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It's been about three days and I haven't heard anything about the situation; but thank goodness the bull has slowed down. Me and my sister still aren't speaking but I do see my niece everyday when I pick her up from daycare. I've been teaching her who God is and I really could care less if she tries letting my sister know who he is. We all need some Jesus in our lives but her.. WHEW! Anyways, today I am being interviewed for a spot at the hottest salon in Jersey. This should be great. Fat chick standing up all day waiting for her lunch break only to rest. A lot of jokes should come behind that....


"Hi Kara, this way and Mrs. Becca will be with you shortly for your interview." A lady said as I walked in the door. "May I offer you something to drink?" She asked. "No, I'm fine thanks." I smiled back at her. She nodded walking off. I scanned the big building. Why would a salon have to be so huge. As my eyes roamed around I spotted a familiar face staring at me and then we'd made eye contact and she quickly looked away. She was a dark tone, Short curly hair and had perfect teeth. BRITTANY! Plus she's pregnant. Wonder if it's Carsen's.. "Ma'am, Tisha will see you now." The lady said as she approached me again. I got a quick glance at Brittany again before I left the room. I spotted Carsen bringing her a bag what look like it was full of treats. He looked at me then smiled. I hurried and looked down breaking our eye contact. I followed the lady to the office. We made it to a room that was all white and had sparkles and more girly decorations. At the desk a slim, short, brownskinned woman was seated at the desk typing on her phone. "Ummmm ma'am," I said trying to gain the woman's attention, she looked a bit too young to be working here though," Hi uh yeah , I'm Kara I'm here for my interview. " I stated. "This isn't my job." the girl said rolling her eyes getting up from where she sat. "Mama!" the girl called out into the hallway. This little ghetto trick. "What Breshae?" a tall dark-skinned woman walked in. She spotted me and her eyes quickly lit up like she'd just discovered treasure. "Hiiiii ma'am you must be Kara, I'm Lisa, Lisa Becca. How are you?" She asked shaking my hand. "I'm fine thank you." I smiled shaking her hand. "Well take a seat please. It's so nice to finally meet you. I've seen your works ALL over instagram and though you should be here in my Sal—" "Mama! Cars— oh sorry you have business." Brittany burst in interrupting Lisa who was obviously her mother. "Ugh what do you want Brittany?" her mother said annoyed. "Mommy I'm hungry and Carsen is taking so long bringing my food." she whined. "Well honey, didn't he just bring you some goodies?" She asked walking to Brittany. "Yes but I want tacos." she said frowned up. "Well baby I will text him and tell him to hurry it up, but until then you HAVE to hang out while I handle business. " Lisa said. Just what I needed, I'm going to be working for this family. As long as it doesn't interrupt my pay. When Brittany had left the room and Lisa had got back situated we discuss business. I guess I start Monday. As I got my things up and ready to leave I bumped into Carsen. I'd thought I made him drop his bag of food but I didn't, so as soon as I made sure nothing was on the floor I started to walk away fast. But that didn't stop him. "Hey Kara wait up." he said making his way to me catching my arm. "Umm Carsen, just because I work here now doesn't mean we're going to build up another friendship. That can't happen we can keep it where its at, a stranger level." I said before he started talking. "Look I understand you're mad you have every right to be , But I would REEEEEEAALLLY like to make it up to you." he said with the usual puppy dog face. I gave in cause after all I did sort of miss him. "Okay..... we can have lunch some time but that's it." His smile got wide as he reached to hug me. "I'm really sorry Kara. I love you." he said as he gripped my behind and kissed my neck. It really gave me the chills. I simply nodded then hurriedly walked off.

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