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"We are gathered here today to celebrate.. a friend, a son, a cousin, an uncle who is now gone. Many don't understand the value of life, til someone close to them dies. You can be here one day and gone the next. I'm sure this man enjoyed every minute of life. Only to have it all taken with one bullet to the heart. He was loved- very loved. To all who are heartbroken by his death... family, friends I assure you it will all be okay. God is your comforter. He will comfort you in your time of mourning. Life is taking advatange of by most people. Now I am going to wrap this all up because we only have an hour to make it to the food arena for lunch. So everybody pay your respects with flowers, cards, any gift and you may exit." The priest said.

That was the end. I couldn't wrap my head around this. Although Timmy was horrible at times, he truly had a good heart and purpose. Being an employee, friend, enemy all in one. He's now gone. I thought it had been Emon that died in the war we'd started. I still can't wrap my head around this. I know I wanted him gone, but we all know that's a figure of speech. It's upsetting to know that he is gone and is never coming back. Even though we didn't get along I really don't think he deserved this. But he thought my niece deserved the treatment he had given her. I wanted revenge on him, but not this level of it.

Me, my sister, and my niece all exited the buildings after we paid our respects. "I can't cry, because he tortured my daughter. But I can say that I am truly truly upset. I didn't have to go this far. But he didn't have to take my daughter." My sister said as she buckled my niece in the backseat. "I understand. We had to do what we had to do. At least Amyah is out alive." I said cranking up the car. "How do you think Leonard feels? Do you think he is going to be okay?" she asked entering the passenger side. "He didn't even show up to the funeral. I heard he's moving to California. I don't know how he feels." I answered her question. "Do you think he's moving to get away from it all? Start fresh?" She asked. "Like I said I don't know.. but I know he can't run from his problems forever." I said backing out of the parking spot I was in. We made it on the highway and were bumping some music. I looked back when I was at a stop light and noticed that Amyah was asleep. Her bruises haven't cleared up yet, but they're fading. "Hey, um did Amyah ever tell you what happened to her? Why she has all the bruises." I asked my sister. "Some bitch that I had argued with outside of the door beat her." I got reheated. "What?! And you didn't let me know? You ain't beat the bitch ass or nothing?" I said. "Nah. I was only focused on getting my daughter out of there! I didn't know until we got out of the building actually. When we went to hide out I asked what happened and when Amyah told me I told her to stay still so I could go back inside. I was going in there to Floyd Maywether that hoe, but I saw you down and shot. I didn't have time. Plus her voice sounded so familiar. You remember Latasha from middle school?" My sister asked me looking my way. "Latasha... Latasha.. No I don't think so." I said thinking hard about it. "Skinny Latasha... She always had on a skirt and a half shirt. She was dating Washington. She had his baby in highschool our tenth grade year." My sister said. Then that's when I realized. One of the bitches that had pulled out a gun from upstairs was Latasha. I knew her face but I couldn't put her name to it. She looked sort of sick and pale. "Ohhhh! Yea! She was in there." I said to my sister. "So you saying she's the one who's been beating on my daughter?" My sister asked me sitting up from how she was resting. "I ain't saying that. I honestly thought it was Timmy and Leonard the whole time. But why would Tasha do something like that to Amyah. You guys never even talked to each other." I said. "Yea. But she did have beef with Amyah's biological mother. They were both messing around with Washington. That's how Tiffany's death came to place. She and him were texting and she'd seen a picture of him and Latasha online. She got so heated she went to his apartment yelling all types of shit about how Amyah was his and he was never a good father. Long story short Latasha found out that he had a baby by her and she did a hit and run. Washington hasn't been in Amyah's life. I don't think he's ever in Corian's life either. He has a five year old son and a three year old daughter and can't be a man to even see a check. " my sister said checking back on Amyah. "Yea... did it sound like her voice?" I asked. I really had to get to the bottom of all this because if Latasha has been beating Amyah it's going to be a hit and hit. Fuck a hit and run. "Yea. It was her I'm sure. I remember the little squeaky voice." my sister said chuckling to herself. "So what we gonna do?" She asked. "We gone catch that ass." I answered.

After our conversation me and my sister made our way to the hospital to visit Emon. He's not in here for his leg he's in here because he's not doing very well. They say he only has a month to live with his aids. I feel sort of sorry for him, maybe its because I've been around him a lot lately and kind of got the feel on how he was raised and what his life was like in the past. He was raped by his father and uncle one night when his mother left to go to work and never came back. They threatened to kill him if he'd ever spoken about it. He said he had gone crazy holding that in every since it happened. He was actually a sweet guy. He wasn't brought up right so he taught himself all the wrong things and had no one to tell him right from wrong. He said his dad died a year ago due to HIV also. He was messing around with his brother after his wife had left him. She had to get away from it all. She had Emon at such an early age and she could barely take care of herself. She left him with his father and the raping went on. Emon grew so accustomed to it that he ended up asking his father can he go out just to have sex with his boyfriend. He thought he was gay then he got saved and tried to find jesus. He had a craving for men years after his saving but he kept trying and trying to find a woman to be with to take his mind off of it. He couldn't do it and ended up sleeping with men even more. That's shows there's a lot behind a wide smile.

We got to the room in which Emon was located. "Heeeey." my sister said in a whisper when we entered the room. Emon was just laying there asleep. "Awoooon!" my niece yelled out running to Emon with the bear and chocolates she had asked me to purchase for him. He woke up when he heard her screaming his name. He finds it cute that she can't say his name properly. "Hiiiii munchkinnnn." He said helping her onto the bed. "What's this?" he said as she handed him the bear. "A beaar." my niece said in her sweetest tone. "A beaaar? You got this for me? Ohhh I can't accept. No maybe I ca-- Nahhh- Well yea." Emon said as he played around with my niece giving her the gift then taking it back twice. He then started tickling her. "Hey Emon." I said as I sat on the couch next to his bed. "Hey." he said not looking up as he tickled my niece. "Well how you doing? Is everything alright?" I asked him. " Not really. I have only a month to live and I have no children or anything to leave my mark on this earth." he said sitting Amyah on the bed next to him searching for a kiddy channel. "It's ok. You lived a life here on earth. It may not have been as good but it was good." I said trying to brighten the mood. "Yea... you prolly right. I'm bugging." he said. "It's ok. Just be happy you made it this far." my sister added on. "I love yall." he said. "We love you too." Me and my sister said at the same time. "I wuv u too Awon" my niece said kissing his cheek. I saw a tear fall, but he tried playing it off like he had to use the restroom. We spent the rest of the day with Emon. Just chilling and reminiscing.

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