Coming home

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Stealth elf after a long while of walking and taking balloon rides finally made it to the enchanted forest it was one of the greenest places in all of skylands with lush foliage all over the place the air smelled of all kinds of trees and plant life the rich aroma of pine oak birch and all the other plants stealth elf learned to recognize by touch,smell,sight and even sound

Walking down the wooden road to her masters home stealth elf remembered all the training sessions and other things they did she always managed to perfectly balance time for her to learn to be a ninja and time for her to just be a kid with her playing in the low trees at the bottom of the forest looking at insects on plants and all the other things to waste time

Before she knew it she was at the front of the door she hadn't opened in so long she was almost afraid to open it with how she forgot to visit and write to her master and sister but managed to come up with the courage to knock on the door

Almost immediately she heard a puff like noise similar to one she made when teleporting and the door was swinging open with her master cami flage on the other end

"Stealth elf!" She yelled hugging her eldest apprentice as tightly as she could

"It's..nice to...see you...too...master" stealth elf said with the air inside squeezed out by her masters hug
Before being able to slip out of it

"Come on sit down I just made some tea" her master said showing her the old living room nothing had change oddly enough

Cami flage put down the tray carrying two cups of tea sitting down on a chair across form her as a kid she and her sister always saw it as "her chair" they wouldn't dare sit in it even when she wasn't home

"So why haven't you visited up until now" cami flage said stirring her tea

"I guess I just zoned out with all the training and the missions and all the others things...I'm sorry"
Stealth elf said

Cami flage after taking a sip of her tea put the cup down and looked at her apprentice

"I guess it can be overwhelming" she said before taking a deep breath

"I forgive you"

Stealth elf sipped her tea that cup was pretty small so it was gone rather quick

"Thanks...I appreciate it"

"Yeah" suddenly her master brought her hand to her forehead realizing something

"I didn't tell you sister!" She said before teleporting to whispers room

"She's here?!" Stealth elf heard up the stairs followed by rapid steps which was caused by her sister whisper elf

Getting on one knee she readied herself for a hug as her sister came  rushing towards her and embracing her with such momentum causing her to almost fall over

Whisper elf looked like stealth elf in just about all ways expect for her smaller size and purple hair compared to her big sisters blue hair

"I missed you so much!" Whisper said squeezing her big sister as tightly as she could

"Hmph I missed you to sis" stealth elf replied
Letting go of the little ninja and kneeling down to her height level

"Look how much you grew" she said looking at her sister who was twice the size when she last saw her

After a while of hugs and talking night finally came and stealth elf decided to stay for the night and leave to the academy tomorrow

It was 9:00 sharp and whisper was sound asleep meanwhile stealth elf was laying on the couch watching TV before cami flage walked in

"And what exactly are you doing young lady?" She said arms crossed

"Watching TV?" Stealth elf said not understanding

"At this hour? Nuh uh you march right to your room it's bed time"

"I'm nineteen can't I at least get fifteen more minutes?"

"My tree my rules"

Stealth elf sighed before shutting off the TV and going up to her room

Walking though the door she got hit with so many memories and even more interesting everything was the same as she left it her bed her desk her well everything was just the way she left them
Walking towards her bed for the first time in a while and lied down in the old blankets

And then as she shifted off towards sleep she started to remember

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfWhere stories live. Discover now