Chapter 5 - Another Argument

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They look at each other for awhile before Alex answer him.

"I dont mind my mate fighting alongside me in a war. Only those who we qualify are allow in a battle field. Which means only the best female warrior fight."

"Wow, i pity your mate." Luca said.

"Dont be. I am proud to fight with him side by side." Rose said with a meaningful smile towards Alex.

"My Beta and Delta are mate." i intercept.

"Wow. Amazing." Luca said not amuse.

"Just think about it will you? You should really see how my female warrior fight. I mean it is not unheard Of that female fight. And we do produce the best female warrior."

"You know what, i already agree to change the first thing, can we think wisely about this. This doesnt just involve me making the decision, it involve you and other women as well. Others thought should be taken into account too."

"Alright, but those she wolf who wanted to fight and be a pack warrior, mate or unmated should be allowed to do so. Im not going to force them if they dont want to. But if they wanted to learn and fight, you will have to let them. And lets not forget, i am fighting a war if there is one too. With you."

"Why are you being difficult? Alright i'll let them choose if they wanted to. But still, it is a no for you to fight  in a battle field. What would other said if they saw i let my Luna fight?"

"The last thing i expect from you is that you care about what others thought? Are you serious now?"

"Please just dont argue with me on this."

"Then i see no point having this meeting. You may leave now." i said lean back to my chair and crossing my arm.

He clenched his jaw. His eyes turn a dark shades of color.

"Just this 2 law that bothers me. 2 law Alpha. Rewrite it and im all yours."

"You wont always get what you want." he said firmly.

"Then leave!" i said slamming my palm on the table.

"If i were you i watch who im talking to." his voice sound threatening.

"You are currently in my territory Alpha. Watch who you're talking to."

"I try Eli." he said leaning back to his chair. "I try to be reasonable with your request,but for you to fight in war?! Do you even hear yourself? How many war have youve been? If we cant talk this out then i'll just attack your pack and have you be my Luna by force. Take this as my warning. Im serious."

"Good. Then i can go on with my plan B. Tonight." i said tilting my head and raising one of my eyebrow to him.

"Youre mine!" he growl and slammed his palm on the table and stand up.

His breathing rythmm increase as his chest move up and down furious with what i said.

"Meeting adjourned, we'll continue this tomorrow. At Dark Forest pack. I'll expect you to come by 9am."

Without waiting for me to say anything he left with Tony and Peter.

"Can you believe that. Alex go see them if they really left." i command.

"Hmm hmm, i find it is more interesting to know what is your plan B." Rose said with a grin.

I smirk back at her and wait till Alex join us and told them my plan B.

"What the hell?!" Alex shout in disbelief while Rose giggle.

"No wonder he is so piss off." Rose said.

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