A choice

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"What?! Whisper! How could you?!" Sprocket exclaimed infuriated by whisper elf's actions

"I know it looks bad but it's not bad I promise"

"Promise?! You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie! I just...didn't tell you stuff"

"That's what lying is!"

"No it's not! I didn't tell you anything that wasn't true I just withheld information you adults do it all the time"

"Whisper look at me" sprocket said taking off her goggles to show her white elven eyes

"I don't know what she told you about me, the others or anything else but don't trust her and for the love of everything don't release her"

Whisper elf looked at sprocket her eyes told her she was telling the truth whisper elf just knew it but if she couldn't be right? She just couldn't

Shrugging off her words as best she could whisper elf was about to press the button

"Whisper please! You know you shouldn't do this!" Sprocket said banging on the energy shield around her

Whisper elf froze and looked at sprocket

She wasn't lying she was telling the truth but if she was then what does that make stealth elf?

Stealth elf then spoke

"Whisper...don't you trust me?"

Whisper elf began remembering all the things she and her sister did he old ones like her helping her sleep from a nightmare and making her dinner and the recent ones like when they fought the drow

And the she looked at her big sister her one and only family

"Stealth elf...I trust you" she said pressing the button releasing her and dark Spyro who whisper was also suspicious about but that wasn't important they had the book and they could find there parents

Stealth elf now free walked over to whisper elf and took the book handing it to Spyro

And then she began to chuckle and the laugh causing whisper elf to be caught off guard

"You idiot!" She said still laughing

"You honestly thought something called the book of tombs would tell us where our parents are?! That's priceless!" She said unable to hold down her laughter

"But you said..."

"Oh yeah you haven't got it yet did you?" She said turning around

Suddenly stealth elf pulled out one of her silver blades stabbing whisper elf in the liver

"Everything I told you was a lie"

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfWhere stories live. Discover now