Chapter 2: Halloween

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It was Halloween day but there still were a few hours till kids started trick or treating.
Bob, Linda, and the kids were downstairs in the restaurant trying to get a few hours of work done before they headed out.
Louise was sitting at one of the booths slumped in her chair,
" uuuggghhhh" Louise groaned,
" I want to go trick or treating now! I'm tired of waiting! "
Louise said desperately while pulling at her bunny ears.
" yeah, why would they start so late? It's torture for us kids!"
Gene agreed,
" I don't think it's that bad "
Tina admitted not understanding her sibling's displeasure, Gene and Louise casted glares at Tina.
" oh! Sorry, why can't it start now damnit!" Tina said slamming her fists on the table
" was that good? "
She asked looking at her siblings for reassurance,
" That was beautiful T "
Gene said doing a chefs kiss, Bob stopped wiping down some of the tables before looking up at his kids annoyed
" kids stop whining it's just a few more hours," Bob said irritated
" fine! "
Louise yelled with her arms crossed,
" yeah fine! " Gene said crossing his arms as well.
The door swung open which caused the bell to ring, everyone, turned their attention to the customer and noticed it was just Teddy.
" Hiii Teddy! "
Linda greeted with a bright smile,
" Hi, Linda,"
Teddy said with a wave, he soon sat at his usual place at the table.
" so are you guys going to Jimmy Pestos' party? I heard pretty much everyone is invited " Teddy asked with a warm smile,
" oh uh yeah we are, " Bob said with a slight grimace.
Teddy looked at Bob questionably
" Bobby, you okay? "
Teddy asked with a worried expression,
" oh he's fine, he just doesn't want Jimmy bullying him, " Linda said with a dismissive wave.
" oh yeah, I forgot you two were rivals for a second,
well don't worry Bob I'll protect you! " Teddy said with determination
" I don't need you guys protecting me I'll be fine," Bob said with a harsh tone, getting defensive thinking everyone thought he was too weak to stand up for himself.
" ok, ok Mr. tuff guy," Linda said with her hands raised in defense,
" well anyway I was wondering if you guys wanted to go together," Teddy asked excitedly,
" of course! "
" oh my god "

Later that night:

Bob was in the bathroom staring at himself, he was still so nervous about going to the party in a dress, he felt everyone would make fun of him about how fat he was. Bob looked down at his chubby figure with a frown
" god I look so fat " All he could see in the mirror were his insecurities like his love handles.
" Bob! Hurry up the kids left and Teddy just got here " Linda shouted annoyed, she didn't want to be late.
" no, everyone's gonna laugh at how fat I am! " Bob whined,
Linda's face softened
" Bobby! you aren't fat you looked beautiful and if anyone messes with ya Teddy and I will kick their ass! "
The thought made Bob chuckle,
" Fine, I'll come out... "
Bob hesitantly opened the bathroom door and stared at the floor shyly. He had the big dress on with long white gloves, a fake ring on his finger, and a cheap veil, as for the shoes he just had black slip-on flats. Linda gasped
" oh, Bobby you look great! Now come on Teddy's freezing his butt off outside " Bob's eyes widened 
" Oh god, how long has he been out there it's freezing, " Bob said feeling guilty.
" don't worry he's fine," Linda said grabbing Bob's arm and yanking him down the stairs,

 " ow, ow! watch it " Bob yelped, ripping his arm away from Linda's god grip Before lifting his dress so he wouldn't trip, he looked like a princess going to a ball Linda thought with a chuckle.

Once they got to the end of the stairs Linda opened the door to reveal a shivering Teddy dressed as a wrestler, probably from that knockoff Rocky movie that Bob hated but his daughters loved.
" oh hi, guys! Are you ready? " Teddy asked before looking down at Bob's dress
" wow! Bob nice dress " Teddy complimented with a warm smile, Bob's cheeks tinted pink from another compliment that Bob was still nowhere near used to,
" ahem! " Linda interrupted motioning at her outfit.
" oh! And you too Linda! " Teddy said nodding aggressively not wanting to get his ass kicked.
" Why is everyone gushing over Bob? I mean I know he looks hot but still! " Linda said playfully, Bob's pink face soon turned red, " you can say that again, " Teddy said with a laugh agreeing with Linda,
" Why is everyone- "
" stop "
Bob groaned flustered,
" let's just get this stupid party over with," Bob said with a roll of his eyes,
" Bob don't be a party pooper! " Linda said nudging him,
" yeah I'm sure we'll have fun, " Teddy assured as a gust of wind came out of nowhere causing All three to shiver
" ugh- this dress is too revealing my back is cold"
Linda rolled her eyes.
" here ya big baby,"
Linda said with a smile handing her coat to Bob,
" shouldn't that be the other way around? " Teddy asked curiously, Bob took the coat and whispered a
" thank you " to Linda before slipping the blazer on, it was a bit tight and when Bob buttoned it up his chest was protruding quite a bit but it was the best he was gonna get, Bob looked up to see both Teddy and Linda staring at him.
" w-what? "
Bob asked covering his chest and stomach embarrassed about the sudden attention he was receiving,
" Nothing! " Teddy and Linda said in unison practically snapping their necks away.
" whatever let's go... "
Bob said while lifting the ends of his dress and looking both ways before crossing the street, Linda and Teddy looked at each other and giggled before following behind. Once Bob crossed the street he stopped and looked up the sign. There it was Jimmy pestos... Bob thought, he took a deep breath before pushing the doors open with both his arms dramatically. The place had so many people, the music was loud with bright lights flashing everywhere, it was like a rave in a restaurant. Practically immediately Bob heard someone call out to him,
" Bob, Linda! "
a voice from the right of them shouted, it was Jimmy pesto, Bob internally panicked hoping that he might not notice his outfit.
Jimmy made his way to the trio with a smirk while Trev followed behind. Jimmy was dressed in a black suit with a masquerade mask on his face, while Trev was a pirate.
" so nice to see you've made it- "
Jimmy started but was suddenly silent when he looked down at Bob's costume. Bob raised a brow confused, Jimmy was speechless never have seen Bob in such an outfit. Jimmy brought his eyes back up to Bobs to kick him back to his senses, Jimmy cleared his throat, 

"nice outfits guys especially you Bob "
Jimmy said with a smirk and a laugh trying to sound as if he was making fun of him, Trev laughed along trying to be on Jimmy's side,
"Whatever Jimmy "
Bob said with a growl,
" yeah don't mess with my Bobby he looks stunning! " Linda said with a fist in Jimmy's face before walking away with a huff and grabbed Bob's arm. Teddy motioned that he was watching him before walking away and awkwardly bumping into someone while apologizing immensely,
" Jeez, what's their problem? " Trev asked dumbfounded
" haha! yeah-" Jimmy awkwardly chuckled trying to forget the moment.

The Halloween party ( Bob x Jimmy )Where stories live. Discover now