Going back to a differnt normal

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Stealth elf woke up and got ready for the day and walked to the medbay to pick up whisper elf but before she went in she had to wait for sprocket

After a couple minutes of waiting stealth elf finally saw sprocket walking over and waving

"Did you make the device?" Stealth elf asked

"Yep the precise contacter 3000" sprocket said showing the device

It was a small black and yellow walkie talkie like device

The two elves walked into the room where whisper was recovering and seeing her still asleep stealth elf nudged her awake

"Hey there little sis" stealth elf said

"Oh...hi" whisper elf said

"Hey so I thought about what we discussed yesterday and I thought that the person who should be the contingency should be sprocket" she said gesturing towards the golden elf

Whisper elf looked at the watch skylanders and thought for a little before speaking

"Alright I guess I do like her" whisper said still nervous about her sisters presence

"Alright now my phone number is in this device press this button and it'll send a call to my phone with a special alarm so I know what to do okay?"

"Umm okay....can we go home now?" Whisper said tired of the hospital room she was in

Once they got home Whisper elf went to her and her sisters room and looked herself in the mirror more specifically the bandages on her stomach and lower chest

Wanting to see more whisper elf began removing them, simply curious of what was behind them but stopped seeing stealth elf walk through the door and seeing what her sister was doing stealth elf immediately stopped her grabbing her arms

"Don't do that" she said firmly

"But I wanna see what's under it" Whisper said not thinking what she was doing was a big deal

"Sister those bandages have to say on at all times and the only time they can come off are when they are changed" stealth elf said firmly

"Hmm okay..I'm sorry"

Stealth elf sighed putting a hand to her head

"It's okay just...don't take those off you need them to heal...well faster than a elf normally would" stealth elf said referring to the forest elves natural regeneration ability

"Wow I must have been hurt bad by....other you"whisper elf said not wanting to make her big sister feel bad

"Yeah you were...but I promise when I find that grey piece of garbage she's going down and going down HARD" stealth elf said punching her hand

"Yay! But how are you gonna find her?"

"She'll rear her ugly head eventually those kinda people don't just retire on a farm"

"Oh okay....wait did you just call yourself ugly?" Whisper elf said pointing out the poor choice of words her sister said

"Oh yeah she's me..well you understand what I mean" stealth elf said ending the conversation

Later in the day it was finally whisper elf's bed time and stealth elf still wanting to repair her relationship with whisper went to bed at the same time as her and the two elves were sleeping in bed with light coming from a small night light sprocket gave her as a recovery gift although it was stealth elf doing all the sleeping as whisper elf just lied there unable to rest

Whisper elf's thoughts raced as she felt her sister on her back although the intention was to simply cuddle and comfort whisper elf felt rather uncomfortable unsure if her sister was about to pounce like a animal and hurt her again

Looking to the counter whisper elf saw the device sprocket have her and wanting to feel safer quickly grabbed the device holding it close to her chest ready to press the call button at a seconds notice

Although whisper elf attempted her action as quietly as possible it was still noticed by stealth elf

Stealth elf just laid there looking blankly at the wall

She didn't trust her

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant