End Game Part 44

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When we landed in Hogsmeade a loud alarm went off similar to one in Diagon alley
"It sounds like its screaming" Ron said covering his ears

"We need to hide" I said looking towards the three broomsticks and seeing at least a dozen death eaters come running out

"Someone set off the alarm!!" I heard one yell

Harry pulled the cloak out for us all to hide under, we looked around while under the cloak and found nowhere safe to hide

"The enchantments around the area will keep whoever it is from apparating out...we will catch them" a death eater said as we passed by him and two others

"Think it's Potter and Black?"
"I bet it is, they're going to try to get into the school"
"Dementors will find them"

I looked to Harry and felt my heart skip a beat
We can't use our Patronus' without them knowing it's us or giving away our location

We as a group ran for an alley way when we saw dementors coming our way
Harry and I were the strongest with the Patronus charm so it had to be us to send them away

We backed Hermione and Ron behind us into a wall and put our wands outside of the cloak
We both yelled out our Patronus' and a small fox and large stag ran together towards the onslaughts of dementors who came flying our way

"A stag and a fox it's them!!" I heard someone yell

"This way!!" Another said

"Potter Black in here now" a rough voice demanded
I looked at Harry and he nodded his head
We had no choice but to put our faith in this stranger's kindness

We as a group ran for the open door he held and when we got inside he ushered us to the room above the Hog's Head Inn
We stayed under the cloak while we ran to the room and then to the window to see what was going on outside

"I let my cat out after curfew are you going to send me to Azkaban?? Or call you know who over a damn cat??" The stranger demanded

"You know the rules...but never mind that we saw their Patronus'"

"You saw my cat" he barked back

"What about the stag??"

"My goat you mean?? What kind of people are becoming death eaters these days, can't even tell the difference between a goat and a stag! Now if you don't mind I'm going back to sleep"

The death eaters left the area and we all sighed with relief
I can't get caught now I have to prove to Fred I am useful

"I recognize him" Harry said taking off the cloak "Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother" he said as the man walked up the steps to our group "you were in the mirror when I asked for help in the dungeon cell"

"Yes, how is the elf I was hoping he would be with you" he said lighting candles around us

"He's dead" Harry said sadly

"Im sorry, I liked that him, how unfortunate really" he said back "I tried helping you with that mirror a few times"

"Did you send us the sword?" Ron asked

"No, that I didn't do. Why are you here?"

"We have a mission from Dumbledore and have to get into the school to complete it" Harry said
Ron and Hermione stayed by the window and I looked around the area we were in

"Is this your home?" I asked curiously seeing a photo of a girl "your sister?"

"Yes to both your questions, but you need to give up on this mission he sent you kids on" he said agitated "he's won there isn't a point in fighting against him it's over"

"It's not over" I said back "we are close to defeating him"

"Oh are you? He's powerful you have no chance give up and leave the country before it's too late for you lot"

"Dumbledore left us—" Harry started to say

"He was a fool and anyone he loved turned out worse off after he "helped". My brother was filled with secrets and lies, I wouldn't have taken on a suicide mission from him ever"

"Is that because of your sister?" Hermione asked pointing to the photo "I heard she was a squib is that true"

He chuckled
"No. She was young when her magic manifested and couldn't be controlled, one day she was out by a park and accidentally used magic in front of three muggle boys who damaged her beyond repair. Our father attacked the boys who hurt her but was sentenced to Azkaban for it in return, that's when Dumbledore started to believe wizards were better than muggles. He wanted to make a world that his sister didn't have to hide in, where her uncontrolled powers could be shown "we weren't the ones who should be hiding" he said once. When our mother died Dumbledore took on taking care of our sister, and the same time met Grindelwald who believed in the same philosophy as he did. I told my brother our sister wasn't well enough to be alone or to travel like he planned to do with Grindelwald, but when I confronted them Grindelwald became aggressive and so I took out my wand to threaten him back. Grindelwald used the torture curse on me, Ariana tried to intervene but was killed by one of us. We weren't sure who did it because the fight became heated and spells were thrown from all three of us, but she was dead. Grindelwald left right away, and my brother was free to do what he wanted with his life now that he had no burdens keeping him home"

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