A new day

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The time was what stealth elf could guess was about 7:00 and she could hear and feel whisper getting out of bed and stepping over her although stealth elf wouldn't stop her she was supposed to start training at 8:00 sharp

After a while of resting stealth elf turned her head over and looked at the time after a couple second of blinkering and rubbing her blurry eyes she saw the clock read 7:34

Getting up from her bed stealth elf walked out of the door and was just in time as whisper was about put a bowl of fruit squares

Teleporting she grabbed the cereal box just as whisper elf was about to pour it

"Nuh uh" stealth the elf said taking the cereal box and putting it back the shelf

"Wha-why?!" Whisper elf said

"Well for one it's unhealthy and second it's not for everyone it's spyros"

"Well I asked him and he said it was alright"

This caused stealth elf to glare at Spyro who was sitting on the couch eating his own bowl of fruit squares however stopped chewing seeing his teammates death stare

Looking away from the dragon stealth elf refocused her attention on her sister

"Well you didn't ask me" she said arm crossed

"Oh yeah....can I have that cereal please?" Whisper elf said puppy eyes showing

"No" stealth elf said nonchalantly

"Ohhh come on why?!" Whisper elf said

"Because that still leaves the first point it's unhealthy"

"Oh cmon it's only for today"

"One bowl is too much"

"You're not nagging Spyro about it"

"First off I'm not nagging second spyros a adult that can make his own decisions"

Seeing there was no way to win against her bigger sister whisper elf sat back down on the counter with a frown

"I thought you were cool" she grumbled

"I'm a ninja that fights evil I am cool I'm also responsible which is why your not eating that cereal have some goodi-os there nice and healthy"

"I have those like every day"

"Because there good" stealth elf said reaching for the goodi-Os cereal box and pouring her sister a bowl and filling it with milk and serving it to her little sister along with making a bowl for herself
Sighing whisper elf gave into her sisters demands and ate the more healthy although bland cereal

Now it was 8:00 and stealth elf was training whisper elf

"Okay master said although you mastered the combat training you still need to work on balance and mediation"

"Awwww I hate mediation it's so boring!" Whisper elf said in a crisscrossed apple sauce position

"Yeah well it's important to focusing which is important in combat"

"Hmmmph okay..." whisper elf said still arms crossed still grumpy with the situation before her

"Okay now we are gonna do balancing first just follow my movements"

"Arms together foot on one knee and stand on the other"

"Now just close your eyes and just focus on balancing" stealth elf said doing the movements she described

Stealth elf closed her eyes standing still as if she was a tree the only movement being the sight wind in her braided hair

However as stealth elf was in compete balance and focus this was broken by a noise


Stealth elf opened her right eye and saw her little sister struggling to just stay on one foot and probably wasn't gonna last another minute
Sighing stealth elf quickly corrected whisper elf's position putting her hands and legs in the right place

"There"she said before going back to her own position

This time the peace lasted about a minute before a familiar noise came

"Uhh...woa-woah!" Stealth elf heard before a thud
Opening her eyes and getting out of her stance stealth elf found whisper on the ground

"Let's try mediation"

The two elven ninjas were at a small island connected to the academy by a bridge

"Okay now just sit like this and close your eyes"


"Alright now just focus don't think about anything just focus"


Hearing this stealth elf completely lost her focus and turned her head sharply to whisper who was eating a small bag of pretzels

Seeing her big sister give a nasty glare whisper elf spoke

"What? It helps me focus" she said before consuming another pretzel

Taking the bag out of her sisters hands stealth elf placed it in front of her safely away from whisper elf's hungry hands

"Learn to focus by yourself" she said sternly

"Okay..." whisper elf said

Stealth elf and whisper elf continued their meditation although whisper elf was still having trouble

Before they knew it it was 12:30 and it was time for stealth elf's education

Back at the house stealth elf was teaching whisper elf about multiplication

"Okay so...imagine you have two boxes right?"


"And in each of those boxes have four apples"


"And now you get another box, how many apples do you have"

"Umm twelve?"

"Correct and that's multiplication"

"Wow that's...a lot easier than I expected"

"Yeah, now I'm gonna make lunch meanwhile I want you to do problems one through twelve"


Now it was 9:00 and stealth elf was putting whisper elf to bed

"Why don't you have to go to bed at nine?" Whisper elf said snuggling into the covers

"Because I'm a adult"

"Why are so many things that only adults can do?"

"Because people your age can't properly make decision with such consequences"

"Yes I can"

"Maybe YOU can but there's no exceptions to the rule"

"Hmm okay"

"Alright,good night sis" stealth elf said kissing her little sister on the forehead before turning off the light and leaving the dark room

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfWhere stories live. Discover now