chapter 3:a new hero appears.

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So far the day had gone by smoothly minus some minor readings by Chloe and Flash. Peter had been sat behind Marinette next too Adrien and Nino, his friends and class mates were scattered a bit and MJ was on a different class rotation. Right before lunch time however; the hairs on the back of Peter's neck stood on end as a loud boom sounded through the halls causing the class too go into a panic. The class fled out into the Hall where a tall buff man was standing, he looked back at the class and roared, he was wearing a black and blue costume that had a broken heart on the chest, right beneath a dark chain with a purple ring on it.

"Is that an akuma thingy?!"
Peter asked before being drug down the hall by Nino.
"Come on dude, you can't like stay and watch we gotta evacuate and wait for Ladybug and Chat Noir too show up!"

Peter nodded and pulled away before looking around.
"Uh alright you go on ahead I'm gonna go back too Marinettes and take shelter!"

All though reluctant Nino nodded and ran off as Peter quickly fled from the school into a near by ally, he stripped down into his boxer shorts before sliding on his suit and mask. Once he was now Spider-Man he webbed his bag too a wall and quickly took too the roof tops. Once high above the screaming man he looked down only too see a skinny girl in a red and black pokadotted suit twirling a yo yo looking thing. Beside her was a blonde kid wearing a black feline like suit. Spidey watched for a moment as the man glared at the duo a purple mask appearing over his eyes.
"Heart breaker! Fetch me their miraculouses! Their ring and ear rings"

The heart breaker nodded and grinned as he screamed and sent an odd looking Ray of broken hearts at the duo which appon dodging they noticed seem too make things slump down and seem..broken or depressed. Ladybug quickly tried too get close too him but failed as she had too Dodge his attack again. Chat tried a pole attack from behind but the heart breaker was faster! Grabbing his pole he quickly spun it around and flung chat into ladybug sending them both crashing into a wall. Stunned and faxed the two struggled too get back up as the heart breaker grinned and lifted both his hands too roar at them but before he could his hands were webbed behind him and pulled back causing him too stumble and turn around only too be met with a crack too the jaw sending him spinning too the ground.
"Hey hey hey! It's not nice too hit people... especially with other people.."

The heart breaker glared and quickly flung his hands up trying too hit the new masked hero but missed as Spidey grabbed his hands and flipped the man down on his back quickly webbing him too the ground by his hands and feet. Seeing his chance chat noir rushed up and grabbed the necklace turning it too ash.

Ladybug watched as the small purple butterfly tried too flutter away but her yo yo quickly caught it and cured it as she smiled.
"Bye bye little butterfly"

She said smiling as she waved the now white butterfly away.
"Miraculous ladybug!!!"
As she said that and threw her yo yo in the air a swarm of ladybugs quickly swarmed the damages and repaired it as Spidey watched in awe. His lenses widened too show emotion.

The duo had then turned their attention on him, ladybug smiled as he looked at them with a frantic voice.
"That was so cool! How did you do that?!"

"It's a lot too explain..but uh why are you here spiderman?"
Ladybug asked amazed that she was looking at the real Spider-Man.

"Yeah..and uh what do you want?"
Chat noir had seen ladybugs amusement and was slightly jealous about it.

"Wait you two know who I am?! That is awesome!!...but uh...I was sent here on a...mission?"

Ladybug looked at chat noir with a concerned look before looking back at him.
"I know who you are from YouTube videos..but okay then spider-man"

Chat Noir was about too say something before the beeping from his finger caught his attention.
"Gotta go m,lady.."
Ladybug couldn't say anything before he vanished, she shrugged and waved too Spidey before using her yo yo too pull herself onto a close roof.
"Bye bye web head I'll see ya around!"

Spider-Man watched her leave with a small wave as his lenses returned too normal.
"She was cute...seems kinda familiar..but..cute"

Spider-Man quickly ran and leaped up flipping off of a wall before spinning a web and swinging through France, taking a long way around too his bag. Peter changed back into his clothes and hid his costume in the bottom of his bag before rushing out of the ally only too crash into Marinette causing them both too fall, Pete's hair was a ruffled mess and Marinette looked a bit tired but still better than Peter.
"Crap I am so... Marinette! I was looking all over for you! This weird looking guy was roaring and breaking things! And the school was evacuated and then these two costumed heroes showed up and then spider-man did too and..and...oh God I'm glad you're okay!!!"

Marinette smiled and blushed rubbing her head.
"Yeah...I was...trying too uhm..wait you were looking for me?"

Peter's face was now red as he looked away, his heart pounding in his chest as she looked at him slowly being taken by his boyish charm.
"Well...yeah...I was uh..I was worried"

Marinette smiled as her heart fluttered. A cute boy was worried about her? This was new! So something about him was growing on her, she was feeling the same feelings she had for Adrien only it was for Peter?!
"T-thonk you! I...I mean uh...Thank you!!"

Peter and Marinette had walked into the bakery where Sabine and Tom, smiled at them as they had just finished decorating a very large wedding cake.
"Ah welcome back you two! How was school?"

Tom asked as Marinette stared at peter slightly before shaking her head and looking at her father.
"Oh it was uhm..great I mean well...not Soo akuma attacked and ladybug was there but then of all the people too show up..Spider-Man was there too!"

Tom looked at Sabine as she stepped forward.
"Wait you mean the guy from New York?"

"Yes! I wonder what he was doing though.."

Tom smiled and clapped his hands slightly.
"We ordered take two wash up and go upstairs too eat.."

Marinette smiled at peter catching Tom's attention as she walked past them quickly rushing upstairs, Peter attempted too follow but was grabbed by Tom which caused Peter too flinch and freeze
"Young man I'd like a word with you.."

"W-w-whot I mean...what iss it sure..?"

Tom gave him a Stern look.
"I think my daughter likes you..and if you like her then..well I'm.okay with you two dating..but sleep in different rooms and don't hurt my little girl!"

Peter's eyes widened as he was darker than the red on his costume, he struggled too think of what too say before he finally mustered out a sentence.
"Y...yes s-s-sir...but I don't think she likes me...uh like that..I mean she's cute and I like her...I mean! Uh...crap baskets.."
Marinette hid in the other side of the wall blushing darkly before rushing up stairs, once upstairs she slammed the door shut breathing hard as tikki flew out if her purse and smiled.
"Oooo Marinette that boy has feelings for you.."

"But why tikki? I mean seriously?! Why? Yeah he's sweet and cute, kinda funny but I mean..he's..he's too good for me"
She said shooting herself down with tears rimming her eye lids as tiki grabbed her nose and pulled her up a bit.

"Marinette that's not true! You're just as good as anyone is and you know it! Now hush and build your confidence up and ask him out!"
(Will Marinette ask out Peter?! Will Peter accept Marinettes feelings?! Find out next time on dragon Ball.. wait a I know this may not be the greatest story ever but I am trying too capture every aspect of the characters in focus Soo just bare with me here. Due too this app acting stupid I have too completely redo parts 4 and 5. Hopefully the issues will be fixed. It's so annoying having story parts duplicated.))

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