Chapter 5: The Sisters

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The sun shone down on Nathan, Lycah, Angella and Zyla as they walked the busy streets of City A. They had walked for nearly five hours and they were starting to grow tired.

"We're nearly there... Just a little further." Said Lycah, not as affected by the walk as Angella or Zyla.

Nathan dragged the back his hand along his forehead, removing the built up sweat with his glove. "Hopefully I don't end up with heat stroke." He chuckled, feeling extreme heat in his clothing.

They decided to stop under the shade of a store Lycah dug through her travel pack, pulling out four water canteens and handed one to Zyla and two to Nathan.

Nathan kneeled in front of Angella, holding the bottle up to her lips. She gratefully began drinking from it as he tilted the bottle upwards. After she finished her water, Nathan began gulping down his own, turning around as he did so that no one saw him slide down his mask.

After everyone was hydrated, they stayed under the shade to rest a little while longer. "Being in weather like this makes me want to move to City I." Angella said breathlessly.

"City I is cold and snowy." Lycah said to Nathan after she saw his confused expression.

He nodded with understanding and Zyla with her Rhydon illusion stood tall, intimidating anyone who might want to throw an insult Angella's way.

"I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight." The zoroark giggled.

Everyone nodded with total agreement, eagerly awaiting the moment that they get to lay down on a comfy bed.

Nathan turned around, looking at the entrance to the store they were in front of. "Lycah, can I have some Pokès? I'll jump in and restock on water." 

She nodded, handing him one medium sized Pokè, which she told him added up to ten Pokès. "Just be careful not to show your face." 

Nodding, he walked into the store, sighing with relief upon feeling a cold spot from the air conditioning.

He looked at the small Raichu behind the counter and held up his empty water canteens. "Restocking on water."

The Raichu saw the four canteens, and nodded. "Eight Pokès."

Nathan flicked the coin to him and the Raichu caught it. "Keep the change." He walked towards the store's water fountain.

He began filling the canteens up fully, stopping at the brim of each one. With the canteens full, he left the store again, meeting his mates out front. He put the canteens back into their travel pack.

"Good to go?" Asked Lycah.

He nodded. "Let's get back to it."

They all began their walk again, travelling in the direction of the Grass Type Gardens. 

"I think I can see it in the distance." said Zyla after a while of walking. 

Nathan looked ahead, seeing nothing but green in the distance.

He smiled. "I think your right."

Lycah jumped onto Nathan's back, climbing up to his shoulders to get a better look. "Yep, that's it."

"Finally." Angella sighed with relief. "Now let's hurry up and find an inn."

As they walked a little further, they heard something strange. Almost like an altercation. 

"Come on, toots. Be my mate, you know you want to." said a deep voice in the distance.

"How many times do I need to tell you, Brad?! I will never be your mate!" Screamed a feminine voice.

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