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It's been three days since I've heard or last seen Emon. He doesn't even talk to me or anything. I've decided I'd go to his job today to apologize for everything, even though I didn't do a thing.


I stepped to the front desk of the paint job section of the shop. "Hey, umm is Emon here?" "No, sorry he hasn't shown since yesterday." the man at the front desk answered without looking from his computer. "Oh well do you know any way I could con-" "Kara?" I heard a deep voice coming from behind me. "Uhhh do I know you?" "No. But uh I'm Josh. Emon's homeboy. Have you by chance heard from him?" he asked walking closer wiping his dirt filled hands with a wash rag. "No. Actually, I'm actually here to find a way to reach him." I said. "Well if he by chance hits you up please let me know. And I'll give you my number. Or if he hits me up I could tell you." he said handing me a card. "Okay..." I said. I then handed him my number and made my way to my truck.


"Shit!" I thought to myself as I gulped down the last if my beer. I can't show up to work, can't face Kara cause I lost my job to her, my life so fucked. *RING* My phone rung interrupting my thoughts. I picked it up seeing it was Kara. She'd called me five times everyday since the last time we'd talked. She then texted me.

Kara: hey uh I would really appreciate it if we could talk ! call me as soon as you get this !

I thought about it for a minute then replied to her telling her we could meet at DQ.


Since Emon and I would be meeting at DQ I decided dressing in my ripped ash jeans, brown uggs, brown tank top, and an aztec; black, pink, white, blue, and lime green; cardigan. I tied my hair in a loose ponytail and wore pearls for ear bling. I drove my way to our meet up and waited for him to pull up beside my truck before I entered. I expected him to open my door ,but instead he stared at me stupidly wondering what I was waiting for. I quickly got out trying not show that I was a bit upset. We got inside and he payed for both of our treats. "Thanks.. Ummm so I wanna first apolo-" I started before we were interrupted by some random girl. "Hey Emon," she said before looking to me rolling her eyes," You'on know nobody no more huh?" she said popping a piece of gum. I couldn't even get mad. I'm too old for petty shit. She doesn't even know me, so if she about to hate over a nigga all I have to do is flip my pretty locks and wipe my wet fingers over my eyebrows.

Emon seemed annoyed by her ecistance. He kind of shooed her off, but she didn't flee. "Can you please leave Tanya? Can't you see I'm trying to talk to my girl? GET." he said rubbing his temples. I slick smiled and stuck my tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes and walked off. "Excuse her, she's my ex almost was babymama, continue please." he said. "What do you mean almost? " "Miscarriage... Don't even wanna talk about it." he said. I couldn't find words to say, so instead I walked over to him and hugged him gently. At first he was kind of disapproving of the hug, but then he grew into it. He hugged back tightly crying into my shoulders. I tried quieting him down, but it only worked until we made it out to his truck. "Just come to my place." I said kissing his cheek. He nodded then I made my way to my truck. I backed out if DQ's and made my way home with my leftovers.


I made my way to my driveway seeing that Emon was already there, but asleep. "Emon come on." I said knocking on his window. He quickly raised up frightened. "I'm sorry about today." before I could begin my new sentence Emon had attacked me with passionate kisses from my lips, to my neck, and back up. I pull off his shirt and hurriedly stopped us to shut my front door. He tried picking me up, but I avoided it but stopping him. "What's wrong?" he said lifting my chin since I'd put my head down."You know what. I'm to damn fat for you to even be trying to pick me up. Yea sure you got a strong body build, but I'm too hard of a challenge." I said. It went three minutes without a word spoken as I had waited for him to speak. Instead I felt my feet being lifted fron the ground and his arms tightly around my waist. He carried me upstairs to my room without a problem kissing on my chest, neck, and mouth. We'd made it to my room. I was about to give this boy something so valuable and important to me that I couldn't even give to Carsen. I stopped us before things went further than my shirt being torn off of my body. He understood after I'd explained everything and how I felt. He agreed to wait. We laid and cuddled all night, shit its been a long week.

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