Chapter 3: The party

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Bob was pulled away from Jimmy by Linda, he knew this was going to happen, he pulled away from her and held his temples frustrated, when he looked back up, he saw Linda shaking her hips left and right while pumping her fists in the air. Teddy soon ran over to Linda and started copying her with a laugh, clearly they already forgot what just happened. Bob locked eyes with Linda, she smiled

" come on Bobby! Dance with us"
" yeah, Bob the water is fine! "
Teddy urged while doing some awkward dance moves that Linda probably taught him when he was going to his cousin's wedding.
" thanks guys you know how I feel about dancing, "
Bob said awkwardly while covering his body once again,
" fine! Ya party pooper!"
Linda said, Bob, rolled his eyes with a sigh and decided maybe he should have his own fun. He headed to the bar and sat down at one of the stools and looked up to see Trev in his pirate costume cleaning a few glasses.
" oh hey, Bob what do YOU want?"
Trev asked trying to sound rude and intimidating like Jimmy wants him to.
" you know, you don't have to talk like that when Jimmy's not around "
Bob said a bit annoyed, Trev let out a deep sigh " sorry Bob I just don't want Jimmy to get mad at me or anything, what would you like to drink? "
Trev asked trying to seem friendly, Bob smiled and said
" surprise me"
Trev nodded and started to get to work. Bob looked around with a bored expression while waiting for his beverage when he saw Jimmy coming his way with a cocky smirk. Bob whipped his head around hoping Jimmy didn't see him but he was too late.
" hey, Bob! What are ya doing trying to hide from me? "
Jimmy asked with a chuckle, Bob groaned
"what do you want Jimmy? "
Bob asked with an annoyed tone.
" Just wanted to chat with the beautiful bride! " Jimmy said trying to urge Bob on, this caused Bob's face to turn red with embarrassment and anger,
" Jimmy! "
Bob said hiding his face,
Jimmy laughed
" Aw is the bride embarrassed? "
Jimmy said in a baby voice, Bob groaned and pushed Jimmy lightly
" but for real what do you want? "
Bob asked
" I'm bored so I decided to mess with ya "
Bob looked at Jimmy with a glare,
" eh fine! I noticed you were alone and not with your wife and weird friend so I decided to give ya some company I guess... "
Jimmy said with a roll of his eyes,
" huh, that's the nicest thing you've said to me Jimmy," Bob said with a small smile, Jimmy's face turned pink from embarrassment.
" it sounds weird when you say it, " Jimmy said looking away, Bob decided to change the subject.
" I'm surprised you invited us I thought you hated me too much to invite me," Bob said surprised
" well you look pathetic with no friends so I decided to invite you guys "
Jimmy said with a laugh but looked back to see a displeased Bob,
" fine! Geez I felt bad for you guys so I decided to include you "
Jimmy said looking away with a scowl, while Bob had a shit-eating grin, Trev turned around with some sort of fruity drink and slid it across the counter to Bob, Bob looked at it curiously, Jimmy scoffed
" never seen a margarita before? "
Bob looked up, pulled out of his headspace
" Hey, I was just looking at it! I've never drunk something like this "
Jimmy raised a brow
" didn't take you as a fruity guy "
Jimmy said with a smirk and a nudge, Bob looked over embarrassed
" Hey! I didn't order this I said surprise me! " Bob said offended
" yeah sure big guy "
Jimmy said in disbelief,
" how about you let me show you a mans drink Bob"
Jimmy said with a smirk,
" hey Trev gives us two glasses of the good stuff "Jimmy ordered, Trev nodded and got to work.
" the good stuff? There aren't any drugs in this right? "
Bob panicked, Jimmy looked at him dumbfounded
" of course not it's just a mixture of hard liquor is all maybe a little too strong so that's why only I get it "
Bob let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Trev turned around and slid two drinks to Jimmy, Jimmy slid one to Bob
" try it, this is a real drink "
Jimmy said before taking a sip of his,
" wait I haven't even finished my other "
" what can't handle a big boy drink?"
Jimmy asked mockingly, Bob decided to show how manly he could be so Bob squeezed his eyes shut and took a big gulp, he immediately coughed, it was so strong it burned his throat. Jimmy laughed
" I take it you don't drink that often? "
Bob shook his head
" no usually just the wine Linda brings home " Bob went for another sip and noticed it didn't burn as much,
" I'm starting to like it "
Bob said with a smile. Jimmy locked eyes with Bob,
" glad I introduced you to real alcohol "
Jimmy said ripping his hazel eyes away from Bob's chocolate brown. Jimmy coughed
" so uh how's the restaurant? I'm assuming bad since no one Is ever there except your noble friends " Jimmy said with a smirk trying to start a conversation, Bob frowned
" not great with customers it's been hard trying to pay the bills but Mr. Fischoedor is nice enough to make some deals with us "
Jimmy's stomach tightened, and he looked at Bob
" deals? "
Bob got the idea that that may have sounded bad
" N-nothing like that! It just favors! "
Bob said embarrassed, Jimmy Let out a sigh worried for a second, wait? Worried? For Bob! No! Jimmy thought while Bob pulled him out of his thoughts.
" but besides that, I guess it's ok, I've been making up some more ideas for the burger of the day! "
Bob said excitedly, Jimmy smiled at him for being so passionate about something, Bob proceeded to tell Jimmy some of his pun-loving burger ideas that made Jimmy laugh. Bob was surprised someone found his puns funny, no one thinks his puns are funny, well-except Teddy sometimes. Jimmy calmed down and looked to see Bob staring at him
"what? "
Jimmy asked not liking the sudden attention,   " oh nothing just no one likes my puns is all, " Bob said with a smile,
" well their stupid that's why I laughed "
Bob's smile fell, Jimmy sighed feeling guilty,
" hey "
Jimmy said as he grabbed Bob's shoulder, the sudden action cause a tingly feeling to shoot up Bob's spine,
" those people don't have good taste, keep up the good work I like your ideas, "
Jimmy said with a smile as he removed his hand from Bob's shoulder. Bob looked at Jimmy with tinted cheeks before looking away. Jimmy raised a brow at Bob's sudden change in mood and frowned. He motioned Trev for more glasses and slid a glass to Bob
" Hey, you have kids right? Tell me- have you ever come home to two of them glued together in their underwear covered with glitter and macaroni? "
Jimmy decided to brighten Bob's mood with a funny story, this brought Bob's attention back to him as he started giggling at the thought.

" Hey, I know how you feel I have crazy experiences with my kids all the time! " Bob said with a laugh and grabbed his next glass. "have you ever had one of your kids threaten a boy that a biker will cut his ears off? "

Both men hollered with laughter then Jimmy motioned for a refill, Trev nodded and filled them up with a frown.
" hey, what's something you like to do in your spare time? "
Bob asked looking tipsy, Both men's cheeks were pink from the liquor
" remember the yacht club? Yeah that's something I kind of do, I guess...but they won't accept me as a " REAl Member "
Jimmy said with air quotes obviously a bit salty about the situation, Bob chuckled
" well they don't know what they're missing " he said while motioning for more drinks. Jimmy looked at Bob with a smirk,
" cheers "
Jimmy said
" cheers! "
Bob responded before they both chugged their glasses, everything started looking a bit fuzzy for Jimmy which caused him to laugh. Bob did the same so he was probably in the same boat, 

" w-what about you? "
Jimmy asked " huh? " Bob looked at Jimmy curiously
"your hobbies!"
Jimmy said with a laugh,
" oh! Huh I like watching tv, especially with my family "
Bob said with a smile,
" what do you like to watch? "
Jimmy asked,
" I'll watch anything even if it's bad I just like making fun of it "
Bob said with a hiccup,
Jimmy snorted
" didn't think of you as the judgmental type," Jimmy said surprised, he then had a sudden idea come to his head.
" hey look at that guy "
Jimmy whispered while wrapping his arm around Bob's shoulder, he pointed at a guy in a blonde wig and blue dress with badly done makeup, Bob looked and tried to suppress a laugh. Jimmy whispered
" what's he supposed to be? A knock-off of Taylor swift? Cause he looks more like Paris Hilton "
This caused Bob to let out a few laughs and snorts, Jimmy's face turned red from how cute Bob's laugh was. Some people were looking but Bob and Jimmy were too drunk to care, Jimmy laughed along with Bob but soon found himself lost in Bob's eyes, which threatened tears from the amount of laughter that erupted from the man. Bob soon calmed down and looked up at Jimmy that was staring at him with a smirk.

The Halloween party ( Bob x Jimmy )Where stories live. Discover now