End Game Part 33

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  "Master Harry needs Kreacher to rescue Mistress Electra" he said thinking out loud "of course Kreacher will"

He apparated away from our group, leaving us to wait around for his return

  "I should have gone with him" I said pacing back and forth

  "It's less suspicious if he's alone, he can hide easier than an almost 7 foot tall Red head" George said trying to make light of the situation
But there wasn't any light here
Not without Electra
Not without knowing she's alive and ok

I heard a crack behind us and when I wiped my head around the house elf was back but he didn't have her

  "What happened??" I demanded

  "Master Fred Mistress Electra..." he said looking down at the sand "Mistress Electra is in big trouble...Mistress Electra told Kreacher to leave because Barty Crouch appeared and Mistress Electra didn't want Kreacher to get caught"

I thought my blood boiled before
But my rage then was nothing compared to the blazing heat that poured out of my body
Barty Crouch is with her

  "Kreacher tell me is Electra ok?" Harry spoke words I couldn't
I couldn't get anything to leave my mouth
I was frozen in rage

  "Mistress Electra isn't ok, Mistress Electra is bleeding a lot and was on the ground when Kreacher arrived. Mistress Electra's clothing was shredded and she couldn't speak louder than a whisper...Kreacher is terrified for Mistress Electra"

Everyone looked from Kreacher to me
My heart rate was increasing by the millisecond
My jaw was clenched tight enough that it could snap at any moment
I found it difficult to hear anything else they were saying around me
Every muscle in my body tensed up

I bared my teeth to the house elf
  "Bring me to her now" I demanded

I'm not sure if anyone around me said anything but Kreacher took my hand and apparated with me to the manor

When we arrived I saw Barty with his hands all over Electra's exposed chest with his lips on hers
My anger turned into a lethal rage
I grabbed him off of her and threw him to the ground
I began punching his face again and again
I didn't want to stop
I want him dead
I had my wand I could end his life instantly
But I wanted him to suffer

I kept hitting him
He couldn't fight back
I wasn't a thin fragile girl
I was a strong male who had been working on his strength for this exact reason
Kill the man who has been harming my soulmate for years

I let his blood fall down my arm as I raised my fist again and again
Until I felt his pulse lower under the hand I kept on his neck
Until I felt his body go limp
Until I saw his face, bloodied and beaten in
The same way he left Electra

I punched him one final time before I got up from his body and turned to see Draco on the floor bleeding and unconscious
He must have tried to protect Electra

I turned the opposite way and saw my weakened frail mate on the ground gasping for air
  "Electra..." I put her head in my hands and felt for her pulse
It was there but it was weak
She was panicking I could see it in her eyes, white as a ghost

"I'm here Love, he wont harm you ever again"
I pulled her into my arms and held her tight against my body
Something in me clicked and I decided right then if anyone touched her in that moment friend or enemy they would die along with Barty
I had this overwhelming rage seeing her in this state

She's been hurt before but this...
I looked at her body covered in blood and beaten
Bruises were already showing on her thin body
Her exposed body
I don't even want to think about what he did to her
I wouldn't apparate with her if I let those thoughts enter my mind
I would be back to killing him again

I looked again at his limp body
I kissed Electra's head and then checked his pulse again
He's dead

I checked Draco's pulse and it was there, stronger than Electra's

I looked at Kreacher who was waiting next to Electra to disapparate us
I then looked at the door that was shut

I walked up to the door and opened it up and yelled for Narcissa but I used my wand to mask my voice as Draco
"Mother!!" I yelled

Electra spoke highly of her
She will come save Draco

I heard footsteps start to run our direction and that's when I went to Kreacher
I grabbed Electra in my arms and Kreacher touched my back
We apparated out just as we heard screaming coming from the hallway

Once we hit the sand I thanked Kreacher quickly and ran inside the cottage to find medical potions

"I need whatever bandages you have and potions now" I demanded once I slammed open the door
Fleur screamed in shock and Bill ran up us to access the damage
"There's so much blood, on both of you" he said looking at my hands and arms

"I'm fine we need to treat her"

Bill went to take her from me but I held her tight to my chest
"No I have her" I said trying to hold my anger in
He's my brother he's trying to help
He loves her too

Ron rushed over to the kitchen table and threw everything onto the ground
"Fred over here!!" He yelled

Fleur brought over all the medical potions she had
George and Lee risked apparating to the loft to retrieve more

"What happened?" Harry asked

"I have no time to explain just hand me a bowl of water a towel and Ron bandages!!"

I didn't let anyone but myself touch her
I was aware of the difference in the situations, Barty to here, but my blood was still boiling from the scene I walked into
I didn't want anyone else to even slightly graze her body
I was in protective mood and I couldn't get out of it
I shouldn't have let you leave the loft
I should have begged you to stay
I should have gone with you

Negative thoughts threatened to ruin me but I focused on healing her
I studied, for once
I am the only one capable of healing her broken body
This is why I trained that skill

I just wish I never needed to use it

Lightning *Fred Weasley Love Part 2*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora