✎ Chapter 18 ✎

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Chapter 18


I hug Marshmallow and cradle her. "You're going to meet your brother. Try not to get jealous because I still love you. I'll still give you my attention." I look at Tony and blush.

He pats my head and we enter the garage. "Ready Sara? It's time for Chester to meet Marshmallow."

"Chestnut, this is Marshmallow," Sara explains to the puppy.

I put the cat down and she stays by Tony's legs while the dog comes over to sniff her.

"Seems to be going well." Tony watches the animals. "Why's she chilling with me? I thought you'd be her comfort zone."

"Because you're more alpha-esque." I giggle and sit down with the animals. Tony smirks, looking proud.

Chestnut tries to play with Marshmallow and she entertains the idea, batting at him lightly.

Sara giggles. "They like each other!"

Tony sits down with me and scratches behind Chestnut's ears then behind Marshmallow's.

She purrs loudly and I lean against Tony.

"Does Chestnut use a litter box too?" Sara sits by the puppy and Marshmallow crawls in Tony's lap.

"No, he goes potty outside so we'll have to take him out every couple of hours, in the morning, and after he eats. He needs to be on his leash too so he doesn't run away. Toby and I will take care of that so don't take him out without us, okay honey?" I explain to Sara.

She nods. "I wish we had a fence so he couldn't run away."

"I could try and build one."

"I can do that, easy. We can work together on it." He pats my shoulder.

"It would be fun to do some yard work, pretty up the place." I hum.

"Pretty up?" Tony looks at me. "Don't make my house too pretty." He pets the cat absentmindedly.

"Just have like a flower bed, a sitting area, a vegetable/fruit garden, a place to barbecue."

Tony's eyes fill with desire. "Oh, I'd love a grill."

Sara perks up. "Like a burger?"

"Yeah or hot dogs or steak." Tony licks his lips.

She bounces. "That sounds good."

"It is." Tony smiles. "I could actually make you dinner, kiddo."

Her eyes widen. "I like when people make food for me. Like Abuelita and Mommy make."

Tony nods. "Mhm."

"Can we let him in the house yet?" I ask Tony.

"Yeah." Tony nods and puts marshmallow on the floor before getting up and opening the door. "Come, Chesnut."

I motion for Marshmallow and Sara to follow. Noticing that everyone is going, the puppy decides to follow.

"He's so cute." Sara giggles.

"He sure is. He's already such a good fuckin' boy." Tony pats the dog, looking incredibly happy about all of this.

I smile, feeling over the moon. Making Tony and Sara happy is my biggest goal in life and every time I succeed I feel like I've won some big prize.

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