Chapter 6: Not So Fast

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Nathan carried Nitra as fast as he could to the house, the swelling in her paw grew worse and she buried her face into his shoulder as she coped with the severe pain.

"I never thought a broken bone would hurt this much." She said through her tears.

"We're almost there, just hold on a little longer." Nathan replied

She buried her face deeper into Nathan's shoulder. "I wonder how many people can say they've had a damn Snorlax step on their foot."

"Well, if that guy doesn't pay attention like that every day then it's probably a lot."

She sighed. "The healing potion will take care of the bone but I'll still be sore for weeks... I won't be able to run."

She began to sob into Nathan's shoulder, but not about the pain anymore. Nathan sighed and rubbed his hand up and down her back.

"Hey, you'll recover in no time." He assured, smiling. "And when you do, you and I are gonna go on a run."

This clearly excited her and she looked up to his eyes. "Promise?"

"I promise."

She smiled and pecked him on the cheek. "I look forward to it. It'll be fun to watch you trying to keep up with me." She giggled.

Nathan laughs. "I'm sure it will be."

They finally arrive to the house and Nathan opens the door with his elbow.

"Girls, we need a healing potion." He said with a raised voice so that everyone could hear him.

"What? Why?" Asked Vera from the living room. As soon as Nathan entered the room holding Nitra her eyes widened. "What happened?!"

Vera darted towards them as Nathan gently set Nitra on the sofa.

"A damn Snorlax stepped on my paw." Replied Nitra, shakily raising her paw for Vera to see.

The Espeon looked closely at the swollen, bruised paw and frowned. "That's crushed to the distortion world, how have you not passed out?"

"Vera, healing potion, please." She replied, gritting her teeth through the pain.

"Uh, we have healing potions but none that would heal a severely broken bone like that. We'd need a medical grade potion and you can't just buy that at a store."

"You've gotta be kidding." Said the Jolteon, the shaking in her paw growing worse.

"Then we've just got to take her to a hospital, right?" Asked Nathan.

Vera shook her head. "I'm not risking her going to the hospital, that's where Bret works." She replied, scowling.


"A Nidoking who hates us. He hates anyone who rejects him as his mate. And that's what we did." Replied Nitra.

Nathan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "So what do we do?"

Vera dashed to the kitchen and came back seconds later with a bag of ice. She slowly put it on top of Nitra's paw. "Keep it there, it should reduce swelling and ease your pain a little."

Nitra used her teeth to drag the bag of ice more over her paw and winced a little. Vera turned back around to face Nathan.

"You have to visit Cecilia, she'll make us a really good potion. I'll keep Nitra comfortable while you're gone."

Nathan sighed. "And who's Cecilia?"

"A Gardevoir, a family friend I guess. She's the gardener of the Grass type gardens" Said Nitra.

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