End Game Part 53

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There laying in the spot I was pulled from was Fred
It was his body that laid over mine
It was his body that protected me from the blown up wall
It was his body

I started scream crying again
  "No please not you" I screamed "not you!!"

I ran for the pile he was under and felt a body beside mine helping me to dig him out
He was panicking as well

We were able to pull Fred's body from under the fallen wall and George began pulling out potions to try to save his life

  "I couldn't use these on Lee...his wounds were too deep there was nothing I could do to save him, I won't let my twin die too" George said to me

I put my hand in Fred's bloodied hair
  "Please don't leave me too...I can't lose you"

My mother
My father
I can't lose Fred

I put my free hand on my shattering heart
I could feel not just my heart breaking but my soul was being crushed
The locket protected him from spells but not physical damage...

  "Freddie...you promised you wouldn't die. You promised you wouldn't leave me"

Through the hole in the wall spiders began crawling into the castle
Harry Ron and Hermione threw spells at them to keep them at bay while George and I tended to Fred's broken body

  "We need actual healers" George said panicking "someone help me get Fred to Madame Pomfrey please!!" He begged

I grabbed hold of one of Fred's sides but I fell down under his weight
Fred protected me from the damaged of the wall but because my stomach was still bleeding I didn't have the strength to hold him up

Ron came over and took my place
Percy ran behind us with Harry throwing spells at the on slaughter of spiders and werewolves racing for us again

  "George" I said panicking
I was running beside George who was running on adrenaline to get his brother help

  "I'm not letting him die Electra" he said to me

If I lose Fred...I will have no reason to live

I ran sobbing down the stairs and checking on Fred's pulse the entire time
Very weak but it's there
Just barely but I can feel him holding on
Please hold on

We were able to make it to the Great Hall where nurses were running around treating the wounded
We found Madame Pomfrey and begged her to heal Fred
  "He's dying please please" I grabbed her hands and begged "I cant...I can't..." I sobbed again

She ushered George and Ron to a bed and they laid Fred there

His face and hair was covered in blood and his chest was crushed
  "You can heal him right" I barely got out sitting beside him while she tended to his body

  "It's going to be...he might not make it. It will be a miracle if he does I'm sorry" she said mixing potions beside his bed

George was sobbing as hard as I was, along with the other Weasley's that now joined our group
Mrs.Weasley pulled me in for a side hug and I felt her tears fall down onto my head

None of us spoke
We were all praying to Merlin he would make it

  "I can't lose Fred...I can't" I said out loud

No one had any comforting words, we all just stood there watching Madame Pomfrey try to perform a miracle

I took my ring finger and placed it on my lips
Please don't leave me alone

After 20 minutes of mixing potions and bandages that were jinxed to heal quickly, Madame Pomfrey announced Fred was dead

My heart completely shattered
I felt my soul leave my body and shatter on top of Fred
My everything
My mate
My world
My universe
All of it was gone when he died

  "He's not dead he can't be!" George yelled

I felt his pulse
There was nothing there
I put my head on his chest

I kept my head on his chest and sobbed deeper than I have ever before
I screamed into his chest so loud that my throat began bleeding again and my voice became raw
  "Why!!!" I yelled "why does everyone I love die!!! I'm alone now..." I cried my eyes red and my face swollen
  "Without Fred I don't want to live I can't" I said as tears fell down onto my bloodied neck "I'm completely broken without him...I don't want to live in a world he's not in"

  "Electra don't say that" Hermione said from behind me crying "please don't"

  "Hermione he was my soul mate I can't live without him...I can't"

I felt for his locket and it was still there
  "Piece of shit can't protect him from physical damage too!!" I yelled "why did you do it Fred why..."

  "He loved you, more than words could describe" Bill said wiping his tears from his eyes "you were his reason for existing he died protecting his reason for living"

  "I can't do this without him..." I grabbed his jacket and pulled my face into his chest
I could feel the warmth from his body leaving
  "Please...someone bring him back to me...I'll do anything"

  "I can save him"

A voice filled my head that I hadn't heard from in a while
My powers that Voldemort gave me

  "Do it I don't care how it's done please please I beg you"

  "Even if it cost you this power you could obtain?" It demanded "I am willing to work with you and give you my powers fully, you could defeat the man who gave me to you with my powers"

  "I don't care even then. I am nothing without Fred, I can't live without him. Saving the world means nothing if he's not by my side"

  "Very well. I will exchange my powers to bring his soul back, but there is a cost. The next time one of you dies, so does the other. Your lives are now intertwined, just like your souls were when you were born"

I felt a rush of power leave my scar on my left arm
It burned my entire arm leaving but the pain there was nothing compared to the pain in my chest where my heart ruptured
It showed itself in a flash of color and then turned bright white

I felt dizzy when it left my body but I kept my eyes open to watch it float into Fred's body
A soul from Voldemort gave Fred his back
The soul was able to bring him back to me

I watched as his chest reformed from being crushed and his bleeding stopped
His face looked less broken and even his breathing went back to normal

I cried again watching a miracle be performed
I cried watching Fred open his eyes that I didn't think would ever happen again
His beautiful chocolate brown eyes looked into mine and I sobbed loudly again

  "My love" he said putting his hands around my face "I held on, I didn't want to leave you. I promised"

Lightning *Fred Weasley Love Part 2*Where stories live. Discover now