Chapter 5: The mistake part 2 ( *slight smut * )

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Both exhausted took a few moments to compose themselves before Jimmy pulled himself out of Bob
" Mm "
Bob whimpered,
Jimmy smiled and kissed Bob before setting him down.
Bob couldn't hold himself steady and ended up falling in Jimmy's arms,
Bob looked up embarrassed
" s-sorry," He said with a chuckle,
Bob's legs wobbled as he tried to stand while leaning against the wall for support.
Jimmy buttoned his shirt and pants before putting his coat back on,
he looked and saw Bob needed some help.
" need some help, Bobby? " Jimmy asked with a sly smirk, Bob rolled his eyes
" Could ya g-grab my clothes for me? "
Bob asked nicely.
" yeah give me a minute"
Jimmy looked around and lazily retrieved Bob's underwear and shoes.
while Jimmy was doing this Bob was trying to clean up the mess all over him with toilet paper, Jimmy looked back at Bob and laughed
" Sorry Bobby,"
Jimmy said stumbling over to kiss Bob's cheek,
" it'ss okay-I think I'm all cleaned up "
Bob said before yawning,
Jimmy yawned as well
Before slipping Bob's shoes and briefs back on. Bob's eyes were droopy,
" heyyy-how about we go to my place so you can get some shut-eye"
Jimmy offered,
still too drunk to notice that wasn't a great idea.
" I'd like that-"
Bob said leaning into his shoulder,
Jimmy smiled and unlocked the stall door before heading out with Bob on one arm using him as support.
Teddy held his breath and tried to get out of Bob and Jimmy's line of sight, fortunately,
Bob and Jimmy, were still beyond tipsy swaying and hiccuping as they left the bathroom.
Teddy let out his breath exasperated,
" Bobby?"
Teddy was beyond confused, what the hell had he stumbled into?
Just moments before he saw Bob and Jimmy heading to the bathroom together.
He worriedly followed behind them making sure he would not be seen and what he heard left him without words,
he covered his mouth and stayed by the sinks not knowing how to escape without them noticing.
Now Teddy was left alone conflicted about what just happened and what to do.
Should he tell Linda? or should he talk to Bob first? He probably has a good explanation right? Teddy was sweating now and just decided to leave that horrid bathroom.
Teddy closed the bathroom door behind him and there was Linda,
" Ahhhhh! "
Teddy screamed in an unmanly tone,
" T-teddy relax! "
Linda exclaimed with hazy eyes and a goofy grin on her face, a glass of wine in her hand.
Oh no she was drunk, Teddy thought
" L-Linda heyy how's it going? "
He asked with an awkward smile trying to act like he didn't just hear her husband getting fucked by his so-called enemy
" Great! "
Linda said dramatically
" I'm just curious where Bob is,"
Linda said in deep thought about where her husband could be.
Teddy froze
" ha! well you know Bobby he's probably just being a party pooper "
Teddy said starting to feel his clothes getting drenched in a
nervous sweat
" yeah- your probably *hic* right "
Linda said with another swig of her wine,
" Maybe we've had enough partying for tonight hm? "
Teddy said A because of how drunk Linda was and B just to get the hell out of this place
" but this is just my 8th glass of wine- "
Linda whined,
Teddy chuckled,
" yeah that's one too many besides it's getting late "
Linda groaned
" fine"
Linda excepted defeat,
" but let's go find Bob,"
Linda said
" uhhhh yknow I think he'll find his way back, he's good ole Bob... "
Teddy finished looking away sadly.
Linda laughed,
" Ha! That'll teach that party pooper "
Linda said,
Teddy, looking up with a sad smile
" let's take you home "
Linda chugged her glass,
" Okay but first one more-"
Linda reached to a nearby waiter holding a tray with more wine,
" Linda No! "
Teddy yelled

Bob and Jimmy made their way through the party not caring about what was going on around them their only goal was to get in a warm bed.
Jimmy opened the entrance to his restaurant not even thinking that no one was currently managing it,
he held the door open for what looked like to be his bride tonight,
Bob thanked Jimmy with a smile and grabbed his hand as Jimmy let go of the restaurant's door too much in a daze from the events of that night.
Bob and Jimmy surprisingly made their way toward Jimmy's apartment,
Good thing he didn't have the kids that weekend.
Jimmy once again held the door open for Bob and closed it not making sure it was locked
" w-where's the bed-"
Bob managed to let out with how tired and tipsy he was,
" on the right "
Jimmy said leading Bob to his room,
Bob had been in Jimmy's apartment before from when he had surgery but he never explored the other rooms not wanting to be too weird even though he snooped through everything in Jimmy's living room. Jimmy turned the knob and walked into his room with Bob behind. Bob was amazed at how nice Jimmy's room was as he made his way to the bed
" wow "
Bob said admiring Jimmy's bed,
" It's so soft! And it looks completely new! " Bob exclaimed.
Jimmy chuckled at Bob's admiration for his sheets.
" they're actually not new I just don't have a significant other and my kids are banned from this room, "
Jimmy said while ruffling Bobs hair,
Bob's smile fell for a second recalling Jimmy's divorce
" heyyy don't be s-so sad Bob I can get you some new sheets, but first I'm drained let's go to sleep"
Jimmy said with a stretch of his arms,
Bob's smile returned as he took off his shoes and jumped into Jimmy's bed,
Bob smiled in delight,
" This feels amazing "
Jimmy smirked and got right on top of Bob
" not as amazing as this "
Jimmy said before kissing Bob,
" that was so cheesy, "
Bob said in between laughs,
Jimmy chuckled before rolling off of Bob and pulling him into a spooning position,
Bob yawned feeling his fatigue finally catch up to him
" good night Jimmy," Bob said closing his eyes,
" night Bob "Jimmy replied closing his eyes as well.

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