A letter from master

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Stealth elf lied down on her bed gazing up at the celling so much in so little time has happened with dark Spyro the fist of arkus and all the other things the teams attitude was down with eon being gone but they still had each other and they all knew that and things were looking up
Smiling stealth elf walked out of her room and into the kitchen seeing eruptor making a fresh stake of pancakes

"How's my favorite elf?" Eruptor asked

"Good as green magma man" stealth elf said taking a seat on the counter

"Yeah.. wish it was the same for Spyro you know the whole...you know" refereeing to how he felt on his ancestors and with eons death

Stealth elf ate up her pancakes washed her dishes and then finally set off outside to take in the fresh air but seeing the mail box as occupied looked into it expecting a alchemical package for pop fizz but was caught off guard by a green colored letter with her name and address on it with a couple stamps and nothing else inside

User her dagger she ripped open the letter and took a look inside

"Dear stealth elf"

"I must say I'm quite displeased with how haven't visited or written, even on holidays!"

"Ohhh shoot" she whispered to herself she had completely forgot about her master and sister with all the skylander stuff and training still though she could have at least written to them

"You were so far lucky as I was focused on your sisters training which leads to the main reason I wrote this letter"

"Your sister's training is complete" stealth elf was surprised by this whispers training started only 3 years ago and stealth elf's training took 4 years

"I have nothing left to teach her and she is missing you a lot so I'm asking that you take her in and train her to be a skylander I think it would be great opportunity for you two to bond together more."

Stealth elf thought it over it would be nice having her here she hadn't seen her sister or master in years she wondered how tall whisper had grown since that last time the two elves were together

"Also she has shown a interest to become a skylander just like you I guess she really has that fire inside of her just like her big sister and I hope you could show her the ropes she really is eager to be great just like you"

"Love, your master Cami flage" there was also a Hi from whisper in green crayon next to it

Stealth elf began to think it over again and again it seemed like a really good idea and now that she thought about it she did miss her sister and what's the harm in her training here

Stealth elf went back inside and in her room putting the note in a draw and started getting ready for the trip to the enchanted forest

She didn't pack much just a extra pair of cloths and some food and her signature dual blades after all what would she encounter?

With all her things ready she walked out of her room and to the door with friends in the living room watching TV
"Hey Elfy where you going" pop fizz said in between munches of popcorn

"Seeing my master and sister" she said reaching for the doorknob

"You didn't tell us you had a sister" Spyro said

"You never asked" stealth elf said about to close the door

"What if someone attacks the academy" jet-vac added

"Get sprocket to help you or something besides I won't be long"

she said leaving the squads house
Stealth elf was about to set off on her journey but then remembers that it would probably be a good idea to ask Kassandra if stealth elf could train her sister at the academy
Stealth elf found Kassandra in the library reading a book Hugo insisted her to read about the dangers of sheep

"Hey Kassandra" stealth elf said walking up to her

"Oh good afternoon stealth elf, say could you tell me why Hugo has such a fear of sheep when I was evil I found no evidence pointing to the things he says they are doing" Kassandra said trying to make sense I f the literature in front of her

"I guess that's just Hugo, say...I wanted to ask you something"

"Sure thing what is it?"

"Well you see I have a sister and I was wondering if she could come to the academy and train to become a skylander for later down the road"

Kassandra looked up from book looking at the skylander before her
"How old is she?"she asked raising a brow

"Around seven"

"You can't honestly expect me to accept a seven year old to become a skylander or even cadet"

"I'm not asking that I just want her to be here to...train to become one later"

"Eleven years later"

"Well there no such thing as being too early right?"

Kassandra gave the words a thought before coming to her conclusion

"Alright.... but you are responsible for her and her actions don't let anything with her get out of hand"

"Of course...oh and thanks....goodbye" stealth elf said closing the door and finally on her way to the enchanted forest

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon