A contingency

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Stealth elf after a long conversation with her master and sister finally came to a agreement

"Alright then" cami flage said ready to wrap this up and get back to defending the enchanted forest

"Whisper elf can stay and train under you but she needs to have someone there to protect her from you incase you truly to hurt her again" cami flage said finally getting out of the chair she was in

"Goodbye Whisper elf" cami flange said leaning over a kissing the small ninja on the forehead

Then she went over to stealth elf hugging her tightly and whisper in her ear

"Don't mess up this time" she said slightly joking

"I won't...I promise"

"Yeah...I know"

After a little while of the tow elves staying in the same room with stealth elf asking what happened while she was gone

Now it was around nine pm and stealth elf walked out of the room whisper elf sleeping in her bed and looking though the hallway she saw that sprocket was the only one there

"Hey" sprocket said waving slightly to stealth elf

"Hey" stele the elf replied walking towards the exit as sprocket followed

"So I assume it went well?"

"Yeah...um..hey I want to say something" stealth elf said stopping herself in her tracks

"Sure What is it?" Sprocket asked

"Whisper elf told me how you took care of her and tried to keep her safe and...thank you so much"

"Yeah no problem elfy"

"No like...actually thank you so much I know it's seems weird but I just really appreciate it she's the only related family I have so I'm just really grateful she was kept on good hands"

"Yeah...your welcome it was actually kinda nice she's like a...younger you" sprocket said before realizing how awkward that sound

"Hmph yeah..anyways I wanted to ask you something"

"Sure What is it?"

"My master...even when she learned it wasn't the 'real me' wanted to take Whisper elf back to the enchanted forest wanting to keep a eye on her and keep her safe but whisper elf didn't want that but was also still scared of me so we came up with a idea someone here would be called to protect her if I ever went bad while she was here and...I want you to be that person"

Sprocket stood there and thought looking to her side at the edge of the island and at the dark sky

"Alright...I'll do it but I don't know how I'm supposed to help her if I'm not right next to her at all times"

"It's just to keep her feeling safe like I said she's still scared of me and she just wants something there to well..just in case"

"Well that still brings back the point of how She's supposed to contact me though?"

"Oh yeah I was...hoping you could make something for her to contact you cause your...you know with the tech and stuff?"

"Well I'm not working on anything else so I'll get to work on it"

"Thank you...I really appreciate it"

"Anytime stealth elf..anytime"

Hey so the next chapters are gonna be jumping through stealth elf and whisper elf's time together rather than a overall story

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank your guys viewership as it really gives me the biggest reason to do this (especially you minhahasan!)

Skyalnders: Whisper elf and dark stealth elfWhere stories live. Discover now