Chapter 13: Consequences

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Bob and Linda decided to close up shop, they didn't have many customers at this hour non the less. Bob went to the alley with Linda following behind, he unlocked the door with his keys and sat in the driver's seat. Linda put her phone away, " okay the police station should just be a block or two away " she instructed. Bob nodded and started the car, heading to the police station.

Bosco was sitting at his desk, a permanent frown on his face. He looked at a few case files but nothing perked his interest, he called a few men to his office.
" alright here are your cases "
He handed them to each officer, a man with bright blonde hair furrowed his brows in annoyance.
" hey why do we get the small stuff? " he asked, he didn't join the police station to help with mediocre cases. Bosco slammed a fist on his desk startling the other policemen.
" I gave you these cases and they're what you're going to be doing, sometimes you get stuck with shitty jobs but you get over it " he shouted, " now get out of my office " he ordered, the blonde man nodded, and left the room with a few other officers.

Bosco leaned back in the chair and sighed, a woman with brown hair and glasses poked her head through the door, " uh Bosco? "

" what Sarah? " he asked grumpily, Sarah looked behind her, "two people are looking to talk to you? A man and a woman" Bosco raised a brow, " okay bring them in " he ordered. Sarah nodded, and she looked behind her " Bosco will be seeing you now" she said before leaving. Bosco watched as two familiar faces entered his office, " Bob? Linda? What are you two doing here? "

Linda glanced at Bob before stepping forward, " we got a problem " Bosco couldn't help but smirk,
" well you've come to the right place, what can I do for Ya? " he asked barely containing his excitement, it had been a while since anything big had happened and he was hanging off of his seat just to know his next big gig.

Linda cleared her throat and looked at Bob,
"Someone took a video of one of us without permission " Bosco frowned, " that's all? " he asked, Linda, shook her head.
" the video contains pornography? " Bosco nodded, " oh I see a peeping tom huh? " Bob swallowed harshly,
" it was more like blackmail " Bosco's quirked a brow in interest " right I understand, can I see the evidence? " he asked. Bob began to sweat,
" what?! Why can't you take our word! " he yelled in a panic. Linda grabbed Bob's hand squeezing it, " because he has to know that we're not lying he can't just arrest someone causes we say so " she looked at Bosco for validation, and he nodded. " yeah what she said, and don't worry I ain't gonna oogle your wife " Linda chuckled nervously, " it's actually a video of Bob " Bob looked away rubbing his arm in embarrassment. Boscos eyes widened,
" hmm alright show me " he outstretched a hand, Linda grabbed her phone from her pocket and went to the video. She handed it to Bosco, " here " Bosco took it, and he saw what looked like Bob on top of another man.

He pressed play, Bob and Linda watched as his expression changed from curiosity to surprise then flustered. Bosco cleared his throat and gave the phone back, " well I'm sorry that happened to you Bob, I'll make sure to get this asshole " he promised, Bob smiled, " thanks Bosco " Bosco nodded, " of course now, do you know who took it? " Linda nodded, " we're sure it was Trevor, he works across the street from us at Jimmy pestos, he was the one who sent it to us " Bosco nodded, " why do you think he sent it to you? " Bob looked at Linda with a frown, " I think he was trying to ruin Our relationship " Bosco was surprised, this was deeper than his thought. " so did Linda not know about you and this other man? " he asked, Bob shook his head. " not until recently but we're fine we just want Trev to have consequences " Bosco nodded, " I understand well I'll take a look at Jimmy pestos, thanks for telling me " Linda smiled, " of course please tell us what happens " Bosco smiled, " I will " Bob and Linda turned and left Bosco's office.

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