Chapter 9 - The Issue

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After breakfast, me, Luca and Alex left to Dark Forest pack leaving Roman and Rose incharge. I am in a car with Luca while Alex bring his own car. We stay quiet along the journey lost in our own thought.

When we arrive Dark Forest pack, Alex went to one of the guest room in the pack house, and i went straight to Luca house which is in the pack house. Luca quickly attend to his Alpha duty in his office. After sometimes lying down on the bed resting a voice came in my mind.

*so now what?* its Alex voice.
*lets meet in the pack foyer in 5.* i said.

Honestly i dont know what to do too. I was hoping me and Alex could come up with things to start with in this pack before moving Evergreen pack here. I wouldnt want to let Luca decide everything for my pack eventhough he is the unofficial Alpha for me and my pack. It is just not my nature to accept and obeyed someone else order. I need to be still in charge. Is that a bad thing?

Somehow i went to the bathroom to refresh myself before went down to the foyer where Alex already waiting for me.

"Alpha." he bow. Somehow i feel like he is reminding me that i am still his Alpha, cause he usually call me by my name.

"Alex." i said signaling him to one of the  empty table located below a tree where pack member could sit and rest.

"Alex, i honestly dont know what to do now, there's like a bunch of things playing simultaneously in my mind.  You know me, the kind of complicated freak when it comes to planning. Where should i start?"

"You didnt want to ask your Alpha?" he raise one of his eye brow to me.

"Are you questioning my authority right now?" i look at him with pointed eye.

"I wouldnt dare. Just a mere thought that you might look up to his opinion more than mine." I had a good thought with what he said. And i almost wanted to go to Luca asking what i should do, but again, i had this battle in my mind. Me myself wanted to do things my way, and my wolf said it would be better to go to mate since this is his pack. But me being me, I choose to block my wolf.

"Alex, you know me better, i dont want to just follow order. I want us to come up with a plan of what we would look into in this pack. To suit our pack needs and prepare them in advance for our migration later. Then we'll tell Luca what we're up to."

"Sounds good. Whats to start with?"

"Patrol, training for male and female, pups. You know what, basically what we had in Evergreen pack, i want to have it all here."

"Okay,we should start we smaller section first. Lets start check out the pups area, then we'll go to the training part, then patrol and whatever that come in your mind afterward."

"Right, i like the sound of that. Lets tell Luca we are checking out the pups area."

Then we walk side by side towards Luca office which situated in the pack 3rd floor.

"Thank you Alex." i said suddenly to him suddenly which caught him by suprise.

"For what?"

"For being by my side. I honestly feel so lost." i said stop walking which make him standing in front of me a little since he didnt expect me to stop walking.

"My heart felt so full. But my mind feel so lost, its empty, i am not use to being this way. I feel like a little puppy wanting guidance while i am already good at it all this while." i said suddenly getting emotional.

"Then i found my mate. My wolf is acting like a lovesick puppy. We're getting along before this with every decision. But now we are always conflicted, with her always wanted to be dependant on her mate. Its frustrating Alex." my tears are gathering at the corner of my eye. Then Alex pull me into a hug giving me comfort. He doesnt says a word. He listen carefully to everything i said.

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