Chapter 2: Mine

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Nathan began to stir to a cool breeze all over his body. He cracked his eyes open, seeing that he was only in his underwear. Looking around his surroundings he realized that he was in a small cave, but the ground was blanketed with leaves and nature, making it comfortable to lay in. He tried to sit up, only to feel a sharp pain all over his body, immediately stopping all movement to cope with it.

"Yeah... Wouldn't do that if I were you." He heard from somewhere in the cave.

He looked around, spotting the Lucario by a small campfire in the corner of the cave, warming up by it and stirring something in a pot. She had her head down, clearly saddened by something. He groaned with pain, leaning his back against the cave wall.

He looked down at his bare upper body, seeing the large bruise on his chest. He sighed, already knowing the injury. "God dammit." he muttered to himself. An injury like that will slow him down greatly.

"I know it's a little too late but... I'm sorry about that." She said with a genuine regretful tone.

He rested the back of his head against the cave wall, breathing slowly to try and mellow the pain. "Oh, no big deal. Probably just snapped a few ribs. I'm sure I'll be fine." 

She sighed. "It's been so long since I... Fought someone like that. I couldn't bring myself to pass it up. Being a fighting type makes me love fighting... Obviously."

He raised an eyebrow. "Then why not just go out to civilisation and challenge people or something?"

She looked away, clearly embarrassed by the answer. "To put it simply... I'm kinda a loner. I've been bullied a lot since childhood so I found piece out in these woods. And anyone who would come out here would be forced to fight me. Not one has left victorious."

Nathan nodded. "I get how you feel. Being bullied, feeling like the whole world is against you so you want to get away." He replied, looking around at the cave. "That's how I lived for a long time until I found someone very important to me."

"I'm still trying to figure out what the hell you are. I've never seen anything like you" said the lucario, changing the subject to a less depressing one.

Her confusion amused him. "I'm from a different dimension." He answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

She looked at him blankly, trying to find out if he was messing with her. "You're screwing with me, right?"

"Lucario's can read thoughts, is there a single lie about what I just said in my head?"

She focused and was surprised by not seeing a single hint of deception in his mind. "Holy shit." she muttered.

"Believe me, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself," he replied. "But I do know why I'm here. Someone I love is here somewhere, and I will find her."

"Who?" She asked.

He smiled. "Mewtwo, I call her Mewy a lot. I've been searching for her for six months now, and finally my search lead me here. Well... I was told that she's here. Where she's from originally." he explained, deciding not to mention who told him. 

"Well, this is a big place. It'll take you a long time to find her." She warned, continuing to stir whatever was in the pot.

"Huh, thanks for the optimism." He replied sarcastically.

There was a moment of silence in the small cave, the only sound being the liquidy motion of Lycah's stirring.

"When you stopped my attack, you seemed like even you didn't know what you did." She said, suddenly remembering the strange moment.

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