Chapter 7: Morning

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Bob squinted his eyes as a ray of sun shone through the crack of the curtains, the events came back to him like a slap in the face. Guilt still in the pit of his stomach, Bob decided that he should maybe make breakfast for Linda as a silent apology.
He rose from his bed with a groan feeling aches all over his body but especially in his lower back,
maybe he was just too hungover before to feel it? Bob shrugged to himself and sucked it up for Linda
but first he needed to take off this awful dress. He took off his veil and gloves before wiggling out of the dress and opening his Drawer retreiving a gray turtle neck that he never wore but had to wear it to hide his neck he then slipped into his usual jeans before putting on his clogs.
Bob made his way to the bathroom to comb his hair and brush his teeth, when he was done he decided to start breakfast,
" hmmm maybe I should just do eggs and bacon? "
Bob thought which was a bit of a boring breakfast but he didn't feel like doing much else. He started with the bacon slapping them on the pan,
he soon heard a loud thump followed by a bunch of little thumps and pants, was someone running? Bob turned around to see Gene run into the room and sit in his usual chair.
" uh hey Gene? "
Bob said a little confused,
" h-hello * pant father * pant "
Gene replied still trying to catch his breath,
"what was that all about? "
Bob questioned,
" I smelt BACON"
Gene said aggressively,
" alright alright I get it! "
Bob said turning around to flip the bacon,
" what's going on in here? "
Louise asked walking into the kitchen along with Tina,
" Dads making breakfast! "
Gene said enthusiastically,
" oh really? Doesn't mom usually make breakfast? "
Tina asked,
" yeahhh what's the occasion Dad? your all dressed up is it you guys anniversary? "
Louise asked testing her father, Bob gulped
" uh no- I just felt like giving your mom breakfast since she probably has a huge headache and as for my outfit I just felt like spicing up my wardrobe "
Bob said which was partly true, Louise squinted her eyes but shrugged it off. Bob started on the eggs which he soon finished, he served 3 plates to his kids but then got a a tray and put Linda's breakfast along with orange juice on it. He carried the tray gently and headed to their room, Louise waited a few seconds before looking towards her siblings,
" kids meeting "
she said with a determined look in her eyes, Gene gulped but huddled up with his sisters,
" what's up Louise? "
Tina asked confused,
" remember when Mom came home with Teddy last night but not Dad?"
Louise said questioning her siblings,
" yeah "
Gene and Tina said in usion,
" well dad didn't come home till later in the night and he said that he fell asleep in the restaurant "
Louise said suspicion written all over her face,
" yeah what if he wanted a nap in his favorite place in the whole world what's wrong with that?"
Gene asked confused with what was the problem.
" yeah Louise Mom and Dad were probably both drunk last night you saw Mom, Dad probably just went in there for no reason cause he wasn't in his right mind "
Tina said defending her father,
" I just think it's weird okay? "
Louise said getting angry,
" but the weirdest part was that Dads neck was covered in hickies "
Louise said dramatically,
" ooo someone must've had fun last night " Gene said with a wink,
" that was probably just from Mom Louise, like I said they were drunk "
Tina said thinking that Louise was just trying to find some kind of conspiracy about their father.
" ugh! Yknow what never mind! "
Louise said with a huff, she wasn't crazy for thinking this was suspicious, but maybe Tina was right and she was just overreacting. Bob pushed his room door opening it with his hip, Linda was still in bed asleep, he set the tray down on the side of the bed before shaking Linda's shoulder, she groaned but didn't budge, Bob sighed before shaking her more intensely.
" Linda~ " Bob started sweetly, no reply,"Linda- " still no reply, " Linda! " Lindas eyes shot awake as she sat up in bed
" what what? "
Linda said looking side to side before laying her eyes on Bob who was smiling,
" oh Bobby! Ya scared me! "
Linda started before feeling an immense pain in her head,
" oW OW! "
She yelled squinting her eyes in pain,
" hey hey take it easy you had a lot to drink last night "
Bob said rubbing her shoulder lovingly,
" oh right the party I forgot "
Linda replied,
" yeah we both had a lot to drink "
Bob said cringing,
" really? Well at least you let loose Bobby! it's just that I can't remember anything "
Linda said grabbing her head, Bob smiled relieved.
" yeah me either"
Bob said which wasn't a lie,
" but that's okay I'm sure we had fun "
Linda said with a bright smile, Bob smiled sadly feeling guilt overflow him once again
" yeah..."
Bob replied looking away,
" Bobby I don't know if I can work today I feel awful! "
Linda said with a whine, Bob frowned feeling bad,
" it's okay lin I can take care of the restaurant today "
Bob thought he probably couldn't cause he felt just as bad as Linda but he decided to keep it in, Linda smiled,
" you do that for me Bobby?"
Linda asked feeling loved,
" of course I love you"
Bob said,
" awww my big strong Bobby "
Linda said leaning to give Bob a kiss on his cheek, Bob blushed,
" yeah yeah well you eat you breakfast and stay in bed, I'm gonna open the restaurant "
Bob said sitting up and walking towards the door,
" Bye love you!"
Linda yelled,
" love you too "
Bob said closing the door behind him, his smile fell as he felt like sliding all the way to the floor,
" how could I do this to her? "
Bob questioned himself, he felt like crying
" and how am I gonna work the restaurant in these conditions?! "
Bob whisper yelled to himself feeling a tear leave his eyes,
" Dad you okay? "
Tina asked concerned for her father
" yeah dad what's wrong? "
Louise said, Bob's eyes widened,
" k-kids? "
Bob said whipping his eye,
" yeah who else would we be"
Gene piped, Bob chuckled and ruffled Genes hair.
" it's just been a stressful day, your mom's sick so I have to work the restaurant"
Bob said with a sigh,
" you don't have to do it alone! "
Tina beamed, making her Dad happy being her mission.
" yeah I guess we'll help "
Louise said with a groan, Tina bumped her with her elbow,
" OW! Okay okay well help you dad "
Louise said,
" mmm I wanted to eat all the gum off of the tables but I guess I could fit you in my schedule Dad "
Gene said a bit disappointed but happy to help. Bob smiled, he had great kids
" okay well let's head to the restaurant "
Bob said with a bright smile feeling proud. Bob got his keys to the restaurant and headed downstairs with his kids following behind, he opened the front door and held it for his kids that we're currently fighting,
" Gene! Get out of my way! "
Louise yelled,
" hey you don't own the front door! "
Gene said defending himself as he pushed his sister out of the way. Louise groaned but went after Gene, Tina rolled her eyes annoyed by her siblings but followed last out the door. Bob closed the door and locked it before looking over at Jimmy pestos, which just had Jimmy, his kids, and Trev accompanying it. Jimmy was yelling at Andy and ollie to stop sharing the same shirt, while Jimmy jr was slow dancing and Trev was angerly wiping the tables. Bob felt himself smile, until Jimmy noticed him and went quiet, Bob blushed and looked away embarrassed at being caught staring, he hurriedly opened his restaurant and let his kids inside before shutting the door behind him.
" hey Dad what's wrong? "
asked Andy, Jimmy shook his head and crossed his arms.
" nothing just put on your own shirts you guys" Jimmy said with a huff, Ollie got out of Andys shirt and put his own back on not wanting his father angry.
" alright were about to open you guys be normal"
Jimmy said talking to all three of his children,
" Pepper stop dancing please I don't want the customers getting uncomfortable "
Jimmy said pinching the bridge of his nose,
" dancing is my life dad! You just don't understand! "
Jimmy jr said dancing aggressively,
" okay that fine! But I need you working not dancing right now okay? So get all your moves out while you can "
Jimmy exclaimed rolling his eyes annoyed, he looked over his shoulder to see Trev roughly cleaning the glasses at the bar now, he looked pissed, Jimmy raised a brow curiously and decided to ask.
" hey uh Trev buddy what's got you all frustrated? "
Jimmy asked trying to sound nice, Tev stopped what he was doing and looked up at Jimmy,
" oh I don't know Jimmy, maybe because I had to watch you and Bob sucking on each others faces last night! "
Trev whisper yelled so Jimmy's kids wouldn't hear, Jimmy's eyes widened and he stepped back flabbergasted.
" y-you saw that? "
Jimmy asked nervously,
" yeah! You guys weren't very subtle"
Trev said annoyed, Jimmy started to feel himself sweat.
" ok I'm sorry you had to see that Trev but we were both drunk! "
Jimmy whisper yelled defending himself, Trev snorted
" yeah you both were definitely drunk but you probably just had no shame in finally showing your true feelings for each other "
Trev said pointing a finger a Jimmy accusingly, Jimmys face flushed and his eyes flashed with anger.
" that is not what happened! "
Jimmy yelled before covering his mouth and looking behind him to see his kids not even paying attention, Jimmy sighed with relief. Trev scoffed and looked away,
" why does this bother you so much anyway? it's none of your business! "
Jimmy said angrily with a hint of curiosity, now it was Trevs turn to blush.
" I just don't want to see that okay! And it's just frustrating because you talk about how much you hate him! "
Trev said now yelling, Andy and Ollie finally stopped praising each other and looked over along with Jimmy jr who had stopped dancing. Jimmy looked over embarrassment written all over his face before looking back at Trev
" you don't tell anyone about this "
Jimmy threatened before turning to his kids,
" get to work! "
Jimmy yelled startling everyone, Andy, Ollie and Jimmy jr started working vigorously not wanting to be yelled at.
Tev looked down at the bar table and frowned feeling a bit bad for the way he treated Jimmy, he was just jealous, maybe he should apologize-
then he could try to make him his, Trev thought smiling to himself. Jimmy walked over and flipped the sign over to open, he sighed and looked over at Bobs who also flipped his sign over,
They both locked eyes for a moment before ripping them away and getting to work.

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