Chapter 11: The play part 2

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" ..What? " he asked in pure confusion. Bob groaned in frustration " you know what I mean Jimmy! " he crossed his arms looking away, his eyes dark filled with something unfamiliar to him. Jimmy aggressively shook his head, his eyes wide " Bob no! We aren't dating or anything! I just invited him to this stupid thing out of guilt! " Jimmy explained reaching a hand toward Bob's shoulder. Bob backed away his arms hugging his sides, Jimmy felt a pang shoot through his chest
" oh yeah? T-then why did you buy him flowers?!" Bob asked accusingly his voice breaking. Jimmy paused, he studied Bob's face, his brows furrowed and mouth curved to a frown what was worse was Bob's eyes. Under all that anger Jimmy could see that he looked genuinely hurt. Jimmy's face softened,
" he bought them..for me because he thought this was a date, which it isn't!-like I said I just felt bad for the guy because of a stupid argument " Jimmy explained. " please believe me Bobby " he begged, Bob swallowed harshly at the nickname. He spoke much calmer now almost in thought,
" you were just being nice? " Bob asked and in return, Jimmy nodded. That kinda made sense, he's never seen Jimmy show any kind of interest in Trev anyway. Bob looked down, his brows falling, now he just felt stupid." I-believe you, I-just..kinda feel like an idiot now, I got so worried that you two were together " Bob admitted with a sigh, the sight of Jimmy and Trev made a ball form in he throat. Jimmy took a few steps toward Bob wrapping his arms around his waist. Bob yelped in surprise, Jimmy chuckled. " don't worry I'm not interested in him, I got my eyes on someone else~" Bob smirked, " oh yeah? " he asked and instinctively set his hands on Jimmy's shoulders, Jimmys suit was soft against his fingers. Before giving it any thought Bob laid his head on Jimmy's chest. He hated to admit it but he missed this feeling that made his heart jump a beat. He sighed happily and closed his eyes. Jimmy smiled softly before thinking back to a few moments ago.
" I just can't believe you were jealous," he said, Bob pulled away with a flushed face, " no I wasn't shut up! " Bob shouted defensively, lightly hitting Jimmy's chest, Jimmy laughed.
" God your so cute Bobby " Bob's mouth gaped in shock at the comment. Jimmy glanced down at Bobs lips, he got an overwhelming urge to kiss him, Jimmy pushed every voice in his head telling him not to away and slowly pressed his lips to Bobs. Bob flinched at the unexpected contact and stood still for a moment in shock, this was wrong so very wrong but he couldn't deny the adrenaline rush Jimmy gave him. He couldn't believe he was doing this he thought before melting into the kiss. A desperate moan slipped past his lips, Jimmy smiled into the kiss feeling excited, he took a chance and slid his hands down Bob's hips to his ass, groping needily. Bob jumped into Jimmy, his chest pressing against him. That's was the final straw for Jimmy,
" fuck I missed you-" Jimmy confessed before he swiftly lifted Bob and set him on the counter by the sinks, spreading his legs. Bob felt like he was on auto-pilot and without thinking he wrapped his legs around Jimmy's waist pulling him closer. " I-i missed you too " Jimmy chuckled at Bob's eagerness before kissing him once again. They stayed like this for a few moments softly kissing each other, remembering the taste of one another. Jimmy wanted to feel more, worried this may be the last chance he had. He set a hand on Bob's thigh and squeezed, earning a whine from him. Jimmy took that as a sign to continue, he slid his other hand up Bob's hips to his waist and finally his chest. Bob started to feel excited just from the attention. He felt wanted maybe even needed by Jimmy's desperate touches until he felt a hand touch his chest, a high pitched moan left his mouth catching him off guard. Bob pulled away shocked by his reaction, his face turned a dark red. Jimmy pulled away as well his eyes wide, Bob looked away embarrassed. " I-im sorry I don't know what that was.." a moment passed and Jimmy burst into laughter. Bob tried to push Jimmy off him, " be quiet you asshole! " he shouted, Jimmy calmed down from his high and smirked pinning Bob down against the mirror. " it just surprised me is all Bobby " Jimmy admitted
" but that doesn't mean I didn't like it, that was pretty fucking hot " Bob blushed at the comment, his eyes furrowed, he grabbed the collar of Jimmy's shirt. " kiss me you asshole " Bob growled, Jimmy felt butterflies and nodded excitedly, " yes, yes of course! " he said dumbly. Bob rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to Jimmy's,hungrily kissing him.
Their tongues wrestled for dominance after a few minutes Jimmy won, he pulled away panting and looked down at Bob who had a bit of drool at the corner of his mouth which he quickly wiped away. Jimmy unbuttoned Bob's collar, Bob started to panic " wait what are you?! " Jimmy exposed Bob's neck and set his hand on the side of his face before leaning down. " wait! Don't you remember last time? " Bob asked referring to the bruises Jimmy left. Jimmy groaned,
" yeah..I do but I'll be more gentle this time! " Jimmy swore, Bob squinted suspiciously,
" hmm fine.." he said in defeat. Jimmy grinned and leaned towards Bob's neck giving it gentle kisses causing Bob to giggle. Jimmy pulled away, " tickles? " he asked, Bob, nodded still laughing. Jimmy couldn't help but smile at Bobs adorable laugh that he rarely heard. He quickly kissed Bob's cheek before returning to his neck, where he started to lightly bite. Bob shivered, remembering this feeling. He ran his hands through Jimmy's hair lightly tugging.
" hmm" Bob said in delight, Jimmy started to bite slightly harder his hand roaming Bob's chest, giving a firm squeeze. Bob began to pant, releasing small moans here and there. Jimmy couldn't help it as he bit down hard, making Bob moaned loudly.

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