chapter 4: The Truth.

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A few months had now passed, Peter had gotten his french damn near perfect. Him and Marinette had grown closer as friends, as did him and his new classmates. Akuma attacks had been causing more damage with spider-mans involvement with ladybug and Chat noir. Hawkmoths rage was now at peak levels. Spider-mans help had pushed him further and further away from his goal of achievement, chat noir has also grown quite jealous that Spider-Man has been spending time with ladybug.
Peter was sitting on Marinettes bed as she was at her computer humming as she happily knitted at something hidden from Peter's site, she looked back at him and gave a soft shy smile as Peter replied with the same giving off a cute boyish look with it sending a Rosey blush too her cheeks. Marinette hid what she was doing and  turned around slowly.
"So any plans?"

"Well not really...I was thinking of going to the winter formal coming up but...I have no date.."

"Yeah..alya wants me to go with her and Nino but I don't want to be a damper on things.."

"I understand..hey uh..can I ask you something? What...what happened between you and Adrien? You two always get awkward near each other"

Marinette looked away as her heart pounded in her chest, her eyes had a rim of tears only being held in by her bottom lids.
"Im sorry! I shouldn't have asked!.."

"N-no it's okay it's just.. I liked him so much..had a huge crush..planned to own a house and have three kids and a pet hamster.... but..I confessed how I felt to was outside his place we had spent all day together and.."

Peter got up and hugged Marinette into his chest as tears ran down her face, she felt his tone body underneath his loose fitting green shirt.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have asked...but would...w-would you like to"

Her eyes popped open wide as she looked up at him, he was now a scarlet red as his messy brown hair fell slightly infront of his eyes.
"You don't have too..i-it would be just as friends but.."

"I'd love to Peter..."
Now his eyes were open wide as he looked at her in shock, she hugged him back before releasing him causing him to smile before he perked up.
"Crap! I forgot! I gotta go meet Ned at the park! He had something super important to tell me!!"

Marinette giggled as Peter rushed out of the shop, she looked down as she felt a slight tug on her sleeve, tikki flew up and giggled.
"Marinette did you just get a date with Peter?"

Her eyes widened slightly as her face was now red once more.
"Oh my God I did!!! I have to get to work on a dress oh my what color should it be?! What color is he gonna wear?! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"

"Relax Marinette maybe you should wait for him to get home? Or maybe he has a tux already picked could go into the guest room and look.  Just put everything back"

Marinette pondered it for a moment before heading off into the small guest room. She was a bit taken back by the messy, yet somewhat organized tone of the room. She quietly checked in the closet, nothing there but shirts and some pants, she then decided to look in a trunk he had in the bottom of the closet, once again nothing there either but there was a strange note stuck to the bottom that read.
"A minor upgrade"
Signed Tony Stark.

"Guess Peter was telling the truth about the Stark internship...but since Tony is gone..nah..nevermind.."
She tucked the note away and sighed leaving Peter's room.

At the park Peter made sure he was alone before pulling out his phone and calling happy.
"What do you need kid?"

"Hey happy..uh about this whole mission thing.."

"Let me stop you there kid, Nick made it very clear. You need too find out what's causing these villains and stop it..any information yet or are you goofing off?"

"'s supposedly  a guy named Hawkmoth? And he does this thing with these butterflies..?"

"Butterflies? Look kid I gotta go, due too some scheduling errors some of your class mates gotta come back..that MJ chick had an allergic reaction so she's home now but you, Ned, flash and some new girl named Gwen are all gonna be staying there..the rest gotta come home.."
Happy hung up as Peter sighed and scratched his head, upon turning around he saw Ned smiling like a geek.

"Dude?! Spider-Man business here in France?! I just thought you were hanging out trying to woo that pretty hero girl ladybug."

"What? No way man..besides that cat guy is getting pretty...mean with me now what did you need too tell me about?"

"oh right! Dude! Norman Osborn is here in Paris! Something about a big expo and I figured you'd wanna go since you and Harry were friends once!"

"We were friends for a few years but he went into home schooling..I haven't seen him in years but yeah I'd like to go check it out..are you coming?"

"No, me and Nino are gonna go hang and play video games with Adrien you can take that blue haired girl you like"

"What?! Dude! I do not like Marinette! She's just..a friend...a pretty friend!"

"Ah young love Peter..young love..anyways I gotta run but your passes are right here."

Ned handed Peter two silver and gold badges with "oscorp" in big bold letters on the front, Ned soon vanished and Peter sighed sitting down on a bench, his foggy breath slowly fading as he looked up noticing snow starting to fall.
A tall dark haired man slowly walked down a long hall being escorted by a woman with black and red hair. The man, Norman Osborn sighed as he half his hands in his pocket.
"I appreciate the invitation but what is so important that Mr. Aggrest has to pull me away from my planning? My expo is in two hours and I must be ready.."

"It won't take but a moment, he may be wanting to help both share a...common enemy..."
(This is a work in progress chapter! Just posted this as an update. A new season of mlb was uploaded and some elements will be thrown in)

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