Ghost Boxes, rare and tricky

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The kitchen was bustling with questions for a while.

"Where are you from?"

"How is the king evil?"

"Where is Fran?"

"Do you like ice cream?"

"Do you have powers?"

"Uh," Elizabeth took a step back. "Ok so, I am from the Silver Kingdom, far north, the king kidnapped me and killed my family, and other things, um, I don't know where Fran is, yes, I like ice cream, and yes, we have powers." She took a breath. "What are your powers?" Nightmare asked, hopping onto the counter eating a 3rd poptart.

Elizabeth smiled. "Well, almost everyone in my kingdom have a power. Those with the strongest, like Alice here, are leaders and soldiers." A few perked up when they heard Alice was strong. Elizabeth continued. "Alice is the only one of the Silver Protectors, the strongest group of protectors, who knows about the evil king. I am a physic. She can basically control minds and warp reality. She can make it seem as if you aren't even here." Alice smiled. "I can. But Eli is the real star. She is the personal advisor to the king. She has suffered the most. He killed many and took over the kingdom 15 years ago. The land is peaceful, but it comes at the cost of freedom, and his evil deeds against her." Elizabeth pulled her bag out. "His power is memory suppression. We thought it was more of a deleting thing, but recent events show that lost memories can be recovered. As for your friend, she is being used to lure you in, and god knows what else. The king himself is seeing to her." There was a moment of silence, remembering the lost hero of their group.

Alice stepped closer to the group gathered at the table. "I can lead you to the kingdom. My team will listen to me. If I show them the truth, they will follow. It's fighting the king, and rescuing your friend that gets tricky. He has her in a magic cell. Soundproof, and magically locked. We would need an object of incredible magical value. Something that radiates such power that it could destroy all else." Wilbur giggled in the corner. Tommy looked over. "Anything to add Wil?" He asked. Wilbur nodded. "We need a ghost box." He said. All the ghosts in the room turned. "A ghost box?" Henry said questioningly. Clara was sleeping in the corner still, but Eli looked shaken. Charlie sighed and sat down. Cassidy rubbed her hands together. Chara tugged on her sweater nervously. Chris shook his head. "So, what is a ghost box?" Frisk asked.

Just as a reminder. The characters in the room and description of what it looks like are as follows. Clara, Elizabeth Afton, Chris, Charlie, Henry, Cassidy, Chara, Nightmare, Frisk, Mike, Techno, Tommy, Ghostbur, Philza, Alice, Elizabeth(SK). William is still sleeping in the living room. Clara is sleeping in the corner. Philza, Tommy, and Techno are seated at one end of the table, the head, with Wilbur floating around through the air. Nightmare is sitting on the counter. Charlie, Elizabeth, and Cassidy are sitting at the table as well. Chris is floating though the air. Alice and Elizabeth(SK) are standing in the front of the room. Mike is leaning against a wall in the back of the group. Henry is also leaning against a wall, all be it closer to the front of the group. Chara and Frisk are sitting on the ground, with Frisk snuggled close into Chara's side.

"A ghost box huh?" They all turned. There standing in the door was William Afton. "Will..?" Clara whispered, as she wiped her sleeves across her eyes. "Yeah. I think I'm better now." Clara Hughes him. "But, you guys want a ghost box? That's an incredibly dangerous item. And extremely rare. How would we get one without getting killed?" Ghostbur smiled. "I know where one is!"

They all turned. "Is it on the SMP?" Tommy asked. "Yep! It's buried." Tommy, Techno, and Phil went pale. "It's not that box, is it?" Techno asked. "The one we found in JSchlatt's house that we didn't recognize?" Phil questioned. "The one we buried WITH Schlatt?" Wilbur nodded. "That's the one!"

"How are we going to get there!" The rest of the group stared as the four argued about what to do. "It's in the middle of L'Manburg!(don't quote me on that, I have no real idea where it is.) We would have to get in, dig it up, and get out without the Eggpire getting us! Which is impossible since those stupid vines report directly to them!" Tommy shouted. "Wait- I have an idea." Techno said. "We need Tubbo. We send Tubbo, and a small search party, and they go dig it up. We wait at the house and then we all come back here."

They continued talking. It was decided that Tommy, Alice, Chara, Frisk, and Cassidy would go. It was small, but large enough to protect each other. Soon, Tommy had teleported them, and Phil, to their house.

"Ok. Be back here in two hours. At least by sundown." Phil said. They all agreed and began the trek to L'Manburg.

The walk was long. The hot sun beat over them as they walked through open plains, and the cool chill settled in their bones through dense forests. They took a small break at a large river, but eventually had to keep walking. Soon, the outlines of a city began to emerge.


Ok so I know I said I was taking a long break, but I just really wanted to post today. So here is a good chapter. Also, any feedback is welcome!  

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