chapter 8: a revealing battle!

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Peter was chasing the goblin throughout france, as cat noir was assisting any and all survivors.  The goblin laughed as he drew a small orange pumpkin bomb from a satchel on his side, with an audible click he pulled the pin and threw it back at spiderman, the bomb screamed almost demonically as it flew through the air!  Spiderman was fast and quickly used one of his Webb's to catch the bomb and send it above the buildings closest to them where it safely detonated, the goblin let lose an evil laugh as he turned around on his glider glaring at spiderman.

"Ah spiderman! He fabled hero, we meet at last!"

The goblin said in a snarky angered tone, he leaped off of his glider onto the side of a small Cafe and grinned as Spidey landed before him perched with one hand in the air behind him, his legs slightly spread on the ground beneath him.
"Who are you and why did you attack the osborne rally!?"

The goblin laughed and out his hands on his hips in a form of self declaration, and grinned a dark grin as he looked Spidey up and down.

"Spider-man, we meet at last! My name is the green goblin! I'm a fan of yours!"

Spideys lenses formed a glare as he turned and pointed at the goblin.
"A fan of mine and you attack innocent people!?"

The goblin nodded which prompted Spidey to leap at him, with an attempted tackle the goblin grabbed Spidey by his throat and spun slamming him to the ground winding the hero!

"Shut up boy, let me make you an offer...I'm going to spare you but make you wish you were dead, my offer is this! Leave france and tell fury to leave hawkmoth and these heroes here alone...or I'll finish you off..."

The goblin drew back his fist and began slamming it into spiderman's face, Spidey thought fast and shot webbing in his eyes blinding him, the goblin growled and releas d him quickly tearing at the webbing, spiderman leaped up and punched the goblins gut, the goblin stumbled back but his vision was clear and just in time to dodge an upper cute from the arachnid, the goblin spun around and kicked Spidey over to the ledge of the building.

"Impressive..but smarts alone won't save you spiderman..."

Spiderman growled as anger began to take over him, he caught himself and rushed at the goblin, the goblin was faster however and leaped up kicking spiderman's face cracking his left lense.  Spidey fell to the ground but pushed up into a flip just in time to dodge a violently spinning blade, the goblins glider appeared and began launching more of these blades which screeched as they drew closer. 

The hair on peters body stood up and Spidey was quick to react and dodge the blades the best he could, some had turned and zoomed back in, between them and the goblin it was too much and he was gashed twice in the back with deep wounds, te goblin slammed his fist in spideys nose knocking him off the building.

After a moment of free fall Spidey was hit again, this time by the glider, the sharp fangs on the bat shaped head sliced his ribs up pretty bad, his suit sparked as the tech side of it was damaged.  The lenses shaded red and began rappidly closing an opening, the suits back up kicked in and his lenses returned to a stale state, Spidey pushed off the glider and stuck to the side of the building.

Despite his bleeding he knew he'd must press on! He webbed his wounds to slow the bleeding, grunting at the stinging he turned and quickly climbed up the wall, he leaped off with a flip and shot a web sticking to the glider as the goblin laughed and began flying him through the city.  Spidey began climbing closer to the goblin but the goblin began weaving and smashed him into near by buildings and structures.
Spidey grunted in pain but kept his grip one the web, with one large pull he zoomed up and punched the goblin hard in the jaw, taking his chance he grabbed the goblin and used the momentum to bring the goblin down landing on top of a car with a loud crash.  Police swarmed the two and aimed weapons at them demanding they stop, the goblin grinned and Spidey looked up in time for his lense to bust exposing his eye beneath.

The miraculous tales of Spider-Man And Ladybug.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ