Breaking the truth and more

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"Not it" Spyro said immediately

"Not it" eruptor followed

"Not it"pop fizz added

"Oh guys come on" jetvac said
As he and the team walked back to the house

"Let's just tell what's happens quick and clean you know? Like a bandage"

Finally team and sprocket made it home and jetvac was about to go into whisper elf's room

"Quick and clean" he said as he entered
However as soon as he entered whisper elf's room he immediately left

"She was drawing a picture of her and stealth elf and I officially can't do this sooooo not it"

This left sprocket

"I guess it's up to me then" sprocket said
She took a deep breath outside of the room before opening the door and entering

"Hey there whisper" sprocket said sitting next to her

"Whatcha drawing there?"

"Oh hi! I was making a drawing for my sister, we got in argument yesterday and I wanna make things okay" she said holding up the amulet compete drawing

It was the two sisters holding hands in a little field with three works 'I love you' at the top written in multiple colors like a rainbow

"Wow that's really nice...umm but the thing is whisper there's something I need to talk to you about, regarding your big sister"


"Well you see a while back Spyro was turned evil by a spell a bad guy put on him and you see stealth elf just had that spell put on her"

"So she's evil?"


"But she can't be evil she's good"

"She is but you see the spell made her evil so until we can reverse it"

"Oh okay but wait"

"What is it?"

"If she's gone for now..who's gonna take care of me?" Whisper elf said looking up at sprocket

"Ohh umm well" sprocket began to think Spyro wasn't responsible enough neither was pop fizz and eruptor and jetvac just didn't seem up for the task she could send her back to cami flage but she just got here so....

"I could take care of you" she said smiling

"Oh umm okay" she said feeling a little uneasy with the situation

"Alright so umm you should pack your things and you can come with me to my house I have guest room you can use"

"Okay umm now?"

"Sure I'll help you pack"

While the two were wolfing whispers thing the little ninja occasionally asked questions about sprockets house among with some other things until finally everything was ready

Exiting the room sprocket todo the others about the situation

"Okay so whispers gonna live with me until we get stealth elf back"

"Okay cool..uh bye whisper" Spyro said with the other saying something along those lines

"Bye guys" she said waving following sprocket

After a little walking the two elves found themselves at sprockets house it wasn't much with a lot of it being made form so brass or bronze like material
Entering the house sprocket introduced her to the rooms

"That's the guest room that's the bathroom that's my room that's the room where I tinker with things and yeah,that's my house"

"Okay umm I'm kinda hungry" she said not wanting to be burden

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfWhere stories live. Discover now