Cant get over it

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Stealth elf and whisper elf both just stood there both starring at each other afraid stealth elf terrified by what state her sister was in and whisper elf afraid of her big sister thinking back to the time she or fake her or who ever that was stabbed her again and again with a single sentence echoing though her head
"Everything I told you was a lie"

Stealth elf then began walking calmly and slowly towards her little sister but it turned out this wasn't the best idea as it simply snapped her little sister out of her stare and she then quickly grabbed the device about to call sprocket but was stopped as stealth elf grabbed her arms
"Whisper...I'm not going to stab you" stealth elf said fighting back tears
"Y-yes you were! That's why you had the knife!"
"I was cutting food!"
"B-but weren't going to stab me?" Whisper elf
"No! I would never do that!"
"But you.."
"That wasn't me!"
At this point stealth elf began crying distraught over how her sister viewed her
"It wasn't wasn't me" stealth elf repeated

Whisper elf stood there looking at her big sister and for what seemed to her for the first time in her life she saw her cry and she didn't know what to do  just stood there until finally mustered the courage to drop the device sprocket gave her and hugged her big sister who immediately hugged her back still saying it wasn't me

About five minutes later although it felt like hours stealth elf was still holding onto whisper elf as if she would lose her forever is she didn't hold on tight enough and her little sister just stood there hugging back not knowing what else to do

And then another five minutes later s Walter to stopped holding on and got on one knee eye level with her little sister
"Whisper I'm sorry about what happened but it wasn't me okay?!" Stealth elf said finally done with sobbing to her little sister
"I-I know that"
"Then why are you scared of me?!"
"Because when I see you I see her too!"
"I'm not her!"
"She looked like you! And she sounded like you!"

Hearing these word stealth elf's eyes somehow widened more and tears began to form again
"I want to trust you again's hard you...she...I'm sorry" Whisper elf said herself starting to tear up at the sight of the sadness she caused her sister

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfWhere stories live. Discover now