Chapter 6: Aftermath

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It was early in the morning the sky was a mixture of pink and purple, birds were chirping flowers were blooming, it truly was a beautiful day... until a bird flew straight into Jimmy pestos window, which caused him to shoot awake. Startled he looked around his surroundings, panting, his room was a mess and his head ached.
" what the hell happened?"
Jimmy asked himself then remember about the party last night. Jimmy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and chuckled,
" must've had too much to drink "
Jimmy told himself as he stretched his arms before laying back down and turning to his left, where he saw a lump in his bed covered in his silky sheets.
shit! Jimmy thought he must've had a one-night stand with some random broad,
Jimmy started to panic and looked around not wanting to have an after-sesh conversation with this woman. His thoughts were interrupted when the "woman" flipped to her other side, Jimmy froze and his eyes widened.
"BOB!? "
Jimmy screeched, Bob groaned and started to stir awake, Jimmy fell off of the bed and started scooting away horrified. Bob opened his eyes and blinked a few times before sitting up in the bed,
" Jimmy? "
Bob asked and looked at his surroundings,
" what happened? "
there was a long pause, his neck was covered in bites and hickies,
" I-i don't know "
Jimmy responded with fear in his voice, Bob started to worry, 
this didn't look good what happened last night? " we didn't do anything right? "
Bob asked looking for validation to calm his spiraling thoughts. Jimmy picked himself up off the floor with an annoyed expression,
" Stop asking me questions! I DON'T KNOW! " Jimmy yelled fed up with Bob and how naive he is.
" you don't have to yell at me! "
Bob said returning Jimmy's tone,
" alright alright! Well...we have our clothes on we probably just made out and that was it " Jimmy said hysterically, "y-yeah "
Bob agreed getting out of bed, but he noticed that he felt full and weird which made him nervous but he convinced himself it was from the liquor.
" but there is one thing- "
Jimmy said worrying Bob,
" what? "
Bob asked,
" your neck... It's covered with- "
Bob cut Jimmy off as he looked in the mirror, He was shocked, it was awful! he then started searching frantically for his shoes.
" so uh you won't tell anyone right? "
Jimmy asked,
" no of course, not "
Bob responded slipping his shoes on,
" well besides Linda "
Bob said casually, Bob was then slammed against the wall, he screwed his eyes shut from the force then slowly open his eyes to see Jimmy looking at him with wide eyes.
Jimmy yelled,
" But she's my wife! She HAS to know! "
Bob yelled, pushing Jimmy off of him.
Jimmy took a deep breath trying to regain his senses before replying
" ok ok I understand that but do you know your wife?! "
Jimmy said trying to lower his voice so Bob will listen,
" what do you mean? "
Bob questioned,
"your wife is the biggest gossiper in TOWN! She can't keep a secret! "
Jimmy said, trying to convince Bob, Bob was a bit offended but knew Jimmy wasn't wrong
" shit your right...well what do we do? "
Bob begged not knowing how to handle this, Jimmy put his hand on Bob's shoulders, Bob looked up with fear in his eyes.
" you keep your mouth shut. "
Bob frowned not feeling satisfied by the answer but nodded.
it didn't feel right but it was all they could do
" besides it's not like we really did anything," Jimmy said trying to convince Bob and himself, Bob looked back up at him and smiled sadly
" I guess your right"
Bob said 
" of course I'm right I'm Jimmy pesto the besto! "
Jimmy replied with confidence, Bob just silently glared at Jimmy before making his way out the bedroom door and into the living room, Jimmy followed feeling nervous, Bob stopped and turned around to face Jimmy looking skeptical.
" YOU won't tell anyone, right? "
Bob asked quizzically, Jimmy gulped never seeing Bob so serious about something
" yeah of course why?"
Jimmy said trying to sound like his usual self,
" oh, I don't know maybe so you can find another reason to make fun of me?! "
Bob said suspiciously, Jimmy groaned, it was the yacht situation all over again.
" look BOB I am not trying to get at you, just trust me, I wouldn't do something like that " Jimmy said sincerely, Bob's glare softened, Jimmy wouldn't do something that bad right? Bob asked himself part of his head screamed yes but the intensity of Jimmy's eyes said no, at least for this situation. Bob sighed and looked away from Jimmy
" I trust you "
Jimmy looked up feeling a smile form on his lips, Bob returned his gaze stepping forward and grabbing Jimmy's tie pulling him to where their faces were practically touching
" but if you're lying to me and this is a big Joke to make fun of me with or blackmail me, I Will make your life a living Hell "
Bob said putting emphasis on the word hell to try and intimidate Jimmy and it worked a little too well.
" uhhh y-yeah yeah! of course"
Jimmy said feeling his cheeks brighten and his stomach tighten, Bob let go keeping their eyes locked before heading to the entrance to Jimmy's apartment, Bob grabbed the doorknob making his way out.
" w-wait where are you going?! "
Jimmy questioned Bob stopped and look at Jimmy before explaining,
" going to head back to my place and sneak into bed, hopefully without Linda noticing "
Jimmy nodded,
" well I guess I'll see you later "
Jimmy said awkwardly,
" uh yeah you too "
Bob said before leaving Jimmy's apartment. Jimmy sighed feeling a little less nervous without Bob around.
Jimmy made his way back to his room deciding to get his day started early.
He took off his tuxedo from the previous night and started to unbutton his shirt before replacing it with a new button-down that didn't reek of alcohol and sweat, he rolled up his sleeves before reaching for his brown pants and started to slide them on before putting a black belt on to keep his pants up, he then slipped his shoes on and put on his famous tie. He looked nice enough, he brushed his fingers through his hair trying to make it look presentable before popping in a breath mint,
he didn't feel like actually taking the time to look great his thoughts were already all over the place.
Jimmy threw himself onto his bed shoving a pillow into his face,
what happened last night? what did they do? what's going to come because of it? At times like these Jimmy was happy he wasn't married or this would feel way worse, to think of it he wondered how Bob was doing. Jimmy removed the pillow from his face, wait why did he care? He was just some greasy fry cook he teased for fun and accidentally kissed-

Bob shut the door behind him still feeling frazzled by what happened last night. He shook his head and tried to focus on the task at hand, getting home.
Bob made his way out of the apartment and onto the sidewalk he looked to his left and right hoping no one will see him in the dress. He then made his way back to the restaurant as fast as he could, worried if Lin woke up she would be suspicious about why he was gone and question him.
when he got to the restaurant he was a panting mess but realized he didn't have a key on him LINDA did, Bob started to panic but decided to try and open the door anyway, it was unlocked.
Bob was relieved but also annoyed at this but he shrugged it off and he took a step inside and closed the door behind him. It made a somewhat loud squeak that Bob cringed and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment waiting to see if he woke anyone up. Silence, Bob internally cheered as he made his way up the stairs that were also squeaky,
" How old is this place? "
Bob whispered as he made his way up the stairs, when he made his way up he looked around to see no one in sight
" whew "
Bob said before he turned to see Louise,
" Dad? "
Louise said while holding Kuchi kopi, Bob panicked but tried to keep a straight face.
" oh um hi Louise "
Bob said awkwardly covering his neck,
" where we're you? Mom came home drunk with Teddy "
Bob quickly thought of a lie,
" I uh was drunk too and fell asleep in the restaurant "
Bob said nervously, Louise squinted at him suspiciously, the story didn't add up
" Okay "
Lousie said, suspicion in her voice
" well, what's that on your neck? "
Louise asked curiously,
" oh uh me and your mom, "Bob said trying to pull it off but cringed at what he said,
" sick! "
Louise screeched, Bob rolled his eyes
" well, why are you up? "
Bob questioned,
" I was coming back from the bathroom dad " Louise responded annoyed,
" oh uh well you better get back to bed I don't want you tired in the morning "
Bob said sincerely, Louise smiled, her dad was a dork.
" yeah whatever Dad, night " Louise said with a wave before heading back to her room, Bob exhaled worried he was going to get caught before walking to his room and slowly opened the door.
Linda was passed out on the bed with a bit of drool leaking out her mouth, Bob smiled before closing the door behind him, He laid down next to Linda and tried to get comfortable but he couldn't help but feel immense guilt in the pit of his stomach. He tried to ignore it before closing his eyes to try and get just a little sleep before the long day ahead of him.

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