Chapter 8: The problem

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Bob ripped his eyes from the door and scurried to the kitchen starting his day,
he took his apron and put it over his head and tied it around his waist, while doing this the belle went off signaling someone had entered the restaurant, Bob poked his head out the window of his kitchen to see Teddy but he wasn't his usual self, he was quieter and looked troubled, Bob frowned.
" Teddy? "
he asked, Teddy, flinched and looked up into Bob's gaze
"heya...Bobby "
Teddy said with an awkward wave as he hesitantly sat down in his usual seat, Bob raised a brow
" hi Teddy,"
Bob said and cleared his throat,
" so what are you having today? "
Bob asked to break the awkward silence,
" oh! I'll just have the original"
Teddy said fidgeting with his hands,
Bob nodded and got a Patty and set it on the grill. The kids were sitting at a booth wiping down menus, Teddy's mood took them all by surprise and the curiosity began
" wow what's up with you? "
Gene asked as he played sad music on his keyboard
" yeah Teddy what's wrong? "
Tina joined, They all stopped working and looked at Teddy expecting an answer. Teddy felt himself start to sweat,
" uh-Nothing! I just had a bad customer this morning is all "
Teddy said thinking of the best lie at the moment,
" oh really what happened? "
Louise asked, looking for anything to entertain her even Teddy's boring stories. Teddy scratched the back of his neck,
" oh yknow...people just being unhappy with my work and wanting a refund "
Teddy mustered with a nervous smile,
" sounds like a Karen, "
said Gene making laser noises on his keyboard, Teddy didn't know what that was but nodded his head anyway,
" yeah! Those! "
Teddy said pointing at Gene, The kids exchanged weird looks before getting back to work... or at least what they called work, it was more like lazily wiping the menus and throwing them to the side. Teddy sighed and turned around to see Bob,
" Ack! "
Teddy screeched grabbing his chest, Bob jumped back almost dropping the plate with a burger
"Jesus Teddy what is up with you today?!" Bob's voice cracked, he wasn't used to yelling. Teddy felt his heart quicken,
" I-i "
Teddy couldn't find an answer,
" Bob? I need to ask you something "
Teddy said reverting his eyes from Bob,
" uh-okay? "
Bob said unsure of where this was going,
" can I talk to you in the kitchen? "
Teddy asked not wanting anyone to hear,
" I guess so? "
Bob said raising a brow, he set Teddy's burger on the counter and walked to the kitchen with Teddy following behind. Bob poked his head out the window once again, The kids weren't paying attention, they were too wrapped up in their conversation. Bob brought his attention back at Teddy who was once again fidgeting his hands, Bob sighed,
" Teddy what is this about? "
Bob whispered assuming this was supposed to be private. Teddy was looking at his feet but soon looked up unto Bob's eyes,
" Bob- I saw... you last night, "
Teddy said with a shaky voice, Bob felt anxiety form in his stomach but decided to keep his cool
" O-of course you saw me last night, we went to the party together, "
Bob said with a nervous laugh, Teddy felt a little annoyed at this
" no BOB I saw you! Y-you and Jimmy! "
Teddy whisper yelled poking Bob's chest, Bob's eyes widened and he felt like he was on the verge of tears, " I-know that! "
Bob almost yelled,
" I know that... "
Bob said looking down feeling tears flood his vision,
" Jimmy and I-kissed, "
Bob said failing to hide the quiver in his voice, he bit his lip and wiped his eyes, looking away from Teddy. Teddy felt his heart sink,
" B-bob you don't know? "
Teddy asked realizing what Bob said, Bob looked up,
" what do you mean? I got drunk and kissed Jimmy, what else is there to know?! "
Bob asked as he continued wiping his eyes, Teddy frowned,
" Bobby... I saw you and Jimmy go into the bathroom- together "
Teddy managed to croak out, Bob was confused at first until it dawned on him, Bob backed away from Teddy,
" no- we didn't do that! "
Bob yelled, Teddy shushed him knowing that the kids heard. Gene, Tina, and Louise looked over towards the kitchen,
" Dad? "
Louise asked wondering what was happening in there. Teddy forced a laugh trying to seem normal, he looked out the window and reassured the kids,
" your father is fine! Just got a little spooked is all, yknow Bobby! "
Teddy laughed, before turning back to Bob who seemed to be getting worse by the second. Teddy ran up to Bob and hugged him,
" Hey, hey! It's okay Bobby you didn't mean to you were drunk "
Teddy said trying to comfort Bob but to no avail, Bob's tears kept flowing,
" I cheated on Linda... "
Bob whispered,
" it was an accident Bob, we can just tell her it'll be fine! "
Teddy said rubbing circles on Bob's back, Bob pushed Teddy off him,
" we can't do that! Linda, she'd freak a-and she'll tell everyone! "
Bob whisper yelled. Teddy backed away,
" I am sure she'd forgive you it's Linda, and I don't think she'd tell anyone about something like this Bob "
Teddy assured Bob, Bob shook his head,
" N-no, Linda... She tells people everything no matter how personal, don't you remember? "
Teddy thought for a second about everything she's told him about Bob,
" oh... I see what ya mean"
Teddy nervously laughed,
" well what are you gonna do? "
Teddy asked looking for an answer, Bob looked away feeling awful
" we don't tell her, " Bob said quietly, Teddy frowned,
" I guess I understand, "
Teddy said scratching his arm,
" but it doesn't feel right Bob "
Bob looked back at Teddy,
" I know and I feel awful but it's all I can do and besides I already promised Jimmy, "
Bob said rubbing his fingers through his hair. Teddy looked confused,
" you talked to Jimmy about this, when did you talk to him? "
Teddy asked, Bob swallowed,
" I-I woke up in his bed... "
Bob mustered out feeling embarrassed, Teddy's eyes widened,
" oh..."
Teddy cleared his throat,
" that makes sense I guess "
Teddy said scratching his neck, Bob sighed,
" yeah...just don't tell anyone, please? "
Bob begged, Teddy frowned but nodded
" I understand, well what are you gonna do now? "
Teddy asked, Bob, groaned,
" well I have to tell Jimmy since you know, " Bob said clearly not excited, Teddy nodded and walked out of the kitchen assuming the conversation was over. Bob followed, Teddy took a seat still feeling down about this whole situation and to cope he started to consume his burger, The kids watched in disgust
" Teddy, slow down it's gonna be alright "
Bob assured as he touched Teddy's shoulder, he then made his way to the entrance of his restaurant. The kids watched curiously,
" where are you going, Dad? "
Tina asked questionably, Bob furrowed his eyebrows in determination not casting a glance at his oldest daughter
" I'm heading over to Jimmys, "
Bob said, Tina's eyes seemed to brighten,
" can I come? I want to talk to Jimmy jr "
Tina said with a small smile. Gene and Louise looked over at their father with excitement,
" we want to come too! "
they announced wanting to play with Andy and Ollie, Bob held his hand up to silence them. The kids closed their mouths in an instant,
" no you can't come "
Bob announced leaving no room for an argument, the kids all shut their mouths and watched their father leave the restaurant
" what is going on today? "
Gene asked as he looked back down at his keyboard, Louise scoffed,
" I knew something was up,"
she said as she looked at Tina with a glare, Teddy choked on his burger and snapped his neck towards the kids. Burger remains were hanging out of his mouth,
" there's nothing wrong! "
Teddy tried to shout but spat pieces of his Burger all over the kids,
" ah sick! "
Louise yelled almost gagging,
" Teddy! "
Tina tried her best to yell, and Gene just cringed, the kids all wiped the pieces off of them
" what the hell is wrong with you Teddy? you've been weird all day! Everyone's been weird! "
Louise shouted annoyed, Teddy tried to swallow all of his food before answering. He sighed seemingly out of breath but continued,
" We just had a bad time at the Halloween party last night...nothing to worry about! "
Teddy exclaimed trying his best to convince Louise, Louise squinted her eyes,
" what happened last night Teddy? "
Louise scolded, Teddy gulped feeling intimidated.
" I can't tell you it's adult stuff! "
Teddy yelled back,
" I'm 9 Genes 12 and Tinas 13 try us! "
Louise said with furrowed brows,
" that is nowhere near the age of adulthood! "
Teddy yelled, " tell us! " The kids yelled in unison, Teddy yelled,
" No!!! "
before stuffing his face with the rest of his burger and running out of the restaurant. Mort was just about to walk in and he held the door open,
" what was that about? "
he asked looking at the kids for an answer, Gene and Tina shrugged as Louise slumped in her seat with a growl. Bob made his way across the street and towards Jimmy's pestos, when he was face to face with the door he sighed and looked at his reflection before opening the front door, it was early in the morning so not many customers were there. Trev looked up at the sound of the door and felt his jaw tighten, he was here, he thought as he glared holes into him. Bob didn't notice as he spotted Jimmy taking a few orders with an optimistic smile, when he was done he walked to the kitchen to give the orders to the chef. Bob walked to the kitchen and waited outside for Jimmy, he heard muffled voices before the door opened. Jimmy flinched feeling startled by Bob, he looked around,
" what are you doing here? "
he whispered, Bob swallowed heavily feeling the urge to cry all over again, he looked away,
" I need to talk to you... "
Bob whispered, Jimmy's eyes widened at Bob,
" um ok sure "
he said as he motioned towards a corner where no one was seated,
" what's up Bob, way are you so upset? "
Jimmy asked, hearing a hint of worry in his voice, Bob seemed to be struggling to answer,
" do you remember my friend Teddy? "
Bob asked staring at his feet. Jimmy raised a brow, " that weird guy that's always at your restaurant? "
Jimmy asked,
" yeah I guess what about him? "
Bob closed his eyes, " he was at the party last night...and he saw some things "
Bob mumbled, Jimmy started to feel nervous,
" w-what did he see? "
Jimmy asked,
" he saw us um go to the restroom together..." Bob choked the last part out feeling tears finally leave his eyes, Jimmy froze,
" w-what? "
Jimmy choked out, Jimmy was frozen in place flabbergasted. He then noticed the tears spill from Bobs eyes,
"Bob- well maybe we didn't do anything! "
Jimmy whisper yelled touching Bobs shoulder. Jimmy then cleared his throat reverting his gaze
" unless do you...feel um weird? "
Bob looked up at Jimmy confused until it dawned on him,
" I-i well why Would you think I was the bottom?! "
Bob changes the subject, Jimmy back away in defense
" cmon Bob do you really think I bottomed?! " Jimmy chuckled with crossed arms, Bob face was steaming red
" well! "
Bob sighed,
" yes..."
Jimmy raised a brow,
"what? "
Bob groaned,
" yes! I do! feel...weird my-lower back kinda...aches and I feel...full "
Bob mustered out, avoiding Jimmys gaze. Jimmys eyes widened and his mouth was agape, his cheeks tinted pink, " Uh why? Why didn't you tell me before? "
Jimmy asked with furrowed brows, Bob clenched his teeth
" I-it didn't hurt then...maybe I was still a bit tipsy- but I did feel...full But! I thought it was from all the alcohol we drank! "
Bob exclaimed turning towards Jimmy with worried eyes, Jimmy sighed
" its...fine Bob don't worry about it, does it still hurt? "
Jimmy asked feeling a little concerned, Bobs lip trembled before stepping forward,
" it hurts...ALOT! "
Bob said with wide eyes and furrowed brows, Jimmy back up and frowned,
" well I'm sorry! I wasn't in my right head Bob!"
Jimmy responded feeling angry and flustered, Bob huffed
" it's- okay but what do we do? Teddy knows! " Jimmy pinched the bridge of his nose,
" why do you always assume I know! I guess...we should still keep quiet..."
Jimmy looked down at the floor feeling guilty, Bob frowned.
" but Jimmy! this secret keeps getting bigger and bigger... "
Bob said feeling a tear escape his eye,
" well speaking of um secrets I have to tell you something... "
Bob looked towards Jimmy with pure panic,
" w-what?! What's wrong? "
Bob begged, Jimmy looked away,
" Trev...also knows "
Bob felt like screaming,
" what? "
Bob asked with clenched teeth, Jimmy felt threatened,
" it's okay! He won't tell anyone! "
Jimmy shouted putting his hand on Bobs shoulder, Bobs face softened, he sighed,
" I hate this... "
Jimmy felt a crack in his heart at this. He exhaled and pulled Bob forward into his chest. Bobs eyes widened and his face flushed, Jimmy's arms were around Bobs waist and his head was in the crook of his neck
" I-it's going to be okay " Jimmy tried to assure, Bob eyes widened as he felt another wave of tears. He leaned his head on Jimmy's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his neck, " I-hope your right "
Bob choked out, as tears ran down his face, another crack, Jimmy frowned and hugged Bob closer
" it's okay we're going to be okay "
Bob nodded and they stayed like this for a while, before letting go and looking into each others eyes, Bob had tear stained cheeks while Jimmy looked monotone.
" I guess I should get back to my restaurant... I'll see you later "
Jimmy nodded and watched Bob walk towards the door and leave, Jimmy squeezed his eyes shut and exhaled. Trevs brows furrowed,
" what the hell was that? "
he mumbled to himself at the bar, staring daggers at both Bob and Jimmy.

The Halloween party ( Bob x Jimmy )Where stories live. Discover now