Chapter 12: secrets discovered

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Bob left the bathroom, his face a bright red, he couldn't believe he said that they would see each other again! The first time should have been the last! He thought wanting to punch himself for his stupidity but he had to admit, seeing Jimmy again was nice..he was still heavy breathing from the orgasm he had just had. It had been a while since he's done anything that crazy, not saying that sex with Linda wasn't great, it was always fun. He shook his head trying to rid himself of his thoughts, and before he knew it he was at the doors to the auditorium.
Overwhelming anxiety washed over him, he sighed and opened the doors, he quietly closed them behind him, trying not to bring much attention his way. He looked around, the room was still packed with a few kids on stage. Bob sighed, thankfully he didn't miss the whole show.
He looked around till he spotted Linda, he walked past a few isles and took a seat beside her. She looked over puzzled, " Bob? Where have you been the play is about to end! " She whispered looking away from the camera in her hand. Bob felt himself start to sweat,
" uh I diarrhea? " he said internally slapping himself. Linda raised a brow,
" for 30 minutes? Bob, I think we need to take you to the doctor " she said with a chuckle before facing back to the stage.
Bob released a breath he didn't know he was holding, thank God, he thought before feeling guilt bubble in his chest. He looked over at Linda, she really did trust him, didn't she? And that just made this whole thing worse. He had to tell her, he concluded, he didn't know when or how but in the next few days she will know. No matter how much it kills her, he couldn't keep this dirty secret to himself for another minute. He slid his hand over to Lindas giving it a firm squeeze,
" I love you " he whispered. Linda raised a brow and looked over, she smiled. " I don't know what this is about..but, I love you too Bobby " she said before leaning over and giving him a soft kiss that he returned.

Jimmy spent a few minutes in the bathroom to make himself look less suspicious even though he doubts anyone was watching. He looked at the time and decided to leave the bathroom. On his way to the auditorium he couldn't stop thinking about just a few minutes earlier, Bob was full of surprises and he sure was impressed. An image of Bob above him couldn't leave his mind, he couldn't wait for what they would do next maybe..he paused when the doors were in front of him. He opened them without a care and let the door slam closed. A few people looked his way but he simply ignored them, he walked down a few rows and spotted Trev, sitting next to him. A smile stretched over his face. Trev looked over at Jimmy with a dull expression,
" you were in there awhile " he commented before looking back at the stage. Jimmy's smile fell, " oh-my stomach wasn't feeling well " Trev nodded, "right," he said in a tone that said he didn't believe him. Jimmy rolled his eyes, Trev should be grateful that he even invited him to this damn thing he thought beginning to feel frustrated. He crossed his arms and ignored him for the remainder of the play.

10 minutes later the play had ended, and the lights turned on as the cast bowed, Mr. Frond came back onto the stage with a microphone.
" thank you to everyone that attended! the cast will meet you shortly-" One by one the kids hopped off the stage running to their parents so they could go home.
" Hey! Be careful! There are stairs on the sides! also, get out of your cost-" Mr.Frond grumbled, " ah forget it, keep them " he said and walked away, the curtains closing.
Gene, Tina, and Louise ran to their parents with excited grins.
" Did you see how great I was?" Gene asked hugging his mom. "I did! you were amazing! " Linda praised, " not as good as me " Louise pointed before looking at her father,
"right Dad? " she asked. Bob's eyes widened,
" Oh! uh " Linda cut in,
" Sorry kids your father missed most of the play, he had a case of the doodies " she joked playfully hitting Bob's shoulder. The kids frowned, " did you see us at all Dad? " Tina asked, Bob, gulped. "well, I saw the first few minutes and last few..if that counts?" Bob said sheepishly rubbing his arm. Louise groaned,
" so you missed the whole show! " she shouted,
" Dad you need to get checked out, your poops aren't healthy," she said. Linda laughed,
" That's what I said! Besides, I recorded the whole thing we could just watch it later "
The kids nodded,
" sounds good! I want Dad to see my singing! " said Gene, Tina popped in, " and my dancing! I've been taking lessons from Jimmy jr!" she said. Bob nodded, " ok maybe I'll watch it later, we should start heading home it's getting late," he said turning and heading towards the exit with his family following along.

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