End Game Part 54

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  "You saved me" he said looking lovingly into my eyes

I wiped away the tears that were falling from my eyes
  "I did"

  "Pay back for all the times he saved your ass" George said laugh crying "I thought you were gone..."

George hugged his brother tightly and then so did the rest of the Weasleys

  "Well Miss.Black you did it, you performed that miracle" Madame Pomfrey said inspecting his body with her wand "but because of the damage from the blast it seems like his right lung isn't of use anymore. Be careful with physical activity from now on, excessive cardio will be damaging to your already damaged organs" she warned

  "Guess I won't be able to run with you anymore" Fred said with such sadness

I looked at him seriously 
  "You are alive that's all that matters. I thought you weren't coming back...I wasn't going to live in a world that you didn't exist in"

He took his hand from mine and placed it on my face
"Don't say that. There might be a day that you can't save me, and if I go I want you to live a full life"

"About that..." I said looking at his chest, the spot where the soul went

"What?" He said confused

"The condition that power gave me in saving your life was that ours would be intertwined and if you die I die, if I die you die..."

I stared at him expecting him to be mad but he laughed instead
"Well that's not what I would have wanted, I would have wanted you to continue on without me but if i go or if you go at least it'll be together. We were always meant to be together"


I held onto Fred's hand the entire time Madame Pomfrey worked on him, afraid that if I let go this wouldn't be real
If this is a dream I don't want to be awakened

   "Electra can I speak to you" Harry asked coming up to the bed, he and Hermione left when they found out he was better. They wanted to give the family and me space with Fred

I nodded my head and kissed Fred's lips
  "I won't be long"

He looked apprehensive about letting me leave but his family stayed by his side, mourning the loss of Charlie, Sorina, the news that she was carrying and Lee who was a big part of their lives

I followed Harry to the outer edge of the Great Hall
  "You gave him your powers?" He asked curiously

I nodded
  "I don't know how...it just spoke to me and told me I could save him. I told it I didn't care about the cost to just save him"

  "I don't think you were a Horcrux then...I've never had my powers speak to like that...Electra you know what I have to do"

I began crying again
  "Yeah" I pushed tears away from my face "I don't want you to though...I don't want to lose you too"

  "If it's to save everyone then I don't mind, I don't want anyone else dying for me. But we need to kill Nagini first...I hate to pull you away from Fred after what just happened but I need you to help Hermione Ron and I with this...it's going to be the hardest one we've had to destroy I know it"

I looked at Fred who was surrounded by his family, they were crying from losing so many of their loved ones
George was without his partner
The Weasley's lost a brother and sister in law
We almost lost Fred

I breathed in deeply
  "He's never going to let me go without him"

"Please Electra, after this I can do what I need to do and end it all"

I felt a tug at my heart when he said end it all, knowing that he meant for Voldemort to kill him

"Let me talk to Fred then I'll go"

I walked back over to Fred's bed and sat down beside him
"How're you feeling?" I asked holding his hand

"Better now that you're here"

I smiled
"Do you feel any pain?"

"A little in my chest but Madame Pomfrey said I would...she also said that I could have days where I'm feeling extremely weaken and times when I might pass out from my only good lung working too hard. I'm sorry I'm going to be a burden from now—"

I kissed him deeply
"Shhh. You aren't a burden, not now not ever. You saved my life, you've taken care of me plenty of times let me take care of you from time to time"

"It shouldn't be like this though...I want to be your strength how can I if I pass out from walking?"

"You will always be my source of strength physically and mentally. We will take things easy until we know what to look for before you pass out. Fred I want to be with you forever, this changes nothing"

He sighed deeply
"I don't deserve you"

"I'm the one who doesn't deserve you...."

He pulled my face in and kissed me lovingly
"I'm not sure how much I can do from here on during this war. Madame Pomfrey said I could pass out at any moment, my body hasn't recovered all the way yet. Don't leave please, stay where I am. I can't run after you right now"

"About that...there is something I have to do with Harry"

He glared at Harry who was standing with Hermione and Ron now

"Fred I love you but it's not up for discussion I have to do it"

"Electra I can't go with you...you promised me you would stay by my side"

"I know...I won't be long"

"No you're not goin—" he went to sit up but then he passed out onto his bed
I checked for his pulse and heart beat, both were still there
Well I suppose I would have known if he did die...I wouldn't be alive either

I kissed his forehead and then played in his hair gently
I looked at where the Weasley family was standing and walked to them

"I need to go do something, if Fred wakes up tell him I'm sorry" I said to Bill who was the only one not talking to his family

"Where are you going??" He asked

"To end this"

Lightning *Fred Weasley Love Part 2*Where stories live. Discover now