chapter 10: a bad situation.

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Earlier that night:
"But father! I won't be out late I would just like to go for a quick walk and listen to some music"

Adrien pleaded as he walked behind his father down a narrow hall way.

"Absolutely not! There was a massive attack today, atleast thirty are dead, some missing and spiderman was beat half to death...I refuse to allow you to go anywhere alone!"

Adrien felt a spark burning inside him and finally broke.
"Why?! Why are you so over protective?! Why can't you trust me father?! I'm almost seventeen! I'm not gonna end up like mom, I'm gonna be have to trust me!"

Adrien's father stopped and turned the silence between them seemed deafening before it was ended with a loud slap.
"Go to your room...and do not come out until natalie comes for you in the morning."

Adrien held his cheek in shock, he turned and rushed through the house and into his room where plag soon flew out and looked at him.
"Adrien, your dad's never done that before...are you okay?!"

Adrien looked up and sighed, his face swelling with a red handprint.
"Yeah...plag...let's sneak out..."

Plays eyes widened and his jaw dropped before a devilish grin crossed his face.
"Yes! Finally a naughty streak!"

"Plag...claws out!"
In an instant adrien transformed into chat and the boy snuk out and enjoyed roaming the city for several hours when he noticed something from the corner of his eye.

It was marinette and peter, a red flash went off and where marinette stood now stood ladybug.

Chat landed on the roof top and spoke out in shock.."marinette?!"

Current time:
Marinette trembled and the beaten peter gently pulled her close as chat was pacing around them.
"Wait?! Marinette, you've been ladybug this whole time?!"

Marinette was flustered and embarrassed.
"Uh yeah...sorry chat..."

"So wait, you just got with Peter recently...why..oh..OH you were in love with adrien! Well good news ladybug!"

Marinette was about to speak when she froze as chat turned into adrien, peter caught on quickly and looked at him.
"You said good news as if she was going to leave me for you..."

Adrien smiles boyishly and looked at peter.
"You look terrible...what happened to you?"

"I beat up man.."
Peter said trying to lie as adrien pondered for a moment.

"No, no no your wounds match spiderman's ...atleast his noticable're spiderman?! You're an avenger?!"

Adrien asked in shock, marinette finally spoke and broke up their dick fighting contest before it started.
"Stop please...let me get this strait...when I poured my heart out to you, you said no because you wanted ladybug...and ladybug denied chat because she wanted adrien...?!"

Adrien nodded and shrugged.
"What a shock? Marinette this means we can both get what we want..."

For a moment she pondered it and peter noticed, his heart aches and he clenched his fists.

Marinette shook her head and sighed.
"Adrien...I'm with Peter now...iv moved on past you...I...l-love him.."

Adrien shook his head and growled in anger.
"No, refuse m'lady!"

He transformed back into chat and pointed to peter.
"You and me! Right now! Winner gets lady bug!"

Peter shook his head and sighed.
"I'm not gonna fight you, MARINETTE chose me...go home.."

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