chapter 9: A long story and a problematic situation.

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Peter passed out again after smiling to his girlfriend and her family, hours later he awoke and shot up in a panicked state.
"What!? What happened?!"

Marinette walked over and gently hugged him with tear filled eyes, his body was beaten and bruised. Several stitches dotted across his upper chest and one across his cheek from the goblins assault and she was doing her best to avoid that.
"Thank god you're okay peter!"

"Yeah i-im fine.. why wouldn't I be...?"
He asked trying to play dumb but suddenly he was hit with a wave of memories before sighing and hugging her back.
"Im sorry marinette..I should have told you..but I couldn't I couldn't risk anyone knowing...if someone like the goblin found out then...then you'd be in danger and I"

Peter was silenced when marinette grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a soft kiss, peter slowly closed his eyes and kissed her back only parting when sabine entered the room. Sabine blushed and smiled wide as she covered her eyes.
"Oh my! I'm sorry you two! I just wanted to check in on peter and tell you dinner is done but I'll leave you two alone"

Sabine said calmly leaving the room but now leaving the door cracked, Marinettes face was a dark red as was peters. He looked at her nervous and tried to speak but she stopped him.
"It's okay peter....I'm glad protecting people is your first instinct..just don't scare me like that again..."

Peter  looked down ashamed and sighed as he knew she was hurting. He could feel it but somewhat he was glad. She cared and had genuine feelings for him and this warmed his heart. He looked down at his beaten body before mustering the courage to look his girlfriend in her beautiful eyes.
"So...want me to explain how this happened or...?"

Marinette nodded as she gently sat down next to him and smiled slightly.
"Yes peter please do tell me..."

Peter took a deep breath and gulped.
"It happened a while ago..little over a year ago...we took a class field trip to a new science museum..they were showing off a new gadget that harnessed unique energy waves and converted them into a visual form of energy that could be utilized for a new form of power..a spider happened to fall into the ray and instead of killing it instantly the waves mutated and changed it...I wasn't paying attention and snuck over to the machine after the demonstration and the spider bit me on my hand..."

Marinette nodded as she listened and took mental notes on every word, she gently put her hand on his back as he looked down still feeling ashamed for not telling her.
"And you just...boom? Got spider powers? Or is it the suit or?"

"No no, it's me...truth be told I got really sick...really really sick and no doctor knew what was going on with me...they thought I had cancer but almost all the test results showed nothing new..but I got worse and day I'm all body had slightly bulked up and I didn't need my glasses anymore...but I couldn't really control them and my senses...were all...dialed like eleven.."

Marinette nodded and pondered for a moment before smiling slightly.
"Peter...tonight I'd like to show you something..but no one can know okay?"

Peter nodded slightly and sighed as he looked at her with a faint boyish smile.
"But yeah...the spider gave me all of its abilities...I can cling to any surface...I can run super fast, jump super high...I have super strength and it gave me the knowledge of how it's webbing is I made devices capable of shooting them and strengthened them so I can swing from them.."

Marinette nodded before she stood up, she smiled and gently helped peter stand.
"Go on to the dining room for dinner, I will be there soon"
She kissed peters cheek and he blushed quickly finding a shirt and putting it on, luckily for him whoever had saved his life put some PJs on him.

Peter gently made his way to the kitchen and looked at tom who was giving him a stern look, sabine smiled warmly and gestured him to sit down. Once seated tom gently looked at the boy who was avoiding eye contact and cleared his throat.
"Peter, I just want you to know"

"I'm sorry s-sir!"
Peter practically yelled as he looked up.
"I should have told you all but I couldn't! I couldn't risk anyone I care about knowing because my enemies would stop at nothing to hurt me and!"
Tom reached over the table and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Son don't apologise! Infact I couldn't be happier! My daughter is dating a super hero! Not just any super hero an avenger! I'm just glad you're okay, and I want you to know...I approve of you and my daughter's relationship"

Peter was caught off guard but nodded with a faint smile. Up in the bathroom  marinette opened her purse and looked at tikki who was now sitting infront of her.
"Marinette! I can't believe peter is spiderman! And your boyfriend!"

Marinette blushed and nodded looking at tikki with a faint smile.
"Tikki...tonight I'm gonna tell peter who I's only fair but I wanna do it in a special way.."

Tikkis smile faded before reappearing with a a faint giggle.
"I'll set something up on the rooftop tonight while you're eating dinner but be quick okay!"

Marinette nodded and smiled before rushing out of the bathroom and down to dinner. Feeling a weight off of his shoulders peter had a great dinner with his girlfriend's family and they all laughed while trading stories.

After dinner had finished and the young couple had cleaned up marinette ordered peter up to the roof where. Once up he noticed several lit candles and a faint hint of fog.
Peter looked back just as marinette had walked up and took note of the small red like bug.
Peter looked at tikki amazed before his eyes widened more as she spoke.
"Hello Peter! I am Marinettes kwami! My name is tikki!"

"Hi tikki...I'm p-peter...what's a kwami?"
Peter asked, but froze when marinette uttered an odd sentence.
"Tikki...spots on!"

In a red and black flash peter gasped as where his lovely marinette once stood ladybug was now there!

"Marinette?! You're lady bug?!"
Two voices shouted, peter looked up with wide eyes as did marinette! Their eyes were met with dark green eyes as cat noir leaped down and landed in between the two.
"Chat! Oh fuck..."
End of chapter 9! I hope you guys enjoyed what's gonna happen next?! How will adrien take the news of peter and ladybugs relationship?! Find out next time on dragon ball z!

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