Hundred yard stare

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It was 7:30 and already awake stealth elf had turned off the alarm and looked at her little sister and began nudging her awake rather than having her be awoken by a noisy alarm clock

Opening her eyes whisper elf soon widened them seeing stealth elf arms wrapped around her

"Hey sis it's time to get up" stealth elf said smiling at her little sister

Whisper elf however starred at her big sister for a few seconds until shaking off her nerves

"Hi sister..good morning" whisper elf said still clearly worried about her sister presence

"So I was thinking that since this is a day off we could just stay in bed here for a while and watch a movie on my does that sound?" Stealth elf said

"Okay....I guess that sounds nice"

The movie wasn't anything special heck it's wasn't even good it was just some colorful stupid kid movie about forgiveness but it was still a nice way to spend the morning stealth elf thought

However looking over back to whisper elf it seems she thought wrong

She was just laying there still holding the device close to her chest ready to call sprocket at any second

With her light smile now turned into a frown stealth elf thought of another way for them to spend there day

"You know what days off are boring how about we go and train your gonna need every second of bettering your skills you can get if you want to be second best after all" stealth elf said getting up

Whisper elf didn't even answer or at least verbally as she simply got up and got ready for training

"Okay now we're gonna try mediation again alright? and no food"


"No buts! You need to be able to complete this part of your training"

"Can I keep the device on me?" Whispering elf asked

"Umm do you REALLY want to?" Stealth elf said preferring to have her without it


Stealth elf sighed before agreeing

"Alright just focus on concentration okay?"

Stealth elf and whisper elf began meditating however neither could properly focus whisper elf couldn't do it due to her paranoia fearing her big sister would attack her at any moment

Stealth elf couldn't because she was to concerned with her relationship with whisper elf

She couldn't lose her and she would make sure she didn't

After about thrifty minutes of mediation failure stealth elf opened her eyes and decided once again to do something different

"Okay mediation isn't working to well let's try math!" Stealth elf said more than aware of how she was shifting rapidly between things

Now back at the house stealth elf was helping whisper elf with some more math
"Now you see division is all about taking a bigger number and making it into smaller groups" stealth elf said
"Yeah Sprocket told me while you were..." whisper elf stopped herself not knowing how to describe her big sister before stealth elf finished the sentence
"While that FAKE me was out there"
"Yeah...fake you"
Stealth elf sighed at her lack of progress before focusing back on teaching
"Okay well if you the method already then I guess just do some problems while I figure out what's for dinner" stealth elf said sliding her little sister before getting up and going to the kitchen

About five minutes later stealth elf looked back at her sister who was still doing the math problems but something was different she was sitting on a chair which made her back face away from her when she was sitting with her back against her earlier

She didn't even trust her enough to have her back turned against her

Another five minutes later whisper elf finally did her her math problems
"Done!" She said catching stealth elf's attention from the kitchen
Walking over stealth elf took a look at the paper and found all the problems answered correctly
"Well done sis! Now come help me with the stew"
"We're having stew?" Whisper elf said not thinking that would be what stealth elf would have picked
"Yeah it's easy"
"Could we have rice with it?" Whisper elf asked
"Oh uh yeah sure" stealth elf said

Now in the kitchen stealth elf was cutting some beef to add to the stew while whisper was looking over the rice boiling in the second pot

However looking over she saw stealth elf cutting the meat and something triggered in the back of her mind

Stealth elf finished cutting the beef into small pieces and dropped them in the stew before looking over to see her sister and than seeing what she hoped to never see

Whisper elf was just standing there but her eyes the pupils were the smallest her eyes could make them

And she just looked not even blinking just starring at her big sister her attacker

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang