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Two years have gone by and I haven't had a word with Emon. Every since the day I told him I was hurt I really couldn't speak with him anymore. I decided to cut of all connections between us and even if we'd seen each other to act as if we hadn't. I really didn't want to hear his explaining of the bet, I only wanted to be left alone.
"TETE! TETE We're here the little princess has arrived!" My niece screamed. My sister has a daughter that's 4 years old. She adopted her from her best friend that passed away.
"Awww hello my booger bear." I cooed tickling my niece. "Tete can we go to the park this afternoon?" She said in between giggles. "Welllll princess I won't have time to, I have to work annnd I have a very special day planned for us to sit home, eat snacks, and be princesses tomorrow evening." I said taking her frown away quite fast. "Kk Tete." She said. "Where's your mommy?" "She's out in the car with daddy." "Well honey why don't you go upstairs and set up the dollhous---"

"AMIYAH GET DOWN!!" I screamed as I grabbed my niece. It seemed as if the shots went on forever. Thirty shots were fired. I could only imagine what my sister and her boyfriend were doing. I cried as I held my niece tightly as we were hidden behind my couch." Tete where's my mommy?" Amiyah sniffled. "I don't know baby but she's okay, God has her."
"Tete who is God?" She said hugging me tighter.

"Calm down baby. Its okay everything is going to be fine." I say to calm my niece down.
I let my niece go to crawl to the couch for my phone. As soon as I made it someone started beating on my door. I rushed my niece upstairs to the room to hide her in the closet. I came back downstairs and looked through the peephole. My sister's car was gone, so I assumed she fled the scene. Emon was at my door. But why? Why is he here? "Open up Tia. Its safe I just want to check on you." He said. "What- what are yo-You doing here?" I stuttered. "I was driving through as saw the men shooting at each other. Everyone is ok. Just let me in."

"Well what happened, did you notice my sister?" I said sitting my niece in a chair to give her spaghetti and sausages for dinner. "Well no I didn't see her. But I rode through just in time. To see who had been shooting. Should I tell you or would you snitch?" He asked. "No I don't even want to know. Just the fact that my niece was in harm pisses me of. I can't believe people could be so heartless. Knowing how many children are in this neighborhood." I said feeding Amiyah. "Oh well I'm very sorry.." he replied. It was silent for a moment, I felt him eyeing a huge hole in the side of my head but I never once looked his way. "Maybe I should get going. It was nice seeing you again and your daughter." He said. "She's my niece. But you too. Goodbye." I said walking him to the door.
"Be careful. I still love you.."

I hurried and slammed the door on his face. I was NOT going. "TETE!" Amiyah screamed.

"Coming baby." I said walking back.
"Oh I'm so glad you're okay. I have to get out of this neighborhood. Grown men with baby minds. Ugh. Lemme call your mommy and make sure she's alright." I told my niece cleaning her up.
"Then will you tell me who God is?" She asked. "Not at the moment baby, not right now. But I promise he is the only man you will ever need in life. He is our king. Ok, now go get ready so I can return you to your parents.

"Oh my! My baby!" My sister cried out when we walked in the door grabbing her daughter. "I'm so glad you're both okay."
"Yes we're okay. People have such sick twisted minds. I'm just glad I was able to save Amiyah." I replied wiping my sister's tears. "Well thank you so much. I very much appreciate it." She said picking Amiyah up. "Hey did you by any chance see who it was?" I asked curiously. "Yes. It was Emon. He had gotten out of the car in all black and him and some guy were fighting. When I recognized who he was I started to get out and stop it, but then I saw the gun. And they were at it. I tried calling you but my phone was messing up." She answered putting Amiyah down. "Amiyah baby why don't you go to your room so I can talk to your mommy? Ok?" I asked my niece. "Ok!" She screamed to go play dolls.
"What the HELL?! Emon just left my house an hour ago! He shoots up the damn neighborhood then has the ordasity to come to my place." I said angrily. "What?! You let a criminal around my daughter?!" My sister asked mad. "CORRECTION I DIDN'T KNOW! Maybe I wouldn't be mad." I said rolling my eyes. "You're right." she said sitting down. "This isn't over." I said. "Damn right. Be careful sis I love you." She said. "I love you too." I said leaving.

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