Final fight

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The skylanders arrived at the fore of light and spotted stryekore as well as dark Spyro and dark stealth elf waiting with stealth elf still having whisper elf's blood on her arm with small stains all over her body
"Alright let's do this!" Spyro said as loud as he could without alerting the enemy
"Spyro no!" Jet vac said grabbing the dragons arm
"We need to think this through!"
Spyro dropped down
"Yeah your right do what's our plan?"
"Divide and conquer" Kassandra said
"Sprocket and pop fizz you take stealth elf, Spyro Eruptor and jetvac you take dark Spyro,I'll deal with stryekore"
"Alright let's do this" editor said

The skylanders sprang into action following kasandras plan

Stryekore surprised at his enemy's attack stopped his summoning on the underworld

"So you finally figured out my plan huh? Well to little to late! Once I summon the underworld the fire of light will be made useless"
"Well you didn't summon it yet!" Jetvac said as he and everyone else began the fight

Dark stealth elf teleported right next to eruptor about to try to dab him but was stopped as sprocket bashed her in the face with her wrench
"Nuh-uh" sprocket said as she and pop fizz occupied stealth elf

Meanwhile Spyro jetvac and erupted began engaging dark Spyro
"So you finically figured it out well to late once...oh yeah stryekore dose that part..either way you and you punny friends are done for!"
"I strongly disagree with that statement!" Jetvac said
"Jetvac A for effort but that just was not intimidating at all" Spyro commented
"Don't we have more pressing matters?" Eruptors said bringing the two other skylanders out of there eventual argument

We the fight between them began dark Spyro first went after eruptor who tried to bring down the black and silver dragon with a couple of lava blasts but was in vain as dark Spyro managed to fly and dodge around them and was about to head butt him in the chest but was stopped by some kind of vortex
"What the-"Spyro said however was unable to finish the sentence as he was pulled to ground by jetvac and then head butted in the stomach by Spyro taking him out of the battle
"Wow...that was easy" eruptor said

Meanwhile sprocket and pop fizz were fighting dark stealth elf on the other side of the island
"Stealth elf at first I was hesitant to fight you but I'm not fighting YOU I'm fighting some weak color swapped clone who only shares shape and voice" sprocket said
"Touching...did you realize that before or after I killed the brat" stealth elf said slowing twirling her blades
"Oh no she's thanks to you" sprocket said
"Well then....I guess I know what to do after this" stealth elf said murderous eyes staring at the golden elf

Suddenly stealth elf teleported behind sprocket about to attack but was blocked by sprockets wrench and before she could do anything else was hit in the back by a frost potion
With light frost around her skin was unable to react as sprocket hit her in the stomach and then smacked her head with her wrench causing her to fly towards the ground knocking her out
"That was for whisper"

Finally Kassandra and styrekore we're facing off
"Well it is always nice to say a good bye so Kassandra...goodbye!" Styrekore said unleashing his attack
As styrekores lighting rapidly approached her Kassandra brought up magical energy shield although how long it would last remained to be seen
However before that could be answer Spyro rue her and attacked styrekore hitting him in the back with a fire ball
"Take that you old ugly wizard"
"Insolent little-"
However styrekore couldn't finish his sentence as Kassandra immediately began the spell to rebanish him once and for all
"What?! No!" Styrekore said as Kassandra finished her spell and once and for all banished stryekore

Now with the battle done Kassandra and the other skylanders went to dark stealth elf's unconscious body and Kassandra used the spell to turn her back however just like Spyro the dark version of her still remained

Hand on her head got up
"Ugh what happened?"
"Oh well ummm look to your left" Spyro said unsure how to break the news
Looking to her left stealth elf's eyes widened upon seeing the sight before her
"Oh no"
"Well don't feel to bad the more important part is we stopped you and your back" jetvac said trading to raise his friends
Getting up stealth elf tried to look on the bright side of things
"Yeah..yeah your right it's not so bad the days saved and no one got hurt right?"
Everyone stared at stealth elf none of them wanting to tell her but the expressions they all had did tell her something
"Oh no"

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfWhere stories live. Discover now