Plan in motion

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It was seven fifty eight am whisper elf had been awake for a about ten minutes now wondering how she could get the book of tombs but more on why the people who were supposed to be her friends and sworn protectors of skylands
That what they were supposed to be but they weren't

They were liars and they tried to kill her sister
'are they going to kill me?' Whisper asked herself in her mind they did try to kill her sister how much longer until it was her turn?

Hearing a knock on her go whisper elf's thoughts we're completely cut off and replaced with a rush of fear
"Are they going to kill me now?" Whisper elf thought as her heart was beating rapidly
Walking to the door hands shaking she opened it finding sprocket there just standing
"What are you still doing in your pajamas? It's morning"Sprocket said pointing out whisper elf's attire
"Oh ummmm I-I just found it comfortable?" She said trying desperately not to show her anxiety
"Okay...well get dressed we have a big day ahead of us" she said trying around and heading towards the kitchen to make breakfast

Whisper elf got ready but before she could leave the room a wave of anxiety and fear swept over her
as she desperately tried to find any kind of resolve before taking a deep breath and moving forward
"Gotta find our matter what" she said to herself

Sprocket and whisper elf walked around the academy with sprocket occasionally stopping to talk with one of the skylanders who usually just had questions about whisper elf and her being here
However after about half an hour of walking whisper elf found her chance to slip away unseen when sprocket was gazing at the clouds

"So what do you do at this time of day?" Sprocket said turning around however was met with the sight of whisper elf no where to be found

In the academy itself whisper elf was moving as fast and silently as she could even managing to sneak around a couple skylanders a tree like being with stiff hammer like hand and a four armed yeti discussing something about 'drop the hammer'

Finally whisper elf found the main part of the inner academy where Spyro,eruptor,jetvac,pop fizz and Kassandra were discussing something
Now hidden behind one of the many book sleeves whisper elf began to listen in
"So what CAN we do?" Spyro asked
"Look Spyro you think I like having us basically do nothing while a evil wizard runs amok and our friend is turned evil? I don't but the fact is we have no idea what their goal is and if we don't know that we don't know how to counter it we're in the dark so until we know what to do then we can't do anything"
"We can't just stand around with our friend trapped and skylands in danger we NEED to do something"Eruptor said
"Jetvac is right, until stryekore makes his move and we know what we are dealing with any attempts to defeat him will be in vain until we know his objective and how to beat him to it and then we beat him and stealth elf...I mean dark stealth elf"
"Speaking of dark skylanders what about dark Spyro? Surly stryekore would try to recuit him again right?" Pop fizz said
"Yes..yes he would alright we need to be prepared at a moments notice for stryekore,Spyro and stealth elf until we know what to do hang tight a be ready at a moments notice"
"Okay we will be...but aren't we one skylander short?" Eruptor pointed out
"Yeah...sprocket?" Spyro asked
"No she taking care of whisper" jetvac said
"Well... I'm sure we'll do fine all we gotta do is capture her and turn her back" Spyro said as he flew up and left with the others leaving soon after

Whisper elf's thoughts were in twist from the scene she just watched
"For liars they sure seemed genuine and why would they be lying if they didn't know I was here, they don't know I'm here right?" She said as quietly as she could
Suddenly her thoughts her cut off by a loud noise looking from a different angle stealth elf saw Kassandra opening a large hidden stone door next to a small head statue of some guy
"The book of tombs does sound pretty ancient artifacty and if there's anywhere with would put something ancient artifacty it would be there" she whispered to herself before teleporting next to and then walking through the door

In the hall whisper elf was careful not to step or touch anything that would possibly make a sound while following Kassandra

After a little while and a couple close calls whisper elf found Kassandra looking through as very dusty book shelf muttering to herself
"What are you up to stryekore?" Kassandra Ames herself before her eyes widened in discovery
"You wouldn't stryekore even for you that's to risky" she said before walking to a wall and pushing a button disguised as a stone brick and walking through the door it revealed

Once again following kasandra whisper elf found herself in small but very dark room with only a couple torch's leading to a small room where a fairly book was wrapped in grass and on a pedestal of wood with light gazing down on it
"Maybe with such long exposure in this state maybe it's powers are reduced at least for a little while" she said looking over the book

Turning around Kassandra began walking out of the room almost seeing whisper who after barley dodging her sight was right behind her not wanting to be trapped here

Now completely out of the hidden chamber whisper elf took great care to sneak away and back outside of the academy where she found sprocket calling her name
Walking over to the golden skinned tech skylander whisper elf tugged on her leg showing her presence

Sprocket looked at the elf for a second before I embracing her in a hug
"Oh my goodness I was so worried!" Sprocket said before her relief turned to anger
"Why do you just disappear on me like that? I was worried sick!" She said showing her concern for the little ninja
"I was just exploring for a little"
"Well why didn't you tell me I could have gone with you and everything would have been fine!"
"I...I'm sorry" she said looking down
"Alright...let's go home it's time for you to learn math and stuff"
"Okay...I'm sorry"
"I forgive you"
The two elves walked back to the house and sprocket began to teach whisper

After two hours of explaining how she knows more than the book and how it's wrong most of the time sprocket finally finished whispers math lesson
"And there! Any questions?" She asked confident in her teaching skills
"Umm I was just supposed to learn about division not how a train moving at twenty miles per hour on a negative slope of forty five degrees can intersect a train moving at ten miles per hour on a slope of twenty degrees"
"Ohh...well why didn't you just say so that's easy!"
Sprocket said leaning over and drawing a picture of jars with cookies in them
"There are five jars and twenty cookies all jars need to have the same amount of cookies so each jar has four cookies" she said
"Ohh um..okay"
"Alright now what's 245,678.209 divided by 49.31?"
"Uhh Umm I don't know" whisper elf said completely unprepared for the question
"Oh alright what's six divided by two?"
"There you go! Now I'm going to tinker on something in my workshop do some problems and I'll make dinner later"
" wait I...have another question"
"Okay shoot" sprocket said stopping herself from getting off the couch
"Are you going to kill me?" Whisper elf said looking directly into sprockets eyes

Sprocket sat there on the couch not even blinking as she tried to comprehend what whisper elf had just asked her before snapping back to reality and looking at whisper
"No...I would never do that I would never even hurt you why would you think I would do that?!" She said
" I-I..I don't know I just" whisper elf stuttered not wanting to say anything that would give away her and her big sisters friend
"Whisper elf...I would never hurt you or kill you, you're like a niece to me" she said
"Okay...I'm sorry"
"What would give you the idea that I would want to kill?" Sprocket asked
"Uhh...ummmm....because you got angry a little while ago?" Whisper elf said
"I was angry because I cared about you! I thought something might have happened while I wasn't looking! I'm not going to kill you"
"Alright...I'm sorry sprocket"
"It's okay...well get the problems done and watch some tv or something I'll be in my workshop for a little while" sprocket said walking away

Whisper elf did the math problems but wasn't occupied by the tv instead by her thoughts
"Maybe they didn't try to kill her maybe they just did something on accident and stealth elf thought it was purpose this could all just be a big miss understanding" she said to herself

Later sprocket finished her experiments in her work shop and began making dinner it was just some burgers and frozen fries but they were really good after that sprocket played a movie and after that it was whisper elf's bedtime

Whisper elf after brushing her teeth and putting on her pajamas went to bed relaxed and tired

But was suddenly woke up by stealth elf looking over her
"Do you have it?"

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfWhere stories live. Discover now