End Game Part 52

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George Fred and I stood guard outside of the room of requirements

  "Did Charlie suffer" George asked

  "He was hit with the same spell that took your ear...but Sorina was there with him until his last breath. He suffered physically but mentally he couldn't have been in a better place...Sorina was pregnant" I hated telling George and Fred this but I wanted them to know what I knew it wasn't fair that I was the only one who knew

  "What...if you had said something I would have dragged her with us" Fred said annoyed

  "She didn't want to. She chose where she wanted to die we wouldn't have been able to convince her otherwise"

  "You convinced me" George said

  "Your twin brother did, not your boyfriend's family. She wanted to die with him, they were having a girl. He told me he was happy that his three girls were with him while he was dying..."

George sank to the bottom of the floor
  "Who's next" he said

  "I hope no one" I said back

We heard crashing and loud bangs coming from the room but we held our ground
We knew that the three of them could handle whatever was coming out of the Horcruxes

I could be a Horcrux
Harry was one already...

  "Time for some fun"
I heard the voice of Voldemort say
My arm began burning with an intensity that was all to familiar
  "No I won't let you"

  "Your mind is weakened from seeing your loved ones die in front of you...you aren't strong enough to hold me out"

I felt my body start to tingle and my mind was becoming cloudy and dark
  "F-Fred" I got out as I put my hands over my ears and closed my eyes
The pain was unbearable, my whole body felt like it was suffering
I took my hands from my ears and clutched my dark mark
I don't hear you
You can't control me

Fred raced over to me and sat right in front of my eyes
  "Electra you are strong dont let him take over"

More crashes came from the room and I could feel heat pouring out from under the door

Focus on things that I can feel

I can feel Fred's hand running through my hair


I can feel George rubbing my back

  "Kill them"

I can feel Fred's kiss on my forehead

  "Kill them all"

I can't
I won't

My mind went from being cloudy to being open again
I felt my head throb still, he was trying to take control of my mind again

  "Electra you are strong" George said to me "don't let him in"

The room of requirements door flung open and out came Hermione and Ron on a broom, with Harry and Draco on another
Goyle was barely holding onto the third broom that came flying out

A large fire was blazing through the door but I watched as Ron kicked the diadem into the room, destroying it completely

Voldemort's soul tried coming for our group but the room closed the doors on it and it exploded behind us
Fred and George covered my body with theirs, taking all the damage that the explosion created

  "Are you guys ok?" I heard the voice of Percy call out

  "Percy you're ok" George said getting up from the ground and running to him
Percy pulled George into a hug and then Ron as well

Fred stayed by my side though
He knew that Voldemort wasn't done playing with my mind because my body was still tense and I couldn't answer anything he asked me

  "Electra" he said "my Love you can do this"

  "But you can't all your loved ones will die because you and Harry are too afraid to come to me"

  "We're not afraid"

  "So let the killing stop...actually let it begin"

I felt a pull on my mind and my head felt like it was going to explode
But this time I wasn't strong enough to keep him out

I looked at Fred who was saying something to me but my mind couldn't register it
I looked around the room and saw my friends and family trying to talk to me but all I did was raise my wand to them

I watched as they dodged my spells and tried stunning me back, which my bracelet deflected
I saw Fred jump in front of me saying something to the group but my wand kept throwing spells at them

I don't want to do this
Please don't make me kill them
I can't handle more death

I tried pushing him out but he kept a grip on my mind
I saw the minister of magic show up behind Percy and watched as they battled against each other
My wand faced Percy but Fred jumped in front of it and I hesitated


I was starting to get control of my mind again

  "Kill them NOW"

Fred pulled me into an embrace and then kissed my lips
  "Come back to me Love" he whispered

And I did
I was able to take control of my mind again and get Voldemort out of it

  "That's my girl" Fred said kissing me again "I knew you were strong"

He ran up to Percy's side and helped him battle the minister while Harry and the rest of the group gathered to talk about Harry's next move

  "Take this as my resignation" Percy said

  "Did you just make a joke?! I've never heard you—" Fred didn't get to finish his sentence

The wall beside me blew up
I felt a body jumped onto me and push me to the ground
The body covered me completely from the giant wall that came crashing down

The body felt familiar but under all the debris I couldn't tell who was on top of me
But the body was big and warm...

I heard voices yelling for my name and Fred's name too
Is he the one who saved me

I tried pushing the body who was on top of me off but almost the entire wall was on top of us

I felt some of the pieces get pulled off of us, exposing a small light that I then saw a hand come through

  "Grab hold" I heard Ron say

The person on top of me wasn't responding
Where they ok??
Oh Merlin please let whoever it is be ok

I grabbed his hand and let Ron pull me to the surface

  "Where's Fred?" I asked looking around

But then I looked at the spot where I was pulled from and then I heard screaming
Who was screaming

I was screaming

  "No!! No!!" I yelled going for the body that was now exposed "No no no please no....stay with me please"

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