Chapter 10: The Devastating Truth

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It seemed like hours since Nathan was thrown into the illusion, he had been walking around the endless forest hopelessly, clearly beginning to lose all hope of getting out... after hours of venturing through the forest, he knew he hadn't made any progress whatsoever.

He tried his hardest to do as Zyla said, to focus on nothing but reality, but no matter how hard he tried... he could tell that it was useless... the illusion was just far too strong.

"Fuck..." Nathan whispered to himself, falling to his knees and pressing his forehead into the dirt beneath him. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, clutching a few dead leaves from the forest ground in his hands.

Sighing, he slowly raised his head back up after a few seconds of composing himself... immediately seeing that his entire scenery had changed... he was no longer in the forest, but a cave... a very familiar cave.

"What the...?" He whispered to himself, slowly standing up. His entire suit was now completely clean of any dirt, stain, or tears, there was absolutely no evidence that he was just dog piled by a bunch of Zoroarks only moments before...

In fact... now he was beginning to wonder... what even happened? Why did it feel like he was in a forest seconds ago?

"Must've zoned out..." he mumbled to himself, holding a hand to his forehead.

"Yes, I think you did." Came the familiar soothing voice of Mewy, followed by a short giggle. "Come back to bed and stop daydreaming, dummy~"

Nathan slowly turned around, immediately smiling softly from the sight of Mewtwo laying in the bed in her cave with the sheets covering half her body. She was looking over at him with a small smirk.

"Hurry up, it's cold without you~" Mewy pleaded, motioning for him to come back to bed.

Nathan began taking slow steps towards the bed... unable to explain why it felt like he hasn't seen Mewy in a long... long time.

As he slowly layed down on the bed, Mewy quickly rested her head on his chest with a relaxed sigh. "So, wanna tell me why you zoned out? Or want me to look in your head~?" She asked with a smooth, kind voice.

Nathan thought about her question for a moment, but as he pondered on it... he couldn't quite remember why he zoned out. "Maybe you should look in my head..." he replied quietly, wrapping an arm around Mewy.

She looked into his eyes for a moment, wondering if he was serious about his answer... but after a few seconds, her eyes suddenly glowed purple, and Nathan's world went temporarily black.


"Please! No, get him out of there, I'm begging you!" Zyla screamed with horror, desperately trying to escape the Zoroarks grip.

"He's deep into the illusion now, too late." One Zoroark laughed as he helped keep Zyla pinned, clearly not caring about her pleas.

"No... NO!" Zyla cried, her fight to overpower the Zoroarks eventually fading as she realized they were right... she knew Nathan had to have been too far gone into the illusion by now.

"Come on, get up good lookin'." Said another zoroark as they pulled Zyla up to her feet. "Let's go see the boss."

Zyla kept her eyes to the ground as the clan of Zoroarks began escorting her through the forest, her head hanging limply to the ground as her tears fell... she could never hope to cope with what happened to her mate.

She was led deeper into the forest for a while until eventually, they came across a rock face which was also the entrance to a very dark cave. The clan led Zyla into the mouth of the cave, pulling her along with them as they descended deeper into the earth.

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