sisters and brothers

In the back side of the room George was kneeling beside Lee's body
I slowly walked up and kneeled beside him, Fred did too

  "I'm so sorry" I said knowing words would never be enough for the loss he was suffering

Fred pulled his twin in for a hug and I hugged his other side
We sat silently together, comforting one another for the loss of Lee Jordan

"He was my best friend" Fred said breaking the silence "I will miss him"

George nodded his head letting tears fall down onto Lee's body

"He was always looking out for me" I said

"He was an incredible man" George said sobbing

Hours went by and bodies had been moved to a safe location while we waited for the group funeral to begin
We planned a celebration of life for Lee Sorina and Charlie afterwards with our family, news was sent by letter to Sorina's, she only had a brother still alive

It's unfair how many lost their lives for peace, but it has been achieved
All sides can live together again, pure bloods and muggles alike
The school will be rebuilt during the summer and is offered to whoever feels safe enough to return
I decided to leave school early and take the year to heal
I am planning on still going on to be a professional Quidditch player, but my mental state is ruined
I lost Charlie, someone I never expect to fall
He was my strength and I will never get to see him again
I lost my dad, my mum, we lost Lee, so many lives I will never see again

The funeral began, no one slept the night
We all worked together to plan and transform the quidditch area into a funeral sight

The sun was shining bright down onto the field that was filled with caskets and Professors who took charge of the ceremony

Draco sat beside me during the funeral and let me cry on his shoulder when they began
Fred held my hand and gave me comfort as well, Harry sat in front of me with Ginny. Hermione and Ron said beside them, the Weasley's were all surrounding me

  "I'm so sorry" Draco said when I moved my head from his shoulder to Fred's chest when Charlie was announced
I squeezed his hand and Fred's tightly and cried
I was able to fully mourn the loss of my best friend now

"You'll always be my favorite" said Charlie's voice in my head

Two dragons who were rider-less soared roaring in pain while Sorina and Charlie were talked about
I watched them through my tears fly around the arena and then go off into the clouds
Goodbye Charlie, I'll love you always

Professor McGonagall did a beautiful job respecting each person who lost their lives, and she ended the funeral by telling us how she would take place as Headmistress of the school and it was welcome to those who wished to return

I didn't rise when everyone else did to leave, I stayed behind
Fred didn't move either, no one who surrounded me moved

"Electra" Fred said after we all sat silently for almost an hour, we watched the caskets get moved and buried behind the school
"Let's go home"

I nodded and then looked at Draco
"I'll be seeing you again won't I?" I asked concerned that I would lose him now that we weren't in school

He looked into my eyes
"Of course blue" he said pointing out my eyes color "I know how much you are hurting, I will be lettering to you as much as I can and see you when your house is built"

"I'll miss you" I said getting up finally and hugging him

"I'll miss you too, but it's for now not forever"

I nodded and then hugged Narcissa
Lucius stayed with Draco, I didn't need to see him I wasn't close with him. I'm glad he followed his family though

"My door is always open to you" she said holding me close "and your little one" she said

I pulled back
"My what?" I said shocked

She smiled
"I can tell these things...seems like you are a couple months along" she whispered to me "I expect to see you and your family when that happens"

She kissed my cheek and then left with Draco and Lucius

I looked at where they left and then to my stomach
Fred and I had sex while I was at the sea cottage...I didn't take a tonic but I thought we would have been fine
I'm having a baby
I'm having Fred's baby

I looked at Fred who came up to my side
"What did she tell you? You looked surprised"

I turned into his chest and pulled him close to me
"She told me I am pregnant"

I heard Fred's heart pound inside his chest
"...pregnant? You were fighting in this war pregnant?!" He said out loud causing the rest of who was surrounding us to look our way

I nodded my head
"I didn't know, but we're going to have a baby..."

He picked me up and kissed my lips
"We're going to have a baby!"

All the Weasley's Hermione and Harry congratulated us

"I get to be an aunt!" Ginny said excited

"Me too!!" Hermione said holding my hand

"I'm going to start making clothing for our newest member right now...how long are you?" Mrs.Weasley said putting her hand on my stomach

"Narcissa said 2 months"

She smiled
"This is what the family needed"

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