School Faction Riot Part One 7

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My job was to grant my lady's wishes, but if I didn't understand what they were, I wouldn't be able to help her. On the way back to the classroom after the tea party was finished, I decided to confirm her intentions.

"My lady, what are you thinking about?"

"There are individuals with strong thoughts of elitism gathering around the second prince."

It was a round-about way of saying things, but she meant that the second prince was an elitist as well.

I would've doubted it if it weren't my lady saying it. Or rather, in the game, she was the one with the elitist thoughts while the prince was a person who advocated against them.

People with those ideals were congregating together– how Lady Sophia was able to assert this in such a short period of time meant that they weren't even trying to hide it.

It was quite unexpected for the prince to be taken in with such people.

Was it part of the setting that he changes his mind in these three years before the game begins, or just like my lady, has he been affected by some kind of external influence... either way, it was necessary to keep a close eye on him. 

" the way, did you understand what you were doing when you created your faction, my lady?

"Yes, I did."

If the second prince really was an elitist, then their faction's influence was far stronger than I thought. Even if we tried to avoid them, we'd be swallowed up by their power no matter how much we hated it. Knowing that, it was necessary to take immediate measures to prevent such a scenario from occurring.


"Is there not a way to distance ourselves from both powers?"

"I don't want to."

"Y-you don't want to?"

I didn't think that my suggestion would be immediately rejected, so I was left dumbfounded for a moment.

"To avoid aligning ourselves from either powers, we'd need to establish ourselves as neutral force, while taking appropriate actions to match that stance, but doesn't that mean I'd have distance myself from you as well, Cyril?"

"You should do that if it's something necessary."

"But it's not necessary. Why would you suggest something so mean?"

"I wasn't trying to. My lady, are you really going to put yourself in opposition to one of this country's royals?"

Even if the prince was part of the elitists, Lady Sophia easily had the power to compete with him. Which is exactly why the other parties wouldn't leave her alone. The intensification of this conflict was inevitable.

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