Extra Chapter 1

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Luca POV

I was sound asleep like any other ordinary day until i heard the voice that suppose to be soothing but it brings a terrible news.

*Luca!!! The pack is under attack.* Eli voice sounded terrified.

In half asleep condition i jump out of bed. Quickly exit the house and notice the pack house is quiet. I panicked. How can a pack house be this quiet be it under attack or not.

As i walk downstairs i can hear children shouting voice from the back of the building where our pack field are. Assuming the attack occur there, i ran as fast as i could. Only to be greeted with happy smiling faces of my pack member, and the children were shouting because they are playing. I panting heavily catching my breath. My panicked mode subside, but i feel deceived by my mate.

"Where is your Luna." i ask one of the member. And they point me to where Eli is at.

I walk towards her, and she immediately sense me coming to her.

"Alpha, you've came." she said with no guilt voice. She gesture me to take a seat at one of the chair they set up there.

"Its not a good prank saying this pack is under attack." i said looking her straight into her eyes, while she is smiling at me.

"Oh, but it got your ass up quickly didnt it. As long as you are here, whatever i did work." she said.

"I still dont like what you said. Do not ever said or try to prank me with something like that again. Its not funny Eli, Im serious." i said with a serious face.

"Okay okay, now lets have breakfast. I plan to have breakfast will all the pack member here. Its been awhile to have all of them gather together." i nodded and eat the breakfast that she brought me. Our pack dining hall is under contruction to be enlarge to accomodate all the pack member.

After eating, everyone mingle around talking to one another. And i constantly approached by pack member to get to know them better. Eli said it would be good to talk and understand the needs of pack. The pack will love and respect the Alpha more that way, so i did it. When the pack stop approaching me, i look at the crowd and I am happy, seeing all my pack member is smiling and enjoying the breakfast, it gives me a sense of proud.

But i was hit with a mix feeling afterwards.

*ohh fuck look at that muscle.*
*what if that hand touch me*
*i wonder how it will feel like*

What the hell?! Isnt this Eli thought? The fuck that she think? I quickly scan her location and saw her looking at a group of warrior. My warrior. I look buffer and tougher than those guys, why would she checking those guys out. But most importantly why would my mate looking at other guy with lust. Why did she let me hear her thought.

*damn it boy, dont move that arm*
*arghh your arms look so muscular*
*you turns me on*

With more of that thought of her i growled so loud that i have everyone attention. But my eyes are focus only on Eli.

"Luna! What the hell?!" i shouted. Not bothering about any other things at the moment. All the other pack member didnt dare to look up, they had their gaze down on the grass sensing my boiling anger. Eli look shocked but she somehow had the audacity to approache and try to calm me down.

"Luca, whats wrong?"

"You tell me whats wrong. What were you thinking?"

"Hey lets not do this here." she said indicating that the pack are here and they are listening. Then i flinched as she try to touch me.

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