chapter 7:Enter the green goblin!

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The next morning rolled around and Peter was sleeping peacefully in his room when he herd a soft knock at the door, Marinette was on the other side calmly whispering to tikki as she hid in marinettes purse.
"Peter....are you awake? I was wondering if we could walk to the Osborn thingy a bit early..."

Peter say up and wiped his eyes tiredly flipping out of bed and opening the door forgetting he was shirtless, marinettes eyes locked on peters muscles body as her face turned a crimson red and she looked away which prompted him to blush and shut the door in a haste. Peter breathes heavy and looked back at the door,
"Yeah lemme get ready and we will head out!"
Peter said quickly putting on deodorant and a t shirt, ten minutes later he emerged wearing a long sleeve shirt that said "stark" on it, dark blue jeans and sneakers. His backpack concealed his suit along with his web shooters. Peter walked out and looked at marinette, she turned around and blushed as Peters gaze fell upon her, she was wearing light blue shorts, an oversized sweatshirt with Spider-Man's face on it and knee high boots, her hair was down and curled at the ends too add a bit of flair.

Peter smiled at her look as the two left grabbing a small box of macaroons for the journey ahead, the young couple walked through Paris hand and hand laughing and trading stories along the way. The duo soon arrived to a large building that had oscorp in big bold letters mid way up, Peter looked at marinette in awe which brought a soft giggle from her seeing her boyfriend in such a happy mood.

"Hey if it isn't Peter and Marinette! I knew we'd find you two here!"
The young couple turned around to see Nathaniel and Marc holding hands while walking towards them, Peter smiled and waved at the duo slightly as did marinette. Nathan stopped a few feet in front of them and released marcs hand wiping sweat from his brow slightly.
"How are you guys..wait?! Are you two dating as well?!"
Marc asked slightly blushing which caused marinette and Peter to both blush as the two nodded, the two couples continued to talk for a moment before peters attention was turned back to a voice calling out. *Hey Pete!*

Peter turned around to see a tallish boy with red hair grinning and waving, he looked kinda familiar then peters eyes widened as he walked over to the boy and the two hugged.
*harry! It's been so long man what's up!? How's life?!*

Harry shrugged it off with a simple grin, before placing his hands into his pockets after their hug had ended.
*Meh, going to private schools and getting kicked out because it's not what I enjoy, and dad drags me all over the place for tons of labs and military fundraisers...he has a prototype glider he's supposed to reveal today but I'm not sure if he will..*

*whys that? Something wrong with it?*

Harry shrugged once more and smiled with a boyish grin that marinette blushed at for some reason, was she liking peters friend? No it couldn't be! Maybe she just found that sort of smile cute? She shook her head and giggled slightly which caught the attention of Peter and Harry, who were both staring in confusion.
"Oh sorry! It's n-n-nothing I just got flabbergasted and I think I gotta go potty and ya know maybe I should I'll be right back!"
Peter gently hugged his girlfriend before she rushed off to find a bathroom, however once she was out of sight she hid behind a near by building and put her hands against her face blushing with tears in her eyes as tiki flew out and tapped her hair gently.
"Hey marinette calm down it's okay...why are you so embarrassed?"

Marinette looked upon tiki her bright blue eyes shinning in the sunlight.
"I found that Kid kind of cute but I don't know why...he smiled like adrien and it just...poof..."

Tikki smiled and gently patted her friends shoulder, "it's okay probably just have some repressed feelings is all...your with Peter now so it's okay.."

Marinette nodded and went to stand up when she herd several adults talking loudly, her gut knitted up hearing a familiar sounded like..GABRIEL?! If he's here than surely adrien is too? Marinette trusted her gut and crawled over to a spot to peak that's where she saw them. Gabriel was standing talking to someone who looked like an older rougher form of that boy could that be his father? Possibly but there was a third, the third was a y'all man wearing a suit but his head was white?! And void of detail, he also had a strange device around his wrist that looked like a simple watch but it had an odd laser coming off of it scanning the other two men, marinette gasped aloud as the man transformed into Gabriel and then Norman her gasp alerted them but before she could run Natalie appeared behind her as tikki warped into her purse narrowly avoiding her sight. Natalie picked up marinette which prompted her to be knocked unconscious by a swift back hand, Norman growled as did Gabriel.

"What should we do with her? She's seen the chameleon and his abilities...she could rat us all out?"

Gabriel shook his head and furrowed his brow in disgust.
"I won't kill a child but I will donate her to the Osborn foundation as a new test subject..I'll simply say she was kidnapped and I was powerless to stop the subject which will require me to find someone to blame..."

Osborn thought for a minute before smiling as marinette was loaded into an odd box before being loaded into a large truck filled with similar boxes.

Osborn opened a smaller one and quickly began changing into a purple armor with green accents and a fully expressive face, Norman grinned as he looked at chameleon who took Norman's form.
"You know the plan correct?"

"I do, I pose as you, unveil the glider only to see it's not there you come crashing in, gas the crowed and show off the firepower you've designed, I retreat and then Gabriel releases a help foundation while you send large settlements to those lost today's families giving you both good names and plenty of bodies to test on and play with..this will also draw out Spider-Man who you can finally end with your enhanced armor.."

The crime quad nodded and laughed before taking their places, Peter had by this time finished his conversation with Harry and was now searching for marinette. Realizing she wasn't in the bathrooms nor portable toilets he grew worried and started asking around but no one had seen her, he turned to texting and calling her which with the help of tikki woke her from her slumber.
"What...what happened tikki..?"

"Marinette I think Gabriel is a villain and his assistant is helping! Something bads going on and I fear it's not over!"

"Then we have no time to waste...TIKKI SPOTS ON!"

The seal of the box flashed as marinette turned to ladybug, now there was one was she going to get out?! She realized she had no choice but to use her lucky charm, upon activating the power she was granted a can of knock out gas.
"Knock out gas? What am I going to do with this?!" 

Back at the expo building Peter was now inside the building searching for marinette through the crowd of people while the expo began showing off oscorps new designs, what appeared to be Norman Osborn walked out. Peters spider sense shocked blasted in his head causing him to flip backwards just as the goblin  blasted a hole in the building sending rubble flying down, the goblin laughed as "Norman" was rushed off stage by security, the goblin turned and began opening fire upon the crowed sending everyone into a panic as Peter rushed off and hid, moments later Spider-Man swung in and kicked the goblin off of his glider as cat noir landed on the rim of the hole made by the goblin.

"Where's m'lady webhead?"

Spidey looked back slightly as his lenses shuttered shut a bit before reopening.
"No clue, doesn't matter!"
Spideys mind was racing as he looked at the carnage and bodies around them, clenching his fists the goblin flipped onto the glider as a thick green has filled the room causing others to begin coughing, the goblin laughed as he flew out the hole meanwhile spidey began grabby any survivors he could.
"Chat get him! I'll get these guys to help, you try and find ladybug as well!"

With his goal clear chat leaped out of the hole and began chasing the goblin as the truck marinette was in finally stopped.

To be continued.

Sorry it took so long for chapter 7 I hit a funk and with everything going on really struggled to shake it but I'm back in action and chapter 8 is in process! The next chapter will be the first battle with green goblin while introducing some more past events.

The miraculous tales of Spider-Man And Ladybug.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant