Chapter 1: The day before Halloween

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It was the day before Halloween, and the Belchers were preparing their Halloween costumes for the next night. Tina was going as an Aquestronaut, while Gene was dressed as Banjo, and Louise was kuchi kopi.
Linda was finishing sewing together Tina's horse head on the couch when Bob walked into the room. Linda's eyes brightened as she remembered something important,
" oh, Bobby! I forgot to tell you that we're invited to Jimmy Pestos Halloween party! " Bob was startled by this, " what!? Since when?" he asked in a slight panic, " since earlier today! while you were busy in the basement, Jimmy came into the restaurant and told me about his Halloween party for tomorrow night! " Linda said enthusiastically " we're not going right? "
" of course we are, Bobby it's a party! "
Bob groaned, " Lindaaa- he's just gonna be a stupid jerk the whole time," Bob said dramatically " oh shut it Bob it'll be fine and if he messes with you tell me I'll get him off your back," Linda said with a smile " fine...well what are we gonna wear? " Bob asked defeated.
" oh, I'm so glad you asked! I thought of this funny Halloween costume!"
" what is it? "
" we'll ya see we'll be a married couple- " Bob cut Linda off
" seems easy enough " he shrugged as he turned to the kitchen to continue what he was doing,
" oh I'm glad I thought you would have a fit about wearing a wedding dress," Linda said with pure joy. Bob stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Linda.
" a dress! " Bob exclaimed,
" I'm not wearing a dress Lin forget about it," Bob said with a grumble.
" Bob it'll be fine everyone's gonna be in a goofy costume, I'm sure they'll chuckle and leave you alone So please wear the dress I already bought it from Ginger! " Linda said in a begging tone "Lin you bought a dress?!
They're so expensive how did you afford it? " Bob asked hysterically,
" oh don't worry she sold it to me for way cheap since we're friends but that means you have to wear it! "
Linda said with a smirk,
Bob was whining, he didn't want to wear a stupid dress and embarrass himself.
" what do I get out of this? "
Linda thought for a moment
" what do you want? "
Bob smiled, " you have to clean the dishes for the next two weeks. "
Linda groaned, " fine! " she exclaimed in defeat. Bob smiled and headed towards the kitchen.

Later that night:

Bob walked into his room with a yawn, he was about to get ready for bed when Linda stopped him.
" hold up Mr," Linda said with a hand in Bob's face, Bob sighed
" what do you want Lin?"
" Well, I wanted you to try on the dress before you go to bed. "
Bob sighed "fine... where is it? " Linda went towards the closet and dug deep into what seemed like a black hole but eventually pulled out a long flowy dress, it was shoulderless and the chest had lace flowers, the stomach had a big white bow wrapped around it while the rest was big and flowy. It looked like it would go almost to my feet Bob thought.
" uh, Lin Idk if I can wear that... " Bob said hesitantly
" what do you mean you'll look great, oooo! I also got you these long white gloves with a Vail! and I'll let ya borrow one of my rings " Linda handed the dress with its accessories to Bob.
" do you wanna try heels? " Linda asked with a smirk. " No! "
" we'll go try them on you doof! " Linda pushed Bob out of their room and closed the door so the reveal will be a surprise. Bob sighed and looked at the dress before heading to the bathroom. Once Bob reached the bathroom he looked at the dress hesitantly before removing the clothes he had on, he looked at the dress questionably not knowing how he would put this on. He pulled the dress to his feet before sliding the dress up his body and over his chest, he reached down to his veil and tried his best to put it on, it was slightly crooked. Bob shrugged not really caring then reached for his gloved sliding them over his elbows before grabbing one of Linda's rings. Bob looked up at himself in the mirror he instinctively covered his chest feeling exposed from how snug the dress looked on him you could see his actual figure. His love handles poked out along with his chest which caused Bob to turn red embarrassed by his chubby body figure. He noticed his back felt a little cold, he turned around in the mirror to see most of his back was being revealed.
" oh god, my whole back is showing... at least it's covering my tattoo, that would be embarrassing if anyone saw. "
Bob imagined being at the party and everyone laughing at his chubby figure while calling him awful names like " fatass" or " cow " and Jimmy pesto being the leader of it all before Bob ran out of the restaurant with tears threatening to fall. Bob brought himself out of his thoughts and noticed he was shaking especially his hands.
" s-suck it up Bob do it for Lin "
He said while looking at himself in the mirror he turned towards the door and hesitantly turned the knob and walked out of the bathroom. He started his way towards his room but was stopped when he heard his only son's voice " Dad? "
he whipped his head around to look at his son, embarrassment was written all over his face. Bob instantly covered his chest and stomach once again
" o-oh uhhh hi Gene," Bob said awkwardly, Gene looked at his father surprised, Bob squeezed his eyes shut ready to be insulted but was taken back from what Gene said,
" wow! Dad you looked great! Can I get a dress too? " Gene asked excitedly, Bob looked at his son dumbfounded.
" oh uh Idk Gene maybe but not a wedding dress their really expensive " Gene smiled at this, Louise curiously sat up from her bed from hearing a few voices talking in the hallway and decided to check it out. She opened her door and walked out of her room and looked up to see her dad in a wedding dress?
" Dad what the hell? "
Bob turned his head to Louise
"crap not again "
Bob knew for sure Louise was going to insult him so he waited for the worst, but turned around to hear Tina's voice instead
" what's happening? " Tina asked walking out of her room as she put her glasses on,
" Woah Dad you look beautiful! " Tina said with a look of stars in her eyes already thinking of so many ideas for her next erotic friend fiction,
" yeah dad you look Smokin, "
Louise said with a wink and a smile.
" oh my god,"
Bob slapped his now red face embarrassed and flustered,
" j-just go back to bed all of you! " Bob ordered pointing to their rooms,
" wait first why are you wearing a dress? A wedding dress to be exact? "
Louise asked filled with curiosity, all three of the kids looked up at Bob expectantly, Bob sighed with an irritated look on his face " your mother wanted to be a "married couple" for Halloween but decided it would be funny to switch outfits... "
Bob explained
" ohhhhhh- " all 3 kid said in unison, but soon lost interest
" okay well night Dad,"
Gene said with a wave before continuing to the kitchen for a snack
" yeah night Dad you look great," Tina complimented before returning to her room and snatching a new journal writing vigorously. Louise looked back up at her dad,
" you sure you want to wear that out? " Louise asked a bit worried for once knowing her dad may get made fun of,
Bob sighed " no not really but I'll do it to make your mother happy "

" well good luck," Louise said with a wave heading back to her room. Bob sighed before smiling feeling flattered by everyone's reaction, he then headed back to his room to show Linda.

He turned the knob feeling a wave of confidence and took his arms off of his body when entering his room to see Linda covering her eyes.
" are you done!? Can I see!? " Linda asked with an excited grin.
" y-yeah "
Linda uncovered her eyes and gasped. "Bobby!"
Bob was taken aback by Linda's loud pitch and soon thought the worst and once again covered his body,
" do I look that bad? "
Bob asked looking away feeling hurt
" No! You look great, I just wanna squeeze ya! " Lin jumped from her spot on the bed and hugged Bob with a bright smile then pulled away and fixed Bobs veil,
" hey stop covering yourself ya look beautiful " Linda said with a soft smile before kissing Bobs cheek, Bob turned red and smiled removing his arms off of his body
" do ya wanna see mine? "
" your costume? " Bob asked
" yeah! " Linda said
" oh uh sure," Bob shrugged, Linda grabbed her suit and headed to the bathroom excitedly.
Once Linda left the room in a rush Bob sat down on the bed and thought about everyone's reaction to the dress, his face turned a bit pink before he soon smiled looking away shyly.

The Halloween party ( Bob x Jimmy )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu